House of Bakerstreet Organization in Palimpsest | World Anvil

House of Bakerstreet (Area of Concern: Investigation)

Other Affiliates

Non-Active Members

Katiba: Violet Bakerstreet
Katiba: Wiggin Bakerstreet

Servants And Pets

Domestic Servants
Seneschal: Tobias Gregson
Militaristic Servants
Guard Captain: Keratin Slag
One of the eight "human" noble families, the Bakerstreet Family are the court investigators. Operating under the constellation of The Beggar Man, they run the City Watch, including the clockwork automatons produced by the Mason Family.


Vizier and Viziera
Highly suspicious and mistrusting of everyone, almost to the point of paranoia, Vizier Cobbler Bakerstreet runs the House of Bakerstreet alone. In charge of court investigations as well as the lawkeeping further down in the city, the Vizier is powerful and dangerous enough that his position is secure even without a wife to schmooze at Court on the family's behalf.
No Viziera is listed in the Noble Peerage. Although she may have never joined Cobbler at Court, the fact that Cobbler's youngest son wasn't born until after the Bakerstreets were established heavily implies that Cobbler's former partner was his Viziera for some time (perhaps briefly) before being banished or executed in a Whisper Vote. An out-of-game Interview suggests that she was removed from Court in 1291.
Subvizier and Subviziera
Subvizier Felinet Bakerstreet is a bit of a slimebag, nowhere near as thorough or ethical an investigator as either his younger sister or even his father. He is completely blind, and always wears red-tinted glasses to protect his eyes. He seems to have little concern for his personal safety, having been seen to openly flirt with the Courtesan Yvette despite being married to the daughter of one of the most notoriously dangerous and unforgiving noble families - the House of Underhand.
It is possible that Subviziera Diana Bakerstreet-Underhand mostly agreed to marry the brash Subvizer because, due to his blindness, he would not be able to see her. The House of Underhand all wear birdlike plague-doctor masks and never reveal their faces to any of the other nobles.
Vizier's Other Children
The "spare" son of the Bakerstreet family, Katib Codex Bakerstreet is a trash fire, and extremely immature for his age. Having refused to take on much familial responsibility, preferring to run with his gang of other rich noble kids, Cody (as he goes by) commits more crimes than he actually solves.
His older sister, Katiba Wiggin Bakerstreet is an excellent sleuth and dedicated detective. Although she is female (and therefore in a position to be generally overlooked at court), her father clearly respects her skills and sends her to investigate crimes and crime scenes, interview witnesses and generally keep an eye and ear out for anything suspicious and report what she finds back to him. Investigating is her personality, to the point where she talks in a lower-level accent that is certainly not her natural voice.
Extended Household
The Vizier's father, Sherrinford Bakerstreet is still alive, but like most members of the older generation, is too old to hold any family duties.
Cobbler's sister, Katiba Babirr Mason-Bakerstreet, is the Subviziera of the House of Mason, which supplies the Clockwork Autometons that make up much of the Palimpsest Watch. She lives at the Mason Estate with her husband, Subvizier Aloysius Mason, and their daughter, Katiba Cid Mason.

The Streets Hear Everything

Area of Concern
Family Deity
The Beggar Man
Founding Date
Givesday, Beggarmoon, 1285
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Family Toppling Secret
Something to do with the Vizier's (former) wife?

Age of the Humans

1220 and beyond