Duryadi | Durish Ethnicity in Urbûn | World Anvil
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Duryadi | Durish

The Duryadi people are a rich, family oriented, clan-based and traditional race. Having lived in the same land for over a costal deserts for centuries, they have developed a unique identity that helps them live in the unique land of Naghron. The way the dress, act, and the things they believe have all been refined and established over the years.The Duryadi are a clan-based, seafaring cultural group that was comprised of members from multiple species all bound by a common culture, creed, and code.   The Duryadi is an ethnic group of various races who make up the primary population of Duryad. While they share many of the cultural traits of their Shaa'douin roots, their culture is unique as well, shaped by their experiences in Naghron.   The people of what is now the Qyzharate of Duryad first lived in the central and southern regions of that area but spread as the The Qyzharate of Duryad did. Now they are numerous and because of successful trade have also spread across the world.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aelinor, Alysanne, Alyssa,Arihime, Baela, Daella, Daena, Elaena, Helaena, Haleema, Jaehaera, Laena, Naerys, Rhae, Rhaella, Rhaelle, Rhaena, Rhaenyra, Rhaenys, Nysyassa, Kamerşah. El Drakhoun, Erlipatys, Eshsira, Sosira, Valqorel, Lilofyire, Therbis, Cristhyra, Kanorae, Valmeila, Lorarinn, Zofshann, Jovyre, Malzys, Crismyse, Nagil, Suwophyl, Kahymm, Orinorae, Grigil, Rashifyire, Zofsira, Liloxiris, Erlivyre, Yavyre, Qicys, Perthibra, Drysthibra, Qimeila, Drysshann, Grisira, Nysmeila, Wrawophyl, Eshriel, Qifyire, Komeila, Belbirith, Darina, Kohime, Valpatys, Mibirith, Uriqorel, Irlyvys, Kelshann, Fennys, Irlyrish, Koxora, Xywophyl, Lilorann, Sufyire, Zofgwen, Halyassa, Arizys, Gurgwen, Aqwen, Zenbis, Quilthibra, Therdalynn, Naliann, Theryassa, Quilshann, Erlirinn, Caliann, Yrqwen, Neszys, Nesgwen, Erlisira, Sobith, Eshshann, Zenbis, Wrarina, Vyrabith, Thagwen, Loralarys, Sogwen, Belnorae, Cabirith, Xiszys, Xyriel, Yrliann, Vyrafyire, Zofthibra, Ushibith, Faelarys, Zenpora, Wrathibra, Obis, Lorariel, Orinorae, Keldrish, Nesbis, Jocoria, Belvyre, Criswophyl, Liloyassa, Suliann, Iriezys, Orishann, Faepatys,

Masculine names

Arachar, Alixan, Arkul, Alidorim, Baltoghlu, Balaur, Bhalstar, Balxan, Balvull, Belkax, Brensashi, Beljhan, Belcrath, Belziros, Caerfras, Caerlin, Calugar, Drazavur, Docrath, Durbarum, Dolin, Drakax, Durwarum, Eragrax, Faerjurn, Faerxan, Faersashi, Frokris, Faerqiroth, Gharthalo, Gherash, Greyax, Goraxan, Hamilcar, Hasdrubal, Hetrin, Hiskan, Hixan, Jinwunax, Jaryax, Jinrash, Krivjhan, Krivroth, Kilskan, Magon, Malchus, Zorfras, Zraqiroth, Zraziros, Zrafarn, Zragar

Unisex names

Arrax, Caraxes, Meraxes, Syrax, Tyraxes, Zhor

Family names

Althadin, Amreashtur, Amruajad, Axor, Axic, Crincacmir, Creastatorrun, Cralthud ,Carek, Clerrhon, Certhejaal, Cechikel, Crancar, Cemtun, Clecanendek, Claammedamuur ,Craldesuudul, Yalduash, Uaxal, Kruamrith, Kloldrindead, Nyuuldus, Thacodimin , Voccith, Numbucmid, Folmac, Lualrur, Klealkiar, Klichuuth, Temmudak, Foldraankonid, Krephuarid Narnajir, Karrhish,Ucer, Yumputhorguun, Tuaphek, Dimpeadulus, Shornash, Ernanthijar, Myemrik, Yelxidak, Gaarthar, Myimrin,  Gilxekilluc, Onxidelith, Kiphir, Iccuuc, Krialras, Yorthus, Urrhaan, Shaammasijic, Drarnok, Malxaan, Kluapor, Nyombukmul, Faaldintharrun, Uuxirirgek, Maccal, Mempal, Unxas, Tirdunkundak, Diltheth, Merdijad Kliphith Delmokmidoc Gamticosh Embiacnirgir Nemmiashkmek Enxendrek Tialtetar Narjun Gearthashkmec Dialruc Yichojek Cloldrajur Uardin Pruncenshtor Shuanxur Tarrhunthergesh Klasteash Fildoker Ildad Irnealas Klampad Shimpiduk Klinxankiar Taarrhileallac Enkenthuad Erostumak Sheccac Oldak Kambuun Tacaad Thaamtekelud Dompin Tharrhushkmenir Dustec Kricetol Liltutes


Major language groups and dialects

Literacy was high among the Duryadi people, as it was a requirement for the mercantile trade. The Duragic language was a mixture of Draconic, Goblin, and Ashadan, using the Draconic alphabet.

Culture and cultural heritage

Duryadi were descendants of the slaves of the genies who ruled great empires in Ashad. These ancestors were not native to the continent of Naghron. After the djinni's power dwindled, the Duryadi were able to free themselves of the genies' yoke and emigrated from Ashad using a portal.

Shared customary codes and values

The Duryadi shared a common culture that was based on a sense of responsibility to their clans, encompassed in three key concepts:
  • Omin' iejirsjighen (Blood commands unity, clan earns it), meaning the things individuals owed to their clans because they were taught their importance, such as defending your country or being a good host.
  • Omin' iejirkkessh (What the clan writes on the blood), the things individuals owed to their clans that didn't needed to be taught, such as respecting your clan elders and knowing the importance of traditions.
  • Throtominarr, the honor individuals showed to their ancestors by improving on what they had created, such as increasing their clan's status, without undoing what their ancestors had made.
  Likewise, Duryadi weren't directly rude if they had something to say. When they wanted to criticize something, they arranged their compliments in such a way that the insult somehow was omitted (such as congratulating someone who had bad writing about their "good penmanship", because talking about their swordsmanship was a waste of time). Thymari called that sjashukri.   If an individual didn't respect those key concepts, they would disappoint their clans, and in some cases that would earn them exile. Exiled Duryadi were striped of their piercings as a sign of disapproval, and they were also stripped of their right to use their clan names.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

As prideful warriors, they held combat as the cornerstone to their culture, their individual identity, and spirit. Duryadi shared a strong code of honor that could be invoked to settle disputes with one-on-one combat that would conclude with the death of one opponent. This affinity and tradition for single combat extended beyond justice, however, as Duryadi even sought single combat simply for the glory of fighting a great opponent, and even used as a form of self-expersion.   The Duryadi people long ago learned to train and domesticate elephants and use them for beasts of riding, burden and war. Like their masters, were decorated with scarlet and gold. They even strapped towers on their backs, garrisoned by Durish archers and spearmen.   The Duryadi kept axe beaks, elephants, gypsocuta, camels, Durish  and wyverns, akin to what other cultures did with hawks and other birds of prey.   Horses were a kind of novelty for Thymari dragonborn, as such beasts weren't common in Abeir. As such, horses, specially warhorses were highly valued by Thymari, who cared for them as precious friends   a tribe of orcs known as the Icebeast orcs were skilled at taming and training such creatures as woolly mammoths and remorhaz   The Duryadi have a long tradition of mastering and breeding the creatures of the world into slaves of various sorts. Many, for instance, enjoyed working with wolves or worgs. Similarly, many drake breeds were first bred by hobgoblins.   Hippogriffs were highly prized as aerial steeds. Because they were not as intelligent as griffons, a friendly attitude from the hippogriff to the rider or tamer was not required, but they still require a specialized saddle and appropriate training. The easiest way to tame a hippogriff was to steal an egg and raise it from birth, but these were not easy to obtain,[4] due to the ferocity of their defenders.[2] In Zakhara, the Caliphate of Huzuz raised large numbers of hippogriffs for military service.[   Axe beaks play a large role in the daily and national life of the Taloni; it is traditionally said that: "A Taloni without their Axe beak is like a bird without their wings" Naghrian proverb . Axe beaks were domesticated by and the favored mounts of taloni. Tribes of them were known to keep up to a hundred Axe beaks. Within their lairs taloni provided for them food, shelter, and breeding grounds.   Upon hatching they would bond with a taloni, becoming both their mount and friend until death. This master took full responsibility for their welfare in turn, raising and training them.   Taloni placed saddles atop the hips of Axe beaks controlled their mounts with a simple rope around their horse's neck and a small riding stick. Bridles were not an option, since axe beaks would bite through them with their sharp beaks.   While it may be difficult to believe that such a ferocious animal would be suitable as a beast of burden, axebeaks have been successfully domesticated by the desert elves that reside in Drang. While their domestication methods are a fiercely protected secret among the elves, it has been speculated that the elves may have domesticated the axe beaks first by stealing eggs (taking advantage of the axe beak chicks' imprinting on the first creature they see as their parent) and selectively breeding the offspring to become less aggressive and more docile and compliant. The axebeaks are used by the elves as mount animals, leading to the desert elves' unparalleled reputation as mounted archers and cavalry fighters. The beasts have also proven strong and sturdy enough to pull wagons and other vehicles over large distances across the desert before becoming fatigued.

Funerary and Memorial customs

They held their histories as sacred truths they had to look up when they faced a dilemma, before deciding how to resolve it, and they showed the remains of their death great reverence. Duryadi mummified the remains of their death and interred them in clan crypts. When a Duryadi was mourning, it used white clothes, or tied white ribbons to their weapons.


Gender Ideals

Duryadi women, of the citizenry class, enjoyed a status, power, and respect that was unknown in the rest of the classical world. The higher status of females in Duryadi society started at birth; unlike Magowan, Duryadi girls were fed the same food as their brothers. Nor were they confined to their father's house and prevented from exercising or getting fresh air as in Magowan, but exercised and even competed in sports. Most important, rather than being married off at the age of 12 or 13, Duryadi law forbade the marriage of a girl until she was in her late teens or early 20s. The reasons for delaying marriage were to ensure the birth of healthy children, but the effect was to spare Duryadi women the hazards and lasting health damage associated with pregnancy among adolescents. Duryadi women, better fed from childhood and fit from exercise, stood a far better chance of reaching old age than their sisters in neighboring states, where the median age for death was 34.6 years or roughly 10 years below that of men. Unlike Magowanese women who wore heavy, concealing clothes and were rarely seen outside the house, Duryadi women wore dresses slit up the side to allow freer movement and moved freely about the city, either walking or driving chariots. Girls as well as boys exercised, possibly in the nude, and young women as well as young men may have participated in the "Festival of Nude Youths".   The Qyzharate of Duryad is well known for its long tradition of gender equality. There are hardly any occupational boundaries for women. They have full access to higher education and are equal before the law, thus, women can also become mayors, and magistrates, thereby occupying the highest-ranking civilian positions in most of the nation. Likewise, a Crown Princess or female Kapral is not uncommon, and historical sagas about Fire Princesses just as powerful and feared are well known. By the time before the calamity, this gender equality extended to the military which included women soldiers, some of whom rose to commanding officers.

Courtship Ideals

Duryadi seemed to have a lenient opinion about sexual preferences. There wasn't a strong stigma against same-sex relationships or extra-marital relationships, and the elders usually saw those relationships as "hatchling stuff". Relationships with members of other races were considered "exotic", but weren't particularly frowned upon.

Major organizations