Archon Rank/Title in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Archon is both a merit-base and a hereditary rank given to the most powerful wizard of the seven Houses. There is only one Archon per Noble House - with their spouse assuming the title of Lord/Lady Paramount.  

An Archon is comparatively a Prince or Princess of Halruaal and is invested with executive power over their ancestral region. They can rule by decree, set laws, reward titles and command troop within their region unless it directly conflicts with any order given by the First Archon. An Archon can remove the title of any noble of rank within their region (minus the title of their spouse). Any titles an Archon rewards are for the region they rule over.


Power is the key requirement for the Archon.  Although not technically a requirement, as the Magisterium is largely human based, all Archons have historically been human.  Though there have been dalliances with non-human species and offspring of hybrids, "reputable" Noble Houses have quietly disavowed those individuals... regardless of their skill level.


Appointment to this rank is either through the death of the previous Archon or through a successful challenge.   


The Duties of an Archon are three fold: 1) to maintain peace in the realm 2) oversee the administration of justice, and 3) and to uphold the law.  Some Archons took the additional oath to uphold the faith of the Church of the Seven, but technically this is not an official duty. 


An Archon of Halruaal is invested with executive power over their ancestral region.


They can rule by decree, set laws, reward titles and command troop within their region unless it directly conflicts with any order given by the First Archon. An Archon can remove the title of any noble of rank within their region (minus the title of their spouse Archon). Any titles an Archon rewards are for the region they rule over.

Accoutrements & Equipment

All the Archons are powerful Wizards - considered to be Archmages in their own right.  As such Most have powerful magic items, if not items of legendary or artifact level quality. 

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Seeing how the primary requirement of rank is Power, there are four main ways an Archon can be removed.  The first belongs to the spouse.  If they have enough power to claim the title of Archon, it is possible for them to assume the title.  In the event that an Archon is indisposed, killed, or successfully challenged, they can be deposed.  The title will then fall to the spouse if they are indeed the most powerful of the House. 

The second way is by that of in house challenge.  Those within the Noble Blood within the House can challenge Archon once every five years.  This is usually between siblings, grandchildren, parents.  however it could even be between cousins and nephews/nieces.  Even if these blood members have assumed the names of another noble house.  If the challenger is of another house under the main House and wins, legally they are considered to return to the main House and they assume the House's surname. 

The third way is by general challenge.  This procedure is extremely rare as most Houses will seek to marry powerful nobles into their House to avoid conflict/embarrassment.  But any noble house (of reputable) title can challenge the Archon every ten years.  The challenge must be open and set on neutral ground and is typically reserved to Dukes (and in rare circumstances Counts). The Challenge is carried out by a trial of combat - which usually is to the death.  Seeing how Archon's typically have the backing and supplies of extreme magical power, this doesn't typically end well for the challenger.  These rite have only occurred successfully three time in the last 2000 years.  To avoid this, the eight Noble Houses in the past have bolstered themselves by marrying off their most powerful wizard with potential challenger from a vassal house.  The potential challenger then assume the Greater House's name and rights to the title.  In this way, the position of Archon stays within one standard line - while at the same time benefiting the potential rival house with a raise in stature.

If the Third is rare, then the fourth way is practically unheard of.  An Archon can be depose of their title if all seven of the other Archons display a vote of no confidence.  It can only occur in a time of peace and must be convened in the Capital City of the the Craddle.  This way has never even been attempted.

Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
it is proper to say "Your highness". Other Archons of similar rank or the First Archon (as is the usual custom), may address them as "my Lord/Lady."
Alternative Naming
Prince or Princess
Equates to
The Title of Archon equates to the title of Oracle (under those of House Romanos) or Pharaoh (as the title used under House Kamose).  
Length of Term
Life or Challenge
Reports directly to
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