2023 WorldEmber
November Preparation
Week 1: Pledge
The city of Galendra lies smoldering in the aftermath of the last year. Gangs maintain a temporary truce, aiding in clearing rubble and rebuilding with supplies are flown in from covert sources. But how did we get here?
Word Count Goal
I've done 50k for NaNoWriMo, and did 26k this Summer Camp, but I don't expect to have the energy for lofty number this December. As such, my starting goal is "just" 10,000 .Area of Focus
The Gal Pals campaign lasted close to two years, taking place primarily within Nisora's largest city. Much of the world was built - and destroyed - in that time, but I've barely written about any of it. For WorldEmber, I'm writing about a lawless planet, its gangs and their leaders, secrets and political intrigue, and the people willing to risk their lives to preserve their riotous way of life.Week 2: Organizing
I'd written mini-metas for Nisora and other planets the day before this homework was released. Imagine my surprise to see I'd pre-empted the week's homework. Meta Info Here- Convey the vibe
- List key themes and goals
- Hint at potential plot hooks
Category Structure
All planets have the same four sub-categories, but Nisora's focus on factions necessitated additional sub-categories under a couple to limit how many articles they contain.- Keep the same 4 base categories
- Minimize category nesting
- Have 3-10 articles per category
I often struggle to list sources of inspiration. Innumerable experiences combine to form what I create, and I can't pinpoint exactly what helped me make certain connections. When it comes to writing for World Anvil, I find bits of inspiration everywhere. But there are three worlds in particular that each inspire an aspect of my worldbuilding philosophy:Give Space
Annie Stein & skairunner remind me to give words space on the screen & mind space to imagine.Be Immersed
Nimin N reminds me to let myself become part of the world I'm building and ones I'm reading.Find Joy
Mochi reminds me to always love what I create and find happiness in the process of creating it.Week 3: Homepage
Another assignment I've somewhat pre-empted -- as part of my new CSS theme, I reworked some of my homepage. I have it broken into three sections that offer less and less guidance the farther you scroll down the page.Week 4: Writing Plan
This homework is technically "last-minute prep", but seeing as I already write near-daily... there aren't any preparations I need to make for a month of writing. So I've rebranded it as Writing Plan. Knowing no plan survives contact with the enemy. I entered all Gal Pals-related articles into kumu.io and created a relationship diagram of key connections, priority, article type, and status. Long-term, I want to turn all pink nodes blue. For December, I'm going to work through the higher-priority articles in story order, starting at the beginning of the campaign and seeing how far I get.Word Count Progress
WorldEmber Progress Bar
21,048 / 10,000
Prep Checklist
Word count goalArea of focus
Category organization
Inspiration list
Homepage update
Define a plan
Cozy Cottage Enclave
Cozy Cottage Enclave
Cozy Cottage Oath:
- I will stop to stoke the fire when it dwindles. Rest when you are tired and for as long as you need.
- I won't force the fire to fit a different stove. Let your plans inspire you, not control you.
- I will follow sparks of joy, not chase dying embers. Write and read what you enjoy, not what's forced.
- My flame is beautiful and undying. Believe in yourself and your ability to create, including when it's a struggle.
- I will tend to all flames under my care. Working toward non-WorldEmber goals adds to your successes.
Loving the new look! I'm very excited to see what we'll get from (wow)Talos, and to just, you know, continue to dig into a world I really enjoy. alsooo I hope there's room for one more in the cozy cottage! those are some lovely guidelines <3
The cozy cottage automatically changes shape to fit all occupants at maximum coziness :D I'm hoping we get official assets soon so I can add them to the badge
Speculative-Fiction Writing