Northerner Ethnicity in Halruaal | World Anvil
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The bold, the brash, and the unbroken.  The Northerners of Halruaal have little taste for flattery, double-speak, and political pleasantries - the eternal winter is non-conducive to it.  After the spell plague, the entire north of Halruaal is covered in a frigid winter.  Fair, but hearty, Northerners make up the backbone of the Halruaalan military and are no strangers to hardship.   
Two regions forge the vast holdings of the north: the Storm coast, and the Isole Ululant.  In these regions are the ore-rich mountains which fuels the pre-enchanted weapons of the Magisterium and a section of ironwood trees cultivated in the Keilden Forest.  The North also host the longest display of eternal strife between the citizens of the Magisterium and the unincorporated native people of Halruaal (those dubbed "Wildlings").    


Major language groups and dialects

All northerners know the common tongue. Many merchants and tradesmen have adopted the Dwarvish language and some speak Undercommon as a business language.  The military often speaks Orcish and Giant, along with Oadozeshi in relation to the battle with Wildling insurgents.

Culture and cultural heritage

Some northerners are native Halruaalans, but most are the descendants of raiding parties from House Odinson or the sentries of House Aetius.  By mingling with natives though, many are half species or blood-kin to more monstrous races.  For instance, several humans could have the blood of giants in them (not accounting for the many tribal goliaths in the region).  In a way, Northerners could be the most biologically diverse people in Halruaal.   

Shared customary codes and values

The only main goal for a Northerner is survival. Another day, another week, even another year is viewed as a blessing and test of one' fortitude.  Northerner care for each other, only so much in that they don't become a burden.  If that comes to pass, the winter will sort it out.

Average technological level

War and strategy are known to be Northerner's strong suits.  Their craft of mundane weaponry and defensive equipment is second to none.  At the same time, many of Halruaalan advancements in magical travel and environmental manipulation were created in the North.  The Skyships?  Crafted and improved by House Hanover.  The artillery and siege weapons?  Crafted by House Odinson.  And Wardstone and Ironwood- two of the most defensive natural material found in Halruaal?  A trademark of House Aetius.  Outside of Keildeners, Northers might be the most modernly advanced people in Halruaal.  

Common Etiquette rules

To outsiders, the idea of etiquette from a Northerner is a laughable idea.  They are thought to be blunt and non-tactful. However, for most Northerners it is considered proper etiquette to be as forward as possible.  When death, attack, or a storm can come on at any moment, it's often viewed as being rude to waste time with trivialities and unnecessary pleasantries.  

Common Dress code

Like Ashlanders, Northerners prefer clothing that covers their entire body.  Where this differs is that Northerners use this practicality as a ward against the cold climate and to prevent adverse weather effects.  Animal hides and thick wool take precedent because if such animals can survive the environment, then perhaps their skins can confer that blessing to humanoid races.

Art & Architecture

Strong and sturdy buildings take the front in Northerner society.  A home should be a fortress and a fortress should be impregnably. As such Dwarvish influences hold a firm spot in Northern architecture.  Whether a building is made from stone, iron, or ironwood, it has to be strong enough to survive the winters and an attack from wildlings and giants.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Many Northerners ascribe to tribal practices and totem worship.  Before Cities and towns sprung up, many natives and first members of the Houses lived in communal villages.  Even to this day, Northerners have more villages than any other ethnicity.  While there is a unity of purpose for those serving in the military, or as sentries and inventors, Northerners value personal familial connections within tightknit communities.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Strength is foremost.  Those who survive birth are respected.  Priest from the local Church of the Seven beseech the blessings of Azotyr, Ignitus, and (depending on if it is a coastal town) Aquillia'Dante to guide children.  They are then divided under their respective Houses to determining proper training on how best to strengthen themselves and their community.  

Coming of Age Rites

Those that survive childhood, are applauded. And those that thrive against the odds and conquer their environment are revered. Children are expected to grow and survive on their own when they come of age.  Under House Odinson, this usually involves living off the land for a month and hunting either by yourself or in small parties of three to five.  For House Hanover, it is checking the insight, survivability, and creativity in the wilderness with trained guides.  For House Aetius, it usually means an apprenticeship with a particular master to determine worthiness for greater pursuits.  

Funerary and Memorial customs

Most Northerners respect practicality and honor.  If it is practical, burial is carried out.  If it is possible, cremation and cleansing is granted.  But if in times of war (outside of settlements), or impractical, the dead are left where they lay and requests are made from the gods to carry their spirits off to final rest.  

Common Taboos

flowery language and wasting time

Historical figures

Some say that somewhere in the Fimbulvetr Mountains, the oldest Silver dragon battled the Brothers Ignitus and Azotyr to a stand still.  To this day, it is unknown (even to the Oracles of House Romanos) if the dragon still exists.


Beauty Ideals

There is little time or opportunity for beauty in the North.  Emphasis is placed on practicality and function and two key questions are asked: 1) will it survived the winter? and 2) will it protect the wearer in a battle? This goes for all sexes and all genders. As such, strength is cherished.  Those who can carry a sword, spear, maul, or bow are deemed worthy enough and beautiful enough to call themselves Northerners 

Gender Ideals

Despite the understanding of practicality and function in clothing, Northerners are still very much in the pocket of the patriarchy.  Masculine ideals of warriors, protectors, and "strong-men" are heavily pushed in society.  Ironically though, warrior women and shield maidens are highly cherished and valued; however, this is mostly because they are viewed as the most masculine version a woman can become without being a man.  Still, many women have risen to positions of power within the military, the Maji, and the Templars that could kick any man in the teeth for even suggesting they stay home and bake something.  

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is plain and simple.  If you like someone, you do all you can to show that you are strong enough to make a good match.  Often time this involves a brawl, duel, or general beat down, ending in an offer to share one's bed at the end of the night.  This goes for anyone of any gender and it's not surprising in the least for soldiers of similar gender or sex to do so on the eve of battle.

Relationship Ideals

Most Northerners desire a partner that could defend and provide for them: a "husband-in-arms" or "wife-in-arms."

Major organizations

House Odinson, House Hanover, and House Aetius are the major powers that govern the Northern ethnicity; though many tribes recognize Wildling leadership or Clan Elders among the giants.


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