
Architects of Warfare

Each and every one of us has been holding inside a great sense of anger. This fury we bear has grown too burdensome and the only release from its grip is to take aim at the source of all our woes — the Rahyamins.
— Alfrēd Ƿulfrūnson, 279 AU
  The Ceireds are an industrious folk who live in the southern parts of Pekkola in the lands of Lithmark and Rieweck. They are an ethnic group that arose from contact between the Vakner settlers who had migrated south from Henvikendal, and the native Riewhi people. While their northern brothers are known for being polite to deal with, the Ceireds have a reputation of being the opposite. They are regarded as vindictive and rude, but regardless of their attitudes they know how to seize control and take the lead.  


When looking upon a man or woman from Ceired lands one might confuse them for a southerner or perhaps a Tathian at first, but in reality they are as northern as the rest of the peoples of Pekkola. Their physique is fairly average and nothing remarkable, as their prowess lies in the ways they use their minds. Unlike their Vakner brothers, the Ceireds aren’t fussed about their looks and they often neglect their appearances. This is partially as a result of simply not caring, but for many their diligence keeps them far too distracted with work to have time for lesser matters.    


The Ceireds have tan white or olive skin and dark hair, which they typically prefer to cut short. Most of their people have hazel or brown eyes, but there’s a small minority of people in Lithmark who stand out with their deep blue eyes.

Strong and prominent brows are commonly associated with the Ceireds, and a sizable portion of their population have thick bushy eyebrows.

While an individual can most often be identified as a Ceired by the colour of their skin, eyes, and hair, the best way to make sure they are one is to grab them by the neck. Ceireds on average have a far thicker neck than their northern and southern neighbours.
After the incorporation of Tathland into the empire, our armies sailed across the sea to face the unkempt barbarians. These thick-necked foes proved themselves a most vile adversary, and parts of our army had found themselves at the bottom of the sea. Upon our great victory, we were able to observe them from up close, determining that these northmen were a strange mix of cultures.
— Peoples of Pekkola - Ceireds


For the past few generations, vengeance has been the driving factor in Ceired society. Every child in Lithmark and Rieweck grows up hearing tales of heroic deeds and the vile acts of dishonourable treachery committed by the Rahyamin Empire. That fury fuels them to enact vengeance on an already fallen foe and has caused them to be an eternal rival to the Remnant in Pekkola.     Strong leaders are required to tame the anger within the Ceireds, and luckily their people have developed into natural-born statesmen and commanders who can lead their people. Often the greatest leader isn’t necessarily the one in charge of the country, resulting in power struggles that weaken the united power of the Ceired.  


Ages ago the wise leaders of Rieweck adopted the law of Acgberth and Offa, a set of legal provisions which are followed to this day. The ancient laws are upheld by venerable lawspeakers and each court employs a court charterman for judicial guidance.   The old laws tend to be rather specific about punishments. While stealing another man’s sheep might only cost you two fingers and a fine, covering their doorknob in the blood of a seven-year-old cow is a crime punishable by death.
Don’t you go off wondering into the wetlands now, kids! You all ought to know well enough that by old Offa’s law, the price for going to see the Many-Eyed Swamp Hag is an arm and a leg.   And that’s of course assuming that you’ll live long enough to tell the tale! You never know what those nasty hags are up to.
— Balthild of Merscniht

Regional Differences

Rough heights and dangerous marshes lie at the borderlands of Rieweck and Lithmark. The Ceired who dwell in the regions have diverged from each other in some ways but the tongue they speak has remained.   Both dialects have clung on to their original roots, allowing for mutual intelligibility between the tongues. Those native to one of the Ceired languages can also understand roughly half of what a Vakner from Henvikendal might be saying, although misunderstanding will probably arise from such conversations.  


While the other peoples of Pekkola may pride themselves in mastering some key aspects of the battlefield, the strength of the Ceireds lies in siege warfare. During the reign of the Rahyamins, their foreign rulers had built many a great castle in Ceired lands with the intention of using them to suppress the populace. Knowing this, the locals studied all they could from the buildings. Many prominent locals used their knowledge to fund research into both architecture and siege equipment.  
  The interest in siege warfare has only grown and become a vital aspect of Ceired militaries. After the Rahya had been driven from their lands, a great academy was established in the town of Goldtúr, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in all things concerning the destruction and construction of walls.
  Scholars from all corners of Lithmark and Rieweck gather there to learn in peace and under the protection of the local lord.
Let them cower behind their walls if that is what they desire. Bring the walls down on them! Crush their skulls and whatever hopes they have of winning this war.
— Cenwulf Cenrædson
c. 332,000
Related Locations
Riewecker Names


Arncytel, Balthere, Beorhtfrith, Beorhthelm, Beorhtmær, Beorhtnoth, Beorhtric, Beorhtsige, Beorhtwine, Beorn, Beornræd, Beornwulf, Burgheard, Byrhtnoth, Cearl, Cenfus, Cenræd, Cenwulf, Ceolwulf, Cerdic, Copsige, Cuthberht, Cuthræd, Cynehelm, Cynewulf, Cytelbearn, Eadberht, Eadfrith, Eadgar, Eadmund, Eadmær, Eadric, Eadræd, Eadsige, Eadulf, Eadweald, Eadweard, Eadwig, Eadwine, Eadwulf, Ealdhun, Ealdmund, Ealdræd, Ealdwine, Ealdwulf, Eanberht, Eanfrith, Eanhere, Eardwulf, Eastmund, Ecgberht, Ecgfrith, Gamall, Godwine, Gospatric, Guthfrith, Guthmund, Gyrth, Hacon, Harold, Heahberht, Hereberht, Hereweald, Hereweard, Hlothere, Hrodberht, Inwær, Leofheah, Leofhelm, Leofric, Leofweald, Leofwine, Maccus, Morcar, Mærleswegn, Offa, Onlaf, Ordgar, Oscytel, Oshere, Osmund, Osric, Osræd, Osulf, Osweald, Oswine, Oswulf, Petre, Rædwulf, Rægenweald, Scule, Sigeberht, Sigehelm, Sigeric, Sigeræd, Sighere, Siweard, Stigand, Swegn, Swithelm, Swithræd, Swæfræd, Sæbert, Sælræd, Sæweald, Sæxbald, Sæxræd, Thoræd, Thurcytel, Thurfrith, Tostig, Uhtræd, Ulf, Ulfcytel, Waltheof, Werestan, Wiglaf, Wihtræd, Wistan, Wulf, Wulfgar, Wulfgeat, Wulfhelm, Wulfhere, Wulfmær, Wulfnoth, Wulfstan, Ælfgar, Ælfmær, Ælfnoth, Ælfric, Ælfræd, Ælfsige, Ælfstan, Ælfwald, Ælfweard, Ælfwig, Ælfwine, Ælle, Æthelbald, Æthelberht, Æthelfrith, Æthelhere, Æthelmær, Æthelric, Æthelræd, Æthelsige, Æthelstan, Æthelweald, Æthelweard, Æthelwine, Æthelwold, Æthelwulf, Eormenred, Eorcenberht, Eormenric, Eadbald, Rædwald


Agatha, Balthild, Beorhtflæd Beorhtgifu Beorhtgyth Beorhtwaru Beorhtwynn Beornflæd Beorngyth Blæja Burgflæd Ceolflæd Cristina Cuthburg Cwenburg Cyneburg Cynegyth Cynehild Cyneswith Cynethryth Eadburg Eadflæd Eadgifu Eadgyth Eadhburh Eadhild Ealdgyth Ealhflæd Ealhswith Eanswith Ecgfrida Ecgwyn Godgifu Gunhilda Gytha Helga Heregyth Hereswith Hextilda Hungifu Judith Leofflæd Leofgifu Leofrun Leofwaru Leofwynn Margaret Maud Mildrith Octreda Sifflæd Sigrid Sæthryth Wulfflæd Wulfgifu Wulfgyth Wulfhild Wulfrun Wulfthryth Wulfwaru Wulfwynn Wynnflæd Wærburg Æbba Ælfflæd Ælfgifu Ælfgyth Ælflæda Ælfrida Ælfswith Ælfthryth Ælfwynn Æthelburg Æthelflæd Æthelgifu Æthelhild Æthelræda Æthelswith Æthelthryth Æthelburh Seaxburh Wihtburh


Father's name (or mother's if father is unkown) + -son (son) / -dо̄þar (daughter)
Lithish Names


Alfrēd, Arncytel, Balthēre, Beorhtfrith, Beorhthelm, Beorhtmær, Beorhtnoth, Beorhtric, Beorhtsige, Beorhtwine, Beorn, Beornrēd, Beornwulf, Burgheard, Byrhtnoth, Cearl, Cenfus, Cenrēd, Cenwulf, Ceolwulf, Cerdic, Copsige, Cuthberht, Cuthrēd, Cynehelm, Cynewulf, Cytelbearn, Eadberht, Eadfrith, Eadgar, Eadmund, Eadmær, Eadric, Eadrēd, Eadsige, Eadulf, Eadweald, Eadweard, Eadwig, Eadwine, Eadwulf, Ealdhun, Ealdmund, Ealdrēd, Ealdwine, Ealdwulf, Eanberht, Eanfrith, Eanhēre, Eardwulf, Eastmund, Ecgberht, Ecgfrith, Gamall, Godwine, Gospātric, Guthfrith, Guthmund, Gyrth, Hācon, Harold, Heahberht, Hereberht, Hereweald, Hereweard, Hlothere, Hrodberht, Inwær, Leofheah, Leofhelm, Leofric, Leofweald, Leofwine, Maccus, Morcar, Mærleswegn, Offa, Onlaf, Ordgar, Oscytel, Oshēre, Osmund, Osric, Osrēd, Osulf, Osweald, Oswine, Oswulf, Pētre, Rædwulf, Rægenweald, Scule, Sigeberht, Sigehelm, Sigeric, Sigerēd, Sighēre, Siweard, Stigand, Swegn, Swithelm, Swithrēd, Swæfrēd, Sæbert, Sælrēd, Sæweald, Sæxbald, Sæxrēd, Thorēd, Thurcytel, Thurfrith, Tostig, Uhtrēd, Ulf, Ulfcytel, Waltheof, Werestan, Wiglaf, Wihtrēd, Wistan, Wulf, Wulfgar, Wulfgeat, Wulfhelm, Wulfhēre, Wulfmær, Wulfnoth, Wulfstan, Ælfgar, Ælfmær, Ælfnoth, Ælfric, Ælfrēd, Ælfsige, Ælfstan, Ælfwald, Ælfweard, Ælfwig, Ælfwine, Ælle, Æthelbald, Æthelberht, Æthelfrith, Æthelhēre, Æthelmær, Æthelric, Æthelrēd, Æthelsige, Æthelstan, Æthelweald, Æthelweard, Æthelwine, Æthelwold, Æthelwulf, Eormenred, Eorcenberht, Eormenric, Eadbald, Rædwald


Agatha, Balthild, Beorhtflæd Beorhtgifu Beorhtgyth Beorhtwaru Beorhtwynn Beornflæd Beorngyth Blæja Burgflæd Ceolflæd Cristina Cuthburg Cwenburg Cyneburg Cynegyth Cynehild Cyneswith Cynethryth Eadburg Eadflæd Eadgifu Eadgyth Eadhburh Eadhild Ealdgyth Ealhflæd Ealhswith Eanswith Ecgfrida Ecgwyn Godgifu Gunhilda Gytha Helga Heregyth Hereswith Hextilda Hungifu Judith Leofflæd Leofgifu Leofrun Leofwaru Leofwynn Margaret Maud Mildrith Octreda Sifflæd Sigrid Sæthryth Wulfflæd Wulfgifu Wulfgyth Wulfhild Wulfrun Wulfthryth Wulfwaru Wulfwynn Wynnflæd Wærburg Æbba Ælfflæd Ælfgifu Ælfgyth Ælflēda Ælfrida Ælfswith Ælfthryth Ælfwynn Æthelburg Æthelflæd Æthelgifu Æthelhild Æthelrēda Æthelswith Æthelthryth Æthelburh Seaxburh Wihtburh


Father's name (or mother's if father is unkown) + -son (son) / -dо̄þar (daughter)
Ceired CD10 Starting Traits

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Cultural Capital

Ecádig is the undisputed cultural capital of the Ceireds. The city lies roughly in the middle of their lands, making it easier for both Rieweckers and Lithmarkers to make visits there.
Geographic Location | Dec 31, 2021

Lithmark is a region inhabited by the Ceired people which stands as a barrier on the southern fringes of Pekkola against all who would dare to invade the northern lands.

Geographic Location | Dec 29, 2021

Rieweck is a costal region in eastern Pekkola that falls under the Láþeian sphere of influence and it's inhabited primarily by the Vakner people.

Cover image: by Annie Spratt


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Dec 2, 2020 02:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'While an individual can most often be identified as a Ceired by the colour of their skin, eyes, and hair, the best way to make sure they are one is to grab them by the neck. Ceireds on average have a far thicker neck than their northern and southern neighbours.' This sounds like a good way to get punched in the jaw.   I like the sound of these guys. The longing for vengeance against an already fallen foe is a very interesting angle.

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