Lord Captain Emissary Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Lord Captain Emissary

Lord Captain Emissary Rudyard Cutler

"The Lord Captain Emissary : Born Mapday, Thiefmoon 1260, nominated to the court in the year of our Admira, 1281. His roles and duties are to liase with the Honourable Company."Peerage of the Second Court
Lord Captain Emissary Rudyard Cutler is the first person (in Palimpsest, at least) to hold this title. He is the most visible member of the Honourable Company in the Noble Court, his official role being to liase between the Nobility and the Honourable Company.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Goldday, Tailormoon, 1313
An hour earlier than the Patchwork Empire had planned their attack, the set off the Wasp Swarm in all the nobles affected by the Shakes.


Before he came down with the Shakes, the Lord Captain Emissary was very smitten with Yvette, the Courtesan, and brought her to Court sessions on his arm. Yvette's Mansion indicates that they were extremely close:
  • A secret chamber connected the mansion to the offices of the Honourable Company above which the two clearly shared as a private meeting space. The room contained all of the love letters between the Emissary and Yvette and a rose-gold cigar case with both their initials inscribed.
  • Several erotic paintings of the Lord Captain Emissary and Yvette are dotted around the house, including at least one based on the erotic, Qu'onan the Warrior Elf Series by Talitha Spice. The painting is titled "Oh, Captain, my Captain!".
  • When the real Yvette turned up dead, she had an inscription on her breast where the Lord Captain Emissary signed his real name - a thing he keeps hidden under normal circustances.
Currently Held Titles
54 years old
Date of Birth
Mapday, Thiefmoon, 1260
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.