Bowbury Settlement in Torar | World Anvil



Bowbury is a small, agrarian village in the unclaimed lands. With next to no way to defend itself, it's a miracle that it has survived for the last century since it was founded. The populace are devout Solanians who all work together for the good of the village. Outsiders are greeted politely but are never to be fully trusted. Arcane magic is employed by the morally bankrupt who reject Solanus. Likewise to be kept at arm's length are Tieflings, Gaians, Genasi, Warforged, and Orcs, as well as anyone that willingly lives away from the sun's light, such as many Smallfolk (except for halflings, of course).


80% human (161), 10% half-elf (20), 5% halfling (10), 5% other.


Bowbury, like many villages and small towns in the unclaimed lands, is independent and run entirely by its mayor, Simon, who also owns and runs the local in. The town operates more like a collective or commune than any sort of feudal vassal however, as no taxes are paid or asked, and everything produced is shared with the village. Likewise there is no jail, though there is a Marshall, a man named Petra Baker, who works with the mayor to handle disputes and dealing with those that break the village's laws.

Industry & Trade

Bowbury survives mainly off of agriculture, with many fields of wheat, barley, and millet. There is also a sizeable corn field and various other fields, including a livestock field. Most other professions in town, such as the blacksmith, cobbler, and tailor, are held by a single individual who performs multiple functions.


Simon's Inn

Owner: Simon Heiser (male human) Location: Near the village square. Description: The tavern is a plaster and wood framed simple building, with a green tile roof and a pillared curved-roof entryway. It was once a Foerdewaithian barracks, and has a collection of old imperial arms and armor. It contains an inviting hearth and a small stage for performers.  

The Royal Whistles

Owner: Galinndan Cithreth (male half-elf) Location: On the main street near the town center. Description: The general store is a wooden tower, with a white shingled roof and finely-crafted furniture. It contains a number of small braziers and several lanterns hanging from the roof beams.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank


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