Altin Mellerelel

Altin Mellerelel (born 17 Hammer 1443) is a male wood elf druid of the wildfire circle. The fourth of six siblings, he was born to Hadarai and Collena Mellerelel in a small village in the High Forest. He is particularly close to his younger sister Valna, and both are former members of the Ardent's Beta Team. Altin now runs a small alchemy store in Waterdeep's Southern Ward.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Altin was born on the 17th of Hammer, 1443 DR, in a small village in the High Forest to Hadarai and Collena Mellerelel. The third youngest of six siblings, Altin had an ordinary childhood with a few friends, but grew especially close to his sister Valna. He and his siblings grew up in the High Forest, learning the ways of rangers and druids from his parents and other wood elves. Unlike his siblings and the other wood elves of his village, Altin from a very young age was able to see the natural spirits of the forest all around him. To help him understand these spirits, he sought out various druids throughout the High Forest. Eventually, he came across the Circle of Wildfire, who instructed him in the ways of druids.   In 1484 DR, his sister Valna had convinced him to leave the High Forest with her and explore the outside world. Although the two were still children by elvish standards, they received blessings from their parents to head to Candlekeep to study. The two spent several months travelling the hundreds of miles south to Baldur's Gate, and from there to the library-fortress of Candlekeep. While Valna was beyond overjoyed at being able to study there, Altin's reaction was much more muted. During the monthlong periods Altin and Valna stayed in Baldur's Gate, they rented a small apartment in the Lower City. The two also made frequent expeditions to the Cloakwood in order to practice Altin's druidic powers and Valna's ranger expertise. In late 1492 DR, the two made their way to the Ardeep Forest, in order to join up with the brand-new Ardent mercenary company, after Valna managed to convince Altin that it would be "more fun".

Personality Characteristics


Having grown up in the High Forest with fellow wood elves, Altin has an affinity toward nature typical of his kind. Even more so, as a druid, he has sworn to protect nature, especially the old forests of the world. While he has no qualms with the occasional destruction of woodlands, seeing it as part of the natural cycle of the world, he always wants to see new life planted and nurtured in its place. On a more personal level, he has a strong brotherly love for his sister Valna. While he views her as reckless, foolish, over-excitable, and sometimes a bit of an idiot, he would do anything to protect her. However, he does not act this way outwardly. Finally, Altin has a desire to explore the world beyond the confines of the High Forest, especially to explore the other biomes of the world and learn about nature.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Altin is first and foremost an accomplished druid. For an elf of his age, not even a full adult, he is remarkably skilled with primal magic, nearly able to use the Power as proficiently as archdruids. His years learning under the druids of the Circle of Wildfire has also granted him powerful fire and healing magic that he has specialised himself in. Altin has a wide variety of knowledge of various plants, and thanks to this knowledge, is adept at growing most things. He also uses this knowledge in his pursuits of herbalism and alchemy, to the point of opening a store in Waterdeep to sell the products of his skills.

Altin never put much effort into socialisation, and his skills there have suffered. He finds it difficult and grating to speak with people, including his own siblings. He lacks empathy for others, often unable to understand their feelings. Altin is also very particular about the work he does, and is insistent that any work he is forced to do (as opposed to work he wants to do) suffers in quality.

Likes & Dislikes

Altin's favourite colour is red. He enjoys fire, be it a small campfire or a raging forest fire, but is not an arsonist. More than anyone else in the world, his favourite person is Valna, his sister. He enjoys spending time in nature, especially the forest, and likes studying plants. He doesn't have a favourite food, but particularly enjoys anything with a lot of spice. He is loathe to admit it, but enjoys helping people when he feels like it.

As Altin has a strong sense of pride, he has a dislike of people who don't take him seriously. He also does not enjoy being made a fool of. Altin does not take kindly to people insulting his family or people. Finally, he dislikes sweet food, as he feels it is "too happy".

Virtues & Personality perks

Altin is highly loyal to his family, above all else. He respects those who display competency in a given field and overall, as he has little patience for incompetence. Altin never goes back on a promise. Finally, he isn't particularly materialistic, preferring nature and the simpler things in life.

Vices & Personality flaws

Altin's greatest flaw is that he can be overprotective of his sister and nature. He sometimes takes a very paternalistic attitude towards Valna, viewing her as childish and incapable of making the right decisions. Altin is also known to fly into a rage if nature is significantly and purposelessly damaged. While he can be overprotective of his sister, he is sometimes willing to manipulate her into doing what he wants, due to her trusting of him. This is most common when he wants some specific information, and he is also willing to resort to intimidation and theft to get it.


Contacts & Relations

Altin doesn't maintain many contacts, seeing himself as very self-sufficient. However, he tries to stay in touch with his village through the occasional letter or even rarer visit. After leaving the Ardent, Altin has remained in contact with as many members of the former Beta Team as he can.

Over a decade ago, Altin had a girlfriend by the name of Wynfiel Reylthel. A fellow druid, she was a member of the Circle of Land and two years older than him. However, when he moved to Baldur's Gate, the two agreed that maintaining the relationship would be untenable, and broke it off with no hard feelings on either side. In 1494 DR, Altin was able to get back in touch with Wynfiel at the request of his sister, who wanted to hire a doctor for a ship.

Family Ties

Altin maintains ties with his family in the High Forest, visiting them on occasion. While he is loyal to them, he has no particular like or dislike for any of them - save his sister, Valna. He also views the Circle of Wildfire where he trained and grew up as part of his family.

Religious Views

Altin is a casual follower of Rillifane Rallathil, the Seldarine god of nature. He is not particularly religious, though does not hold non-Seldarine pantheons in particularly high regard.

Social Aptitude

The first thing one notices when speaking with Altin is his strong ego. He views himself as important, and worthy of attention and respect, and has average. However, he is very introverted, and only speaks when he absolutely has to. Many people are surprised by Altin's good etiquette, often expecting a druid to be less formal. Altin is very confident in his own abilities, and does not typically ask for help. He prefers the wilds of nature to built-up areas, and is more comfortable there.


In conversations, Altin has a tendence to speak down to people. If he is experienced in a field, he immediately assumes that he is smarter than anyone else for that field and knows more than them. He is fairly reserved in conversations, speaking only when needing to. Altin likes playing with fire (literally), and occasionally uses his cantrips to juggle balls of fire or play "fire fetch" with his Wildfire Spirit.

Hobbies & Pets

Altin's Wildfire Spirit, named Dominic, takes the form of a small flaming fox. Altin treats it like a pet whenever he summons it, which he does often. He enjoys the long process of regrowing and restoring destroyed and damaged forests, a hobby he learned in the Circle of Wildfire. He also enjoys growing plants on a smaller scale. More recently, Altin has taken up alchemy and herbalism, putting his skills to use in his store in Waterdeep.


Altin Mellerelel

Brother (Vital)

Towards Valna Mellerelel



Valna Mellerelel

Sister (Vital)

Towards Altin Mellerelel




Valna is the younger sister of Altin by two years. The two grew up in a small village in the High Forest together, learning the ways of their wood elf kin. While Altin studied druids and joined the Circle of Wildfire, Valna learned the techniques of rangers, mixing them with arcane magic.

The two mostly ventured around the High Forest, but with each passing decade, Valna grew increasingly bored of the "small world" she lived in. In 1484 DR, she convinced Altin to travel with her to the library-fortress of Candlekeep, far to the south.

They stayed in an apartment in Baldur's Gate, venturing into the Cloakwood in between bouts of entering Candlekeep. Several years later, the two joined the Ardent mercenary company, and went on numerous adventures together, ending up saving Menzoberranzan from an invasion by devils.

After the Battle of Menzoberranzan, the two settled down in Waterdeep. Valna, along with Sariel Liadon and Nathxena Fey founded the Arrowheads. They opened a tavern in the Southern Ward of Waterdeep, and soon after, Altin opened an alchemy shop close by to keep an eye on his sister.

Perren Mellerelel


Towards Altin Mellerelel


Altin Mellerelel


Towards Perren Mellerelel


Iarynore Mellerelel


Towards Altin Mellerelel


Altin Mellerelel


Towards Iarynore Mellerelel


Altin Mellerelel


Towards Sys Mellerelel


Sys Mellerelel


Towards Altin Mellerelel


Fenris Mellerelel


Towards Altin Mellerelel


Altin Mellerelel


Towards Fenris Mellerelel


Akil Ecall

Coworker (Important)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Akil Ecall



Okrim Lawbringer

Coworker (Important)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Important)

Towards Okrim Lawbringer



Kovos Varuxath

Coworker (Important)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Important)

Towards Kovos Varuxath



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Important)

Towards Yip Relpert



Yip Relpert

Coworker (Vital)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Important)

Towards Nathxena Fey



Nathxena Fey

Coworker (Important)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Wynfiel Reylthel

Friend (Important)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Altin Mellerelel

Friend (Important)

Towards Wynfiel Reylthel



Neutral Good
Date of Birth
17th of Hammer
Year of Birth
1443 DR 52 Years old
Valna Mellerelel (Sister)
Perren Mellerelel (Brother)
Sys Mellerelel (Sister)
Fenris Mellerelel (Brother)
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Rillifane Rallathil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan

Character Portrait image: Altin - Elf Druid by SilkyNoire

Altin Mellerelel

Medium Humanoid (Wood Elf, Wildfire Druid, Neutral Good

Armor Class 17 (green dragon scale mail)
Hit Points 112 (15d8+45)
Speed: 35 ft


( +0 )


( +2 )


( +3 )


( +2 )


( +4 )


( +0 )

Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +7
Skills Animal Handling +7, Arcana +5, History +5, Nature +5, Perception +7, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances fire, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge Rating 8 (3,900 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3

Special Equipment. Altin wears summer's inferno and a set of green dragon scale mail (accounted for in his statistics).
Fey Ancestry. Altin has advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put him to sleep.
Enhanced Bond. Whenever Altin casts a spell that deals fire damage or restores hit points while his Wildfire Spirit is summoned, he rolls a d8, and he gains a bonus equal to the number rolled to one damage or healing roll of the spell. In addition, when Altin casts a spell with a range other than Self, the spell can originate from him or his Wildfire Spirit.
Blazing Revival (1/Day).If Altin is reduced to 0 hit points and falls unconscious while his Wildfire Spirit is within 120 feet of him, he can cause the spirit to drop to 0 hit points. Altin then regains 56 hit points and immediately rises to his feet.
Spellcasting. Altin is a 14th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks. He has the following druid spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): control flames, druidcraft, produce flame, primal savagery
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, bless, burning hands, cure wounds, detect magic, healing word
2nd level (3 slots): flaming sphere, hold person, misty step, moonbeam, pass without trace, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): call lightning, daylight, dispel magic, flame arrows, plant growth, revivify
4th level (3 slots): aura of life, fire shield, polymorph, wall of fire
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, flame strike, greater restoration, mass cure wounds
6th level (1 slot): heal, primordial ward, transport via plants
7th level (1 slot): fire storm, regenerate


Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Wild Shape (2/Short Rest). Altin magically polymorphs into a beast with a challenge rating of 1 or less, and can remain in this form for up to 7 hours. Altin can choose whether his equipment falls to the ground, melds with his new form, or is worn by the new form. Altin reverts to his true form he is reduced to 0 hit points. Altin can revert to his true form using a bonus action on his turn.
While in a new form, Altin retains his game statistics and ability to speak, but his AC, movement modes, Strength, and Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form, and he gains any special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions, and reactions (except class features, legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new form has but that he lacks.
The new form's attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
Summon Wildfire Spirit. By spending a charge of Wild Shape, Altin can summon a Wildfire Spirit to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of him. Each creature within 10 feet of the spirit (other than him) when it appears must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage.
The spirit is friendly to Altin and his companions and obeys his commands. In combat, the spirit shares his initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after his. The only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless Altin takes a bonus action on his turn to command it to take another action. That action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If he is incapacitated, the spirit can take any action of its choice, not just Dodge.
The spirit manifests for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit points, until Altin uses this feature to summon the spirit again, or until Altin dies.


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