Mystan Rhogar Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Mystan Rhogar

"You just got Rhogar'd!"
— Mystan Rhogar
Mystan Rhogar, more commonly referred to as Rhogar, (born 20th of Alturaik 1472) is a male silver Dragonborn fighter and adventurer. Born in Silverymoon to a struggling family of tavern owners. He grew up learning to fight and mimicking his aunt Mystan Nathyra. He decided to join the Ardent after his aunt, in order to prove himself and make something of himself. He has a rather wide reputation of arrogance and pride amongst his coworkers and is not ashamed by this.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a Dragonborn, Rhogar is quite tall and large standing at 6'2". He maintains a fairly bulky weight, primarialy in his upper body. His 247lb weight is a fair amount of muscle and he maintains this with daily training. Much of this training is for the gaze and desire of as many women as he can entrance, however he does work on his athletics to be a better fighter.

Personality Characteristics


As an only child Rhogar has many expectations to live up to. Alongside the success of his aunt Mystan Nathyra and the pressures of the family tavern, Rhogar inherited much pressure and stress throughout his childhood. This created a need and detirmination for accomplishments and to prove his worth in gold and glory. Rhogar chose to accomplish this as an adventurer and joined his aunt in working with the Ardent

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Rhogar loves challenges and activities where he can show off. He has a gift for dueling and forgery after spending some of his youth in gambling dens and amongst gangs. Rhogar enjoys working on his athletics, training everyday he can. He is also a fan of using his intimidating presence and physique to get his way, no matter the consequences.

While he might have spent a fair amount of his free time gambling, he doesn't always win and will quite often lose due to his confidence. When this occurs or when Rhogar loses in general he can be awful and quite nasty in the way he acts and speaks to others.

Likes & Dislikes

Rhogar is fond of getting his way at every chance he can. He loves to win and loves money. He is a collector of swords and fine wines and loves any chance he can get to show them off. He doesn't like those who can't take care of themselves. He also hates losing and will do anything to win.

Virtues & Personality perks

Confident and direct, Rhogar's fourthright personality gives him a commanding presence and people tend to listen to him. He is detirmened to what he needs to and will prove himself by any means.

Vices & Personality flaws

A man of gambiling and debauchery, he spends much of his time on the finer things in life. Rhogar loves winning money and is often controlled by the need for appreciation and money. He will be very self-centered and aggressive in his approaches to achieve this. Much of this pursuit has put him into debt to loaners and he has several debts to pay back.


Contacts & Relations

Rhogar has built a rapport amongst his team Alpha Team, with many of them considering each other friends. He has his aunt Mystan Nathyra, in a high position within the Ardent, and she will look after him if need be. Rhogar also has connections of gamblers and his family within Silverymoon.

Family Ties

Rhogars parents and grandparents live in Silverymoon. They run a tavern in the city and send him money if he ever needs it. However they have become less inclined to do so due to his gambling habits. Rhogar's aunt Mystan Nathyra has stood up for him within the organisation and will do so; however Rhogar sees her as a rival to beat.

Religious Views

Rhogar was raised to follow Bahamut, however his following of the Platinum Dragon's teachings is questionable at best.

Social Aptitude

Rhogar's ego and domineering speech is reflected in his persistence to constantly take over any conversation he can. Often changing the subject matter to himself and trying his best to gloat and boast. This often annoys others and is a major cause for his negative reputation amongst members of the Ardent, and people he comes across.

Rhogar is very extroverted and enjoys social gatherings, parties, and rowdy crowds much more that silent rooms. He has a lust and need for parties and fun, and will often get sidetracked partying or talking.


Rhogar is often loud and will almost always be the loudest person in a gathering. He is often aggressive, especially when provoked. Rhogar will argue and be as rude as he possibly can when he is provoked or harrassed in conversation. He will however often be the cause of much of this harrassment as he is known for his jeers and teasing.


Mystan Rhogar

Much Cooler Nephew (Important)

Towards Mystan Nathyra



Mystan Nathyra

Lame Aunt (Vital)

Towards Mystan Rhogar




Nathyra wasn't present for his birth and was being tutored and learning. She is his aunt and only older than him by eight years so a rivalry was formed between them, with Rhogar feeling the need to reach her achievements.

Mystan Rhogar

Top Soldier (Important)

Towards Aial Vock Tal



Aial Vock Tal

Boss (Important)

Towards Mystan Rhogar




Rhogar began working for Aial in late 1492 DR. They treated each other with a mutual understanding and respect, however not anything more than that. Aial sees Rhogar as a reckless leader, who still gets the job done and Rhogar sees Aial as a means to greatness.

Mystan Rhogar

Hot and Debonair Leader of Alpha Team (Important)

Towards Valna Mellerelel



Valna Mellerelel

The Smart Bookish Coworker (Important)

Towards Mystan Rhogar




Rhogar often picked on Valna for things he thought were her insecurities and weaknesses. Inadvertently Valna thought he was complimenting her and her friends in Beta Team. Overtime her nice attitude eroded his rudeness until they became somewhat friends. This was also helped by the mutual respect earnt by fighting side by side during the Battle of Menzoberranzan.

Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Dohrim Qai



Dohrim Qai

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Hot and Debonair Leader of Alpha Team (Trivial)

Towards Sariel Liadon



Sariel Liadon

Pretty Boss (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar




Rhogar began working for the Ardent in late 1492 DR. This is when he met Sariel who disliked his strict and uptight demenor around all of the higher ranking staff. Even after a year and a half he still hasn't loosened up to her despite her concern. Rhogar sees her as a pretty face, but someone who can be scary in her ability to find things out. Sariel notices his potential, even writing so in his initial dossier, but she believes he needs to loosen up more.

Akil Ecall

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Akil Ecall



Okrim Lawbringer

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Okrim Lawbringer



Kovos Varuxath

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Kovos Varuxath



Altin Mellerelel

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Mystan Rhogar



Mystan Rhogar

Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Altin Mellerelel



Wealth & Financial state

Rhogar has gained much wealth in his time adventuring and working with Ardent. Some of his wealth will be inheritied from his family business running taverns in Silverymoon.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Leader of Alpha Team
Date of Birth
20th of Alturiak
Year of Birth
1472 DR 23 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
247 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You just got Rhogar'd!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic


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