Agamemnon Ironside Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Agamemnon Ironside


Subvizier Agamemnon Ironside

"My brother is afraid of ghouls, but he's afraid of our father more." Menelaus Ironside explains to Hugo Dargent that Agamemnon will always support Vizier Balthazar Ironside's hubris.
Subvizier Agamemnon Ironside is the smallest member of House Ironside by a considerable margin, but he compensates for his weediness with magical armour, gifted to him by his father, Vizier Balthazar Ironside. His father's single-minded focus on militarism has led to Agamemnon developing some unpleasant character traits that he probably woudn't even have if he were allowed to follow his true artistic passions, particularly painting and dancing. While he desperately yearns to satisfy his father's expectations of him, it is unlikely that he will ever meet the physical and martial standards that his father demands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Woundsday, Tinkermoon, 1308
15-year-old Agamemnon was selected as a mark by Cody's Gang. Across the table from the younger Subvizier, Cody Bakerstreet, Rifi Darktusk and Grimoire Brasseyes exchanged bets on how many glasses of strong Whisky Agamemnon would be able to drink before passing out. Grimoire won the bet with 30 gp on him not completing a single glass below a graduation line that she magically scratched into the glass. After this meanspirited hazing, Agamemnon joined the gang.
Mapday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Cody's Gang attended the Cage Fight that led to the destruction of Barker's Menagerie. Agamemnon spent most of the conflict being slowly suffocated by a choker, with his magical armour keeping him alive. Although less active on the attacking front, Agamemnon's contribution held the creeper at bay while the others, joined by Hugo Dargent and his companions, dealt with the Divs and Gnolls who were also involved in the conflict.
Goldday, Tinkermoon, 1313
With both of his parents sick with the Shakes, Agamemnon stood in for his father during the Whisper Vote to determine the guilt of Vizier Kronk Greenskin and Absalom and Damasque Laureat. It seems that Vizier Richard Dargent had made some kind of prior arrangement with House Ironside, since Agamemnon declared his vote to banish both Absalom and Damasque when instructed to by Richard. Agamemnon's subsequent choice to vote against Richard's wishes for Kronk Greenskin (although most likely on the advice of his siblings, Menelaus and/or Britomart) raised Agamemnon considerably in Hugo Dargent's estimation, since Hugo dislikes his father (Richard) but would probably have been too cautious to defy him so openly.
Mapday, Tailormoon, 1313
Agamemnon was one of the few nobles that Vizier Richard and Viziera Guinevera Dargent alerted after the attack on the Dargent Estate by Lindie Asklepa, who was disguised as Ashlin at the time. In his capacity as the Subvizier of the military household, Agamemnon furnished the estate with a sufficient number of magic lamps, each containing a Djinn, to safeguard all of their vents against potential intruders.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Subvizier of House Ironside
Currently Held Titles
21 years old
Date of Birth
Mapday, Tailormoon 1292
Circumstances of Birth
Was born 12 minutes before his twin brother, Menelaus thus he is the Heir of the family
Linseed and Olive Oil scent.
5 ft. 4 inches.
Other Affiliations

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.
Human Families
Mason: ---
Dargent-Laureat: ---
Ironside: ---
Stargazer: ---
Dargent: ---
Carterhold: ---
Bakerstreet: ---
Underhand: ---
Non-Human Families
Baharat: ---
Brasseyes: ---
Darktusk: ---
Greenskin: ---
Jackalslicer: ---
Nightkeeper: ---
Ratrider: ---
Shajara: ---   Lord Captain Emissary: ---
?? must not get -85 across board, or -90 with any family in particular.