Still Sun

Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
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The Still Sun is celebrated at the start of the Mercurian calendar. The tradition was once to turn off all lights to appease the zealous Sun, but these days the Mercurian people light even more to spite him.

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History Scorching of Mercury
Locations Caduceus · Penumbra · Biomes ( Sunbleached Wastelands ) · Iron Spires ( Hokusai · Hun Kal ) · Enheduanna
Characters Blue NM-2 · Eun · Sciah · Roseah · Tray
Species Keras ( Mot · Walker )
Politics Ruling ( Mercurian Triumvirate · Interplanetary Solar Defence Council ) · Keystone of Mercury
Society Ethnicities ( Refugees of Mercury · Nomads of Mercury ) · Borealis Ice Mining
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