House Odinson Organization in Halruaal | World Anvil
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House Odinson

House Odinson is the neither the youngest or the oldest Noble House in Halruaal. This family arrived after Kamose, Udaku, and after the formation of Clan Oni. Their entrance into Halruaal could only be described as as a large raiding party, harassing the fledgling Clan Oni. Their battle hardened mages and fighters quickly became a problem for the northern natives (both human and Elven alike) but settled quickly as House Udaku brokered a peace deal seceding the cold, norther reaches to them. Ever Since, House Odinson controls the northern region dubbed the Storm Coast.

House Odinson is known prominently for their capabilities to wage war. Between their legions of berserkers and scale-clad wizards, they are regarded as the backbone of Halruaal and are fiercely loyal to the crown, choosing crush all resistance and rebellion. The land of Halruaal itself seems to mimic the nature of this House: relentless and unforgiving. The citizens of which have, despite all the odds, thrived in a mountainous climate of rough waters and frozen rain. Maelstroms of buffeting winds have chipped away the weaknesses of the soft and to this day are nearly impassible to all but the strongest people and ships.

abjurers of

Focusing in the School of Evocation, many of the wizards of House Odinson are soldiers and warriors. The wizards blend their magic with practical trainings as fighters and/or barbarians, blending the use of steel and offensive spells. When House Aetius later arrive, the foundation of their training in arms were learned from House Odinson. Although Odinson is clearly the superior army. All within their holding are focused in training in wizardry and war. When it come to a straight up fight, no single House could ever hope to match the output of House Odinson.


House Odinson is an odd combination of strict orderly lines and chaotic mob of frenzies warriors. The concept of "Honor in Battle" define the people of this House and grant them unity of purpose (if not most of the time). Rank isn't so much followed simply out of duty however, but the soldiers of House Odinson are beaten into submission with a combination of superior skill and personal Honor.

Sitting on the throne of House Odinson is the Archon, a title respected and coveted by all those beneath them. This seat has - for the most Part - stayed with one major familial tree. Occasionally, you will have other families or groups challenge the main branch for domination. Few of these are successful, but when they are the winners take the name Odinson - at least until the main branch takes it back with another challenge. In the course of two thousand years, this mean of power has only taken place five times successfully. Though the aggressors have usually been beaten back or killed by the original House Odinson.

There are dozens of minor houses that have been vassalized by House Odinson over the years. Some have died out, others reconstituted themselves into newer houses. One thing remains the same, House Odinson has endured.


To be a blunt as possible, House Odinson respects the strong and those capable of surviving.  The only exception to this appears to be when Honor demands loyalty - in the case to the Royal House Udaku.  Otherwise it is survival of the fittest.  But that's not to suggest that members of House Odinson don't look after each other, because they do - family is a strong sentiment in this House.  It's just that those who aren't able to take care of themselves and rely on the charity of others, don't last long in the North.

One is expected to pull their own weight, to strive for perfection in a contest of strength or endurance, and to forsake the "luxuries and comforts" of a "easy life."  To be a Northerner under House Odinson is to sacrifice, to adapt and overcome.  Those in the Magisterium are expected to carry their weight and not take advantage of their positions.  For the most part that is followed, save for a few outliers.  Still, the sneaky and the cunning manage to survive, so in some ways those that don't necessarily follow the spirit of the culture, follow at least the letter of what it means to be "in the Fury of the Storm."

Public Agenda

the goal of any who follow House Odinson is to survive and thrive, despite the odds.  Conflict and growth are a way of life and is to be promoted so that the strong may rise to the top.  It's not malicious, just constructive.  When in doubt, you can always rely on House Odinson to take the hard way... and make it their bitch.


The Storm Coast is a fierce region to live in.  Between the constant, well, storms, there's not much in the way of growing crops.  What is abundant is the sea life and the minerals mined from the Fimbulvetr Mountains.  Magical experiments from ages past and the effects from the spellplague have drastically increased the size and number of dangerous sea creatures.  Fish - both predatory and prey - exist in sizes that are comparable to ships and even the minerals in the mountains have gain odd magical features. 

To this day the constant storms are harnessed using rare magical crystals to provide energy for various activities.  Stored lightnings and winds power the airships and spells of Odinson mages  When unleased the effects are utterly devastating and awe inspiring.  But such power is not without risk, and the properties of such are a double edged sword.  It wouldn't be uncommon for a ship to find itself ripped apart not by the storm of the water, but by the effects of it's fuel source.


For more information on the History of Odinson, please view the timeline (WIP).

Foreign Relations

House Odinson is regarded as the most powerful military House of the Eight Noble Houses, but such a reputation has garnered a mix of feelings. Below are the general perspectives of how the other Houses see House Odinson:

House Aetius

Generally, House Odinson is a House worthy of respect. Where House Odinson is the military, House Aetius is the general police force of Halruaal. Odinson as a strong and honourable House of warriors - albeit, not a stalwart legion. Aetius is more regimented, more disciplined and keen on rules, whereas Odinson is a force of strategically brilliant fighters, but overly reliant on their berserkers. They let their passions rule them in a way Aetius does not. Still, Odinson is loyal and there is no other House that more worthy to fight side by side with. For that matter, there is no other House more worth of fear should an armed conflict erupt.

House Blackharbour

The disregard and contempt for each other cannot be overstated. Whereas the other Houses can be worked with and manipulated, House Odinson's insufferable notion of 'honour' and 'honesty' is a particularly vexing thorn in the side of progress. True, they hold some of the most powerful wizards in Halruaal in term of elemental might and fortitude, but Odinson has all the tact and poise of a bull in a pottery shop. Their leaders are stuck in the past and their penchant for armed conflict makes trying to work around them difficult. Not to mention their annoyingly strong alliance with House Udaku makes any chance at convincing them to join the new world order a pie in the sky dream.

House Hanover

While House Blackharbour views House Odinson all as a bunch of mindless savages, it cannot be understated that they are an ingenious people. Odinson has adapted to the land in such a way that one could almost consider them a transmuter. Their ability to harness the elemental forces and come up with ways to prevent the wild magic that runs rampant through the North is outstanding and the technologies that they've developed have come a long way in shoring up transportation outside of the strictly combative field. The Iron soldiers of House Hanover should have been able to overwhelm them, but not only are they holding strong, but they're pushing back in such a way as to border on the ridiculous.

House Kamose

They are a deeply passionate people, keen on the aspects that drives them: war and honour. Conflict runs through they're blood and molds them, but their ties to duty and loyalty hold them in check. Their keen appreciation for the treatment of the dead is to be inspired. No other House, other than House Kamose, are as respectful of those that have passed. For that, eternal respect is warranted.

Clan Oni

House Odinson is not to be underestimated. Their ancestors fought with ours when they first arrived in Halruaal and managed to push us back, slaughtering us by the score. They are cunning, albeit reckless; but they have forced the clans to adapt and grow in such a way as to foster improvements. There are ancient vendettas between our people, but the fact that they can hold off House Hannover, the wildlings, and Clan Oni all while winning key victories is an impressive feat. Still, cunning does not beat intelligence for long. House Odinson will get their due.

House Romanos

A person will always know exactly where they stand with House Odinson. They are straightforward, honest, and in a sense progressive in their thinking. While many of their leaders are men, and therefore ruled by their passions, the women amongst them are unrelenting. When looking at their Archon and her Valkyries, it's important to see that the mind behind the militaristic brute force is sharp and perspective. Now, if only we could excise the men and their focus on what they could do with their swords...

House Udaku

nowhere is there a better friend and partner than with House Odinson. Our Houses have been united since we first met one another and our bond is strong. Our shared culture in the sense of the love of art, freedom, and a person's ability to chose their destiny builds an ever growing foundation between our two peoples. The Crown respects and cherishes their support, and provides it in return.

In the Fury of the Storm

Founding Date
7 AV
Geopolitical, Lordship
Alternative Names
The House of Storms
Aetians; Stormlings
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy

Gold governs the economy of House Odinson, though most of the citizens will primarily use the denominations in Silver and Copper. The exchange rate of this is by a factor of ten: One Gold piece equals ten Silver Pieces. One Silver Piece equals ten Copper Pieces. House Odinson almost never traffics in Platinum Pieces (a coin that is almost never seen by the common citizen). Such extravagance is seen as excessive by the Northerners. One Platinum Piece is equivalent to ten Gold Pieces.

Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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