Uwoll Settlement in Violem | World Anvil
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What do you do when you are outcasts in the world? Looked down upon for being different and can't achieve the same things others can do with ease? Simple, make yourself a new home. Uwoll, Minauran Haven, the city without magic. Forged by the hands of hundreds if not thousands of Minaurans, who for generations have been seen as the lower species compared to Sorcerers & Necromancers. A conglomeration of villages a towns protected behind its borders, located in the North of the Craters of Crellan. Here Minaurans and other species deemed as inferior can live in peace without fear of being themselves.   Whilst its history does not stretch as far back as cities like Fi-Ha or Norpelda, the city has made a lasting impression on the lands of Cytal. Originally founded by Uwoll the Minauran sometime early in the Dark Times. Who rallied local villages and towns to throw out magical species so they could claim the land themselves. Then creating a border of raw materials around three towns, stretching miles in either direction. Wood, stone and iron walls made a clear impression that Uwoll was for Minaurans, and Minaurans only. Generations later the people of the city would find sympathy for other species discriminated for being different like the Marubell and Ka-Ko-Rae. But still in present, Sorcerers dare not enter the city. Necromancers on the other hand, think it an easy target for assertion.   The nature of dark magic wielders can't resist the temptation of conquering the non-magical society and on multiple occasions began skirmish, fights and battles with Uwoll in hopes of having more power in a world of magic. However they always underestimate the intelligence, skill and strength of the Minaurans who protect the haven. Whilst battle maybe bloody and drawn out, in the end Uwoll still stands triumphant.   Within the walls the buildings and farms are largely spaced out, with three major towns that host shops, taverns and various workshops. The rest of the land is speckled with farms to keep the citizens watered and fed. Once living inside the city, very few leave as they find life here a lot more peaceful and far less judgemental. But some have been known to leave the safety of the border, the most famous in recent times being Eurl who became one of The 12 Commanders. Showing the beings of Violem that Minaurans are not as weak as once thought of in the past.
Cytal Map 2
Alternative Name(s)
Minauran Haven


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