
The Necrodrake drakes are fascinating creatures that belong to the genus Necrodrake, which potentially encompasses a couple of species, although our understanding of them is not yet complete. These formidable beings are characterized by their larger-than-life stature, striking black and white coloring, and a skeletal, thin appearance. They sustain themselves by feeding on animal bones and decaying flesh, making them a truly unique and intriguing part of the natural world.   Typically, these creatures are observed residing in subterranean environments, such as caves, tunnels, or underground systems. They have also been documented to reside in the lower levels of expansive abandoned human constructions.   Necrodrakes inhabit the regions surrounding south eastern Drakemyst and the north eastern Arkynshire. These impressive beasts are commonly found in the vicinity of the Duskfire Desert, where they have adapted to thrive in the unique environment. They have also been seen in forests by the outskirts of the desert.

Basic Information


Necrodrakes, similar to other drakes, possess four legs and lack wings. Unlike some other creatures, they do not have bioluminescent features.   These grotesque creatures are remarkable for their large size and thin appearance. Despite their size, they have a sleek and slender build. Their skin is dark, bumpy, and loose, reminiscent of the skin texture seen in lizards. Their eyes appear sunken, casting a shadow over the eye socket and giving the unsettling impression of a creature without eyes.

Ecology and Habitats

Necrodrakes are fascinating creatures that thrive in subterranean environments such as caves, tunnels, and the lower levels of abandoned concrete structures. Despite the darkness of their surroundings, necrodrakes do not have bioluminescence. Instead, they rely on their exceptional eyesight and sense of smell to navigate and hunt in these environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The diet of necrodrakes is truly distinctive within the dragonkin community. These formidable creatures primarily sustain themselves by consuming the bones of deceased animals and decomposing flesh. Their favored feeding grounds are usually situated deep within caverns and in the underground levels of deserted structures. They are drawn to the scent of decaying flesh, which leads them to their feeding grounds.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of these creatures remains a mystery, although it is probable that they lead solitary lives.


What are you, mad? Who would even try to attempt this?

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Although necrodrakes make their home underground, they possess excellent vision and a keen sense of smell, allowing them to navigate their subterranean habitat with ease. Their hearing is also highly developed. However, when in concrete structures, the echoing can disorient a necrodrake, causing them to rely primarily on their sense of smell.   Due to their acute senses, exploring abandoned buildings becomes a dangerous undertaking, as necrodrakes can easily detect and track potential threats with remarkable precision.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Drakon necrodrake
64 years??
Conservation Status
None; no one wants to preserve these things.
Average Physique
Large size, yet somehow bony and skinny.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark-skinned; skin similar to lizards.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Scientific Classification
Class: Reptillia
Order: Draconis
Family: Drakon
Genus: Necrodrake
Species: ???


Concept Art - AI Generated



  • This creature was inspired by the Chelicerate[1] from Subnautica: Below Zero, the Griever[2] from Maze Runner, and the Bearded vulture.[3]
  • References

    1. "Chelicerate" — on Subnautica Fandom Wiki; October 28, 2023.
    2. "Griever" — on Maze Runner Fandom Wiki; March 24, 2024.
    3. "Bearded vulture" — on Wikipedia; June 12, 2024.


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