
Restored from the Flames

Eh, we can accept your rule. I'm sure your Grand Duke will appreciate our taxes and we'd appreciate it if you didn't burn this town to the ground.
— Árl Engbert
  Bátwíc is a large coastal town situated on the Helred peninsula of Lithmark. Its people were the first victims of the Rahyamin Empire's conquest of the Ceireds, resulting in the near destruction of the settlement. The war reduced Bátwíc into a small crumbling village until centuries later, during the War of the Rahyamins, the settlement saw a significant influx of people.   The town falls within the borders of the Grand Duchy of Ismajlas, making it the only major settlement in Pekkola to submit to southern rule.  


The two defining events that shaped the town of Bátwíc were its destruction during the invasion of Pekkola and the recovery after the empire's downfall. Bátwíc remained a free city for a while until Ismajlas, an emerging power to their south, demanded their peaceful annexation.  


In the year 187 AU, the Rahyamin Empire, a powerful state that had expanded to Pekkola from the south, was ready to march into Lithmark. While the bulk of their forces advanced on Líþceaster, a smaller army moved on Bátwíc to conquer the Helred peninsula.   During that period, Bátwíc was well-known as a centre of trade and the wealth they possessed was highly sought after. The local merchant elite knew that their subjugation carried the risk of their fall from grace. To prevent this, they armed the citizenry with the best gear they could acquire and prepared them for battle.   Unbeknownst to the merchants, however, the attack on Bátwíc came from both land and sea. The unexpected amphibious invasion caught the locals off-guard, resulting in a Rahya victory.


The ruling government of the town surrendered and accepted the empire's dominion over the peninsula, but not all were willing to accept that fate. When the bulk of the garrison had embarked on assisting the other armies in their conquests, the local populace staged a revolt.   The rebels were able to overwhelm the remaining Rahya forces, and they successfully seized parts of the town, but the Imperial Guard kept control of the port. Eventually, reinforcements were able to use the port and a second battle for the settlement ensued. During the chaos multiple fires had broken out, resulting in the destruction of much of the town. By the end of it all, the Rahya stood victorious over a pile of ashes and crumbling ruins.  


Accept us as your own, fellow Ceireds. We will help you rebuild this place. Bátwíc could once again control the flow of goods in these waters.
— Refugee leader
  Bátwíc's fortunes turned for the better in the midsts of the War of the Rahyamins, the conflict that tore apart the empire. Refugees from the core heartlands of the wartorn country fled north, many of them ending up on the Helred peninsula.   A significant portion of those fleeing the war were ethnic Ceireds who sought to return to their ancestral homeland. The influx of newcomers allowed the settlement to recover.   Within decades the majority of the old ruined buildings had either been restored or entirely rebuilt. Much to their disappointment, their control over the regional trade routes never reached the levels of influence they possessed before the town's destruction.
Founding Date
33 BU
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Grand Duchy of Ismajlas
Ethnicity | Sep 29, 2021

Ceireds are an industrious folk who live in the southern parts of Pekkola. While they can be rather rude and vindictive, they are a quick thinking folk who have mastered the art of siege warfare.

Rahyamin Empire
Organization | Jun 27, 2020

The Rahyamin Empire was the beacon of civilisation that brought most of Pekkola under its banner through force and manipulation


Flag and Coat of Arms

The streets of Bátwíc are decorated with red and blue flags, the exact age of which remains unknown.   Locals claim that the blue half represents their affinity to the sea and all of its splendour. The red part is supposed to show the fierce will and desire to fight for their right to exist. Both colours are commonly seen on Bátwícer ship sails and their traditional garments.   Bátwíc's coat of arms also prominently features the red and blue along with a knarr, the preferred merchant vessel of the settlement's traders.   While the flag can be used by all residents, the coat of arms belongs to the ruling family. Those who aren't members of the House of Lheiss may only display the dynastic heraldry on their shields as to represent their allegiance.


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Jul 28, 2020 09:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

From your descriptions of its history, Bátwíc really came alive for me. I particularly like the discussion of its flag and the potential symbolism there.

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