Sapient Species Species in Niorath | World Anvil

Sapient Species


  The world of Niorath is home to various sapients species but the vast majority of them are humanoid and share at least some characteristics. But even though have the same general form there are many differences between each species. Even within each species there can be differences brought forth by historical events.  



High Elves

  Off all the species in the world the Elves are by far the most adept at magic and among them the Avar or High Elves are the leaders. It is believed that they are more prone to get the gift of magic because their ancestors lived closer to the site of Magicfall. This gave the species a significant advantage in the first centuries following that event as other methods of creating casters with Falls was only discovered later. Some also attribute the longevity of the Elves to their magical abilities.   Magic would become a cornerstone of many Elven societies but for the Avar it also became a part of their governments. Even today there are Avar magocracies with leaders being chosen from magical bloodlines. Whereas other species would use mundane means to achieve something the Avar Elves would resort to magic. Avar Elven architecture could take on forms not available without magic and things such as healing would come easy to them. The power of their magic would cause the Avar Elves to grow dependent on it and not advance many other means. But this would not set them back until the start of the Progressive Era.   Thanks to their magic use their cultures also evolved in other ways. Since changing ones general form and even biological sex was not that difficult the Avar Elves adapted a very flexible view on gender. It is not uncommon for an Avar Elf to change sexes several times during their lifetime.   The great amount of magical families among the Avar Elves would eventually cumilate into the ancient Avaronian Empire. This nation would ensure that the species would spread around the world. In the end, however, its spread would cause the rise of other subspecies of wich the Half-Elves would become the most numerous.  

Caster Form by Kefkejaco with Heroforge
Avar: the High Elves
Species | Dec 6, 2022

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Central Farlis, North Avak'am, South Pavanor
Avaronian, Farlian
Favoured Climates
Tropical, savannah, warm
Average Height
On average 600 years
Long pointy ears, pale skins on average, elongated faces
Wood Elf by Kefkejaco with Heroforge

Forest Elves

  One of the subspecies of the Elves are the Mofae or Forest Elves who, as the name suggest, live primarly in forests. Even before the Avaronian Era there was already quite a difference between the Avar and Mofae Elves. It was, however, not until there was shortage of slaves that Avaronian Empire started to mistreat them. Many of the ancestors of the Forest Elves were not seen as true Elves since they did not have the same knack for Elemental magic. When they began to be used as slaves they escaped to the far reaches of Farlis, especially the Baidan Jungle.   Given their history they tend to be reclusive, preferring small communities in the woods that mainly live from the hunt. The larger communities, however, have fields filled with berries and vegetables but only a minimal number of trees are cut to make room for them. In their cities plants and trees remain important and even if a building is made out of stone it made to look natural with few straight lines or corners.   Some Mofae Elves have blade like extensions on their arms which help them with climbing. In contrast to Avar they don't have a knack for elemental magic but they are quite skilled in Nature Magic.  
Mofae : Forest Elves
Species | Dec 26, 2022

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Baidan Jungle, Central Farlis, North Avak'am
Favoured Climates
Tropical, temperate
Average Height
On average 500 years
Long pointy ears, darkers skins on average, can have blade like extensions on arms

Dark Elves

  The exact origin of the Dark Elves remains a bit of a mystery although there are some theories. Some say that they fled from the Avaronian Empire just like the Forest Elves did. Most, however, think that they seperated themselves much earlier from their High Elf ancestors. Those that favor this theory also claim that it was possibly the Selefer who drove them from the region that is currently Aelerium.   Whatever the reason for their initial move, they migrated into the Lower Realms at some point which would eventually become a distinct sub species. Records show that at first many were living among the Dwarven settlements but eventually they migrated deeper underground. When they once again showed up in records they were quite different and also far more numerous than before. Eventually they would become the most common species in the Lower Realms.   Some of them migrated closer to the surface or even onto the surface itself, creating nations like Deldirom in the process. The vast majority remained underground and today many of them are still frequently at war to increase their territories. One faction of the Dark Elves is quite peculiar. They have been seen using advanced technology and are believed to be followers of the God Lofior.  
Lofior Dark Elf by Kefkejaco with Herforge

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Farlis, Lower Realms
Lofian, Deverian
Favoured Climates
Cold, underground
Average Height
800 on average
Long pointy ears, dark purple skin, white hair, violet eyes
Half-Elf by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


  The Half-Elves are by far the most common of the Elf species and are even more numerous today than the High Elves. During the reign of the Avaronian Empire their population increased exponentially. This is mainly because many of them are the descendants of both human and Elf slaves. In Human societies Half-Elves are well accepted and can take up any position a regular Human would. In theory the same applies in High Elf society but often it is not really the case. The other Elf subspecies are more welcoming to Half-Elves.   It is common for male Half-Elves to grow mustaches or beards to differentiate themselves from other Elves who can’t grow facial hair. Also in matters of culture the Half-Elves tend to lean more towards Humans. On the other hand they are more skilled in magic than Humans are.   Just like Humans the Half-Elves have spread to many areas of the world making them common almost anywhere besides Oneraga. The largest amount of Half-Elves can be found in Farlis and Pavanor.  

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Farlis, Pavanor, Avak'am, Idravil
Pavan, Median, Arek, Farlian, Mofis
Favoured Climates
Average Height
180 on average
Short pointy ears, various skin types but often tanned, can grow facial hair




  Dwarves have a high amount of underground cities in almost all mountain ranges on the Farlis continent. In the ancient past all of their below surface cities were connected through the Lower Realms. But at some point these deep regions were lost and many nations of that time seperated into different faction. After the fall of the Avaronian Empire they started establishing their own territories on the surface which created larger new nations in Farlis and Pavanor.   Family is an important part of Dwarven life. They form clans with their close kin and would go to extraordinary lengths to protect a clan’s members. Apart from their clans Dwarves can be organized in a variety of ways such as kingdoms and even merchant republics.   Each clan in a community often specializes in one type of of craft. Such dedication often leads to superior products from the families that made since they perfected their craft for generations. One of the most appreciated crafts in Dwarven culture is cooking. The result of this is that Dwarven cooking is perhaps the best in Niorath. Their adventurous culinairy attempts have, however, costs quite a few Dwarves their lives as they tried many things in order to achieve the perfect dish.   In every city there is at least one Dwarven clan who oversees trade with other cities or countries. Many of these merchants can be found along Dwarven trade route where they tend to build forts and outposts along the way. One such well known trade faction is the Kurandim Cooperative which consists out of several clans from important cities in northern Farlis. The eastern part of Farlis is, however, under the influence of the Blackstone Trading Guild.    

Dwarf Cook by Kefkejaco with Heroforge

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Farlis, Pavanor, Idravil
Favoured Climates
Average Height
130 on average
Shorter humanoid, muscular, almost always pale skinned

Raitin Soldier by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


  Gnomes were not of great importance until a few centuries ago. Their nations were constantly at war with eachother and trade with outsiders was rather rare. At some point the Gnomes of Oneraga started banding together into larger countries. They have shown a knack for magical technology and are now among the most advanced nations of Niorath. Even in other continent Gnome communities are sources of learning and invention making them well loved there.   A less loved nation, the Raitin, have now become the de facto leaders of all Gnomes. No other Gnomes have been able to withstand their expansion or keep up with their rapid technological process. They have clashed a few times already with the Nekorians, Humans and Dragons. Rumors tell that the Raitin have even managed to capture and breed their own Dragons which they use to power their airships.   In non Gnome society the Gnomes remain well respected though and are praised for their knowledge and often used as either teachers or keepers of important libraries. Their communities are small in Farlis and often only require one elder to oversee the day to day rule.   Almost all Gnomes follow the Ilbon Pantheon and its Gnome god Tanajin. He is said to have died during a fierce battle with the Selefer which caused a calamity. Survivors of this event could either escape or became slaves of the Selefer. The Gnomes in Kevarim are believed to be descendants of these slaves. The ones who got away created a large underground Gnome empire of which the sudden disappearence remeains a mystery to this day.    

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Onerage, Farlis, Pavanor, Avak'am
Favoured Climates
Average Height
170 on average
Shorter humanoid, intelligent, various skin tones, pointy ears


  Halflings can be found almost all around the world but only in Oneraga they are present in larger numbers. Many of the Oneragan Halflings train to be skilled fighters with both specialized weapons and martial arts. They have perfected the skill to defeat larger enemies despite their smaller body. Eventually these techniques became teachings of specialized orders. Some of those schools can be found in Farlis and are the source of martial arts training.   In the rest of the world they have a different culture which is more dedicated to a peaceful life. They like to feast and to enjoy life and therefore have large farms to support their eating habits. Over the centuries they have become skilled farmers which makes them well liked in countries they settle in. For example the Elves and Dwarves use them to look after their farms since they themselves don’t like to cultivate the land. Especially in the Arendor States this resulted in most of the surface area actually being occupied by Halflings while the Dwarves live underground.   Both in Oneraga and outside of it the Halflings frequently fullfill another role. One who travels the main roads between countries will often find caravans of Halflings transporting food, wine, spices and artisan goods. Halflings in general are pretty trustworthy people which makes them a very good species to trade with.    
Halfling by Kefkejaco with Heroforge

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Farlis, Pavanor, Avak'am, Idravil
Ilian, Median
Favoured Climates
Average Height
95 on average
Smallest humanoid, trustworthy, various skin tones, pointy ears



Mizarin Priest by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


  Perhaps the most well known of the Beastfolk are the Nekorians. This is partially due to them being one of the most friendly species around. As far as records go they have never invaded any other nation and most people are allright with just letting them keep the Mizarin Isles. This trait has sometimes proven to be disadvantageous as well since their remoter areas were often victims of raids in which they were taken as slaves.   After a recent attack of the Raitin, however, they have shown to be able to defend themselves through other means. They have a true symbyotic relationship with the Mizarin Nightlights. Their entire society is based around these trees and they take good care off them and get benefits in return. One of them is that the Treelights attack anyone who comes close to the Nekroians.   For still unknown reasons they also seem to have a good relationship with ORCs. No ORC will attack a Nekorian even when hired by somone and ordered to.   There are two types of Nekorians. The Okir are larger and more tigerlike. They often become priests or do the heavy work. The smaller Chisir are more catlike and smaller. They are often the most nimble and can climb trees like no other species.    

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Farlis, Pavanor, Avak'am, Idravil
Favoured Climates
Rainforest, Temperate
Average Height
160 on average
Feline, great climbers, various fur colors, good darkvision


  The Selefer are one of the most mysterious and least known races in Niorath as they are believed to have disappeared several millennia ago. The snakelike humanoids are believed to have lived in the hottest region of the planet and are said to even have been able to live near volcanoes. The species has left many ruins behind but there is still a lot that remains unknown.   The Selefer are snake like humanoids. They have no legs, only a tail. They however do have a humanoid torso with arms which enable them to perform the same tasks as any other humanoid species. Their heads are often comparable to a cobra although other snake like heads can occur as well.   Many assume that the Selefer are at least in part responsible for many of the chaos areas around the world like the Silent Forest. They are thought to have been the most frequent user of chaos magic, a form of magic that is now forbidden in most of the world.
Snake Devil Fight by Kefkejaco with Heroforge
Ethnicity | Jul 18, 2022

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Arkash Volcanoes, Avak'am, Volker Desert
Favoured Climates
Deserts, Volcanoes
Average Height
3.2 m in total including tail but typical stand at 2.2 m height.
Unknown: no sources have been found to make estimation of average lifespan
Humanoid torso, snake lower body, various colors, various snake head forms


Orc Soldier by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


  ORCs are a rather strange species and not only because they insist on using their name all in capitals. No-one knows why they do this, not even themselves. Some believe it is an abbrevation of some kind. But if it is, it's meaning has become lost in time. Their civilization is also quite peculiar. They never expand their territories through warfare and are only known to defend them. However, if they are hired by another nation they are quite formidable and obedient soldiers. To this day it is still unknown why they are only capable of violence under certain circumstances. It is even stranger why they not attack Nekorians even if they are hired.   Over the centuries the ORCs have been hired quite often by other nations. Over time some vile acts were performed by them on the commands of some nations that did not want to get their own hands dirty. For this reason several countries signed agreements to limit what they could order the ORC mercenaries to do during wars.  
Species | Dec 1, 2022

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Orcish, nearby languages
Favoured Climates
Tropical, savannah, warm
Average Height
On average 70 years
Green skin, muscular, very small height differences, long front teeth

Prime Asmer

  The Prime Asmer are seen the Gods and angels of Niorath. This is however only partially true since the Asmer name itself is a general term for the civilization of that mythic time period. The species that is most often that make up the vast majority of Gods and Angels is known as the Prime Asmer. Since they were the most powerful species of that time they were the rulers of all of civilization. This all ended during the cataclysmic event known as Magicfall after which they ascended to the Divine Realms . Some people claim to have seen them roam around on Niorath but even if that were the case all their settlements have become ruins.   The physiology is unlike anything on Niorath. The bodies of the Prime Asmer seem to not have had any biological components. They were made from some still unknown materials and a metal that scientist call Asmerian Metal. But although their bodies are artificial they can be made to look like regular humanoids. This illusion is very convincing were it not for the fact that the Asmer always choose to have glowing eyes in this form.
Tanajin Humanoid Form by Kefkejaco with Heroforge
Prime Asmer
Species | Jan 19, 2023

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Niorath, Nervonia
Asmerian (Celestial)
Favoured Climates
Average Height
Unknown: no sources have been found to make estimation of average lifespan
Construct body filled with energy, great powers
Human Savas Keleris by Kefkejaco with Heroforge


  Across all of Niorath humans are the most common race in the current era. They can be found in eastern Farlis, all of Pavanor and even in Oneraga and Idravil. Humans are the most versatile in both government and religion.The largest city of humans on Farlis is Golandon but Tharsis is almost as big. The height of human civilization however is achieved in Sondar, the capital of the Pavan Empire.   Humans have shorter lives than other races and try to achieve much in their short lifetimes. For this reason human cities are beacons of cultural ideas where artists try to make themselves immortal through their works. In addition humans are also great traders and are a the most seafaring of all species. Since the bonds between Humans and Dwarves is rather good it is common for Dwarven merchants to hire Humans for sea trade.   In general Humans don't have many maigcial bloodlines and were therefore at a disadvantage in ancient times. Once they freed themselves from their Avaronians oppressors they grew quickly in number but would never become as powerfull as other species. This all changed in the Progressive era when Humans became the leaders in inventions that did not require magic. Especially the Pavan Empire is becoming a world leader. But they are being challenged by the Raitin.  

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Median , Varenan, Arek, Pavan
Favoured Climates
Average Height
100 on average
Various skin tones but most commonly tanned,




  Both Dragons and Draconids are linked. Both were created, according to myth, by Tanajin with many similar aspects but also very different ones such as size. The smaller of Dragonkind are called the Draconids and are roughly humanoid looking.   The Draconid civilizations have existed from even before the Avaronian Era. Still they don’t have many countries or cities left in the world beside on the continent of Oneraga and Avak'am. All of this is due to the outbreak of the Dragon Scourge in ancient times. This killed a large portion of their population. Some believe that if the scourge didn't occur all of Dragonkind would have become the dominant species as many of their ancient nations controled vast amounts of lands at their height.   The largest Draconid city in Farlis is Adroon. It is famous for its great library and is a representation of what the Draconids and Dragons in general stand for: order and knowledge. Their goals are often to preserve things as much as possible as without the proper precautions things can be lost to the sands of time. This is likely because they themselves lost so much.   In general the Draconids don't have any issues adapting to a climate. They often live in regions where no others species would live such as deserts or impenetrable jungles.  
Dragonborn by Kefkejaco with Inkarnate

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Arek, Draconic
Favoured Climates
Most climates
Average Height
700 on average
Various scale tones, sharp teeth, often have horns, tail

High Sage by Rexard



  Dragons are the 'big brother' of the Dragonborn. If one would name the most powerful creatures on Niorath, a Dragon would be a good pick. They can become enormous in size, fly, breath all kinds of magic and gain more an more knowledge the older they get. It is no wonder that some nations pick the oldest Dragon in the country to be their leader.   Despite their superiority they do not use violence that often. They like to act mostly as guardians and advisors while the Dragonborn perform more mundane tasks. If you encounter a Dragon on the battlefield you can be certain that at least one faction has commited a crime against the natural order. In general they want to safekeep the world and they punish those who threaten the balance. Chaos magic is something that almost all Draagons hate and they try to prevent new chaos areas from being created.   Just like the Dragonborn the Dragons were decimated by the Dragon Scourge. Some of the Dragons today were alive at that time and tell stories of how they lost countless family members and friends. But what they fear most of all is not dying by the Dragon Scourge. They fear becoming a Feral Dragon because of it.   These Feral Dragons have lost all sapience and are terrors in every region they pass through. Normal Dragons offer great prices for those who kill them.
Feral Dragon
Species | Jul 19, 2022

Additional Information

Geographic Location
Arek, Draconic
Favoured Climates
Most climates
Average Height
Up to 50 meter in lenght
700 on average
Various scale tones, sharp teeth, often have horns, tail, large wings



Mizarin Nightlights

  For most of history people did not know the Mizarin Nightlights had any intelligence. More recent research, however, has shown that they at least should be classified as sapients.   The Mizarin Nightlight, named after the light it emits from its round extensions during the night, is the most prominent type of flora in the remote jungles of the Mizarin Isles. At first sight one would think it is merely a pretty tree but nothing is further from the truth. The Nekorian priest can communicate with the tree and order them to rearrange their structure at will. Even the roots itself can be used as a defence mechanism.   But what scientists have come to classify as a sapient is not the tree itself but its seeds, the lightwalkers. They exist out of a series of vines and leaves interwined with each other. Among this mass of vines several light emitting globes can be found with one of the globes at the very top of the Lightwalker, which according to scientists functions as the head. They are able to extend these vines to manipulate the environment around them and move.   Sometimes they even emit bright flashes from their globes which blinds their targets for a short time. Scientists bleived that this is one of the methods that they can communicate.  
Mizarin Nightlight
Species | Mar 4, 2024

Cover image: Nervonia by Gam-Ol on pixabay


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Dec 29, 2021 10:50 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great reference article, I felt that you gave just the right amount of information about everyone :D

Dec 29, 2021 17:37

Good the know as I was thinking that perhaps I added too much detail in the summary article :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Dec 29, 2021 11:15 by Xero J

Very groovy! I especially like the beast folk:) it's not at all difficult to get through, but maybe separate articles for any you want to get further into... you may want to look at the haifling title... I always enjoy when I meander over and look at your articles, thanks for sharing :)

Dec 29, 2021 17:36

Thank you for the kind words and also thanks for the heads up :) ! Yes the final indea is that every species eventually get their own detailed article so for now it is only for those who have one :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!