
Novascale is the only known species of the Novae genus. They are large amphitheres with iridescent blue scales and purple or yellow eyes. While they can be seen traveling to many places on Azlov, they are only native to the Novascale Island.   There aren't any known varieties of this species. Novascales are currently listed as Near Threatened due to the likely risk of extinction in the future. Their habitat, an island in the middle of a sea, is gradually eroding away due to powerful ocean currents and severe storms. This erosion poses a serious threat to the survival of the Novascales, making their future uncertain unless conservation efforts are implemented.

Basic Information


These creatures, like all amphitheres, possess an elongated serpentine body similar to that of a snake, lacking legs or arms, and are equipped with two or more wings.   Novascales have wings that are nearly as long as their bodies, making them capable of impressive aerial feats and long flight travel.

Ecology and Habitats

Novascale amphitheres are only native to the Novascale Island, though they do travel elsewhere and can be seen as far as Ardenfell and Arkynshire.

Biological Cycle

Similar to snakes, novascale amphitheres undergo a process called molting, during which they shed their outer skin or epidermis. This allows them to grow as well as remove any parasites or old, damaged skin. In order to molt properly, novascales require a humid environment that provides adequate moisture to facilitate the shedding of their skin. This process is crucial for the health and well-being of novascale amphitheres, allowing them to maintain their sleek, healthy appearance and overall vitality.

Additional Information


The mesmerizing beauty of their scales has led humans to selectively breed a subspecies to be smaller, transforming them into a domesticated pet. This particular subspecies is scientifically referred to as Novascale minutissimus. Although visually similar to the wild type, these smaller variants have a considerably reduced size. They tend to have shorter lifespans than their larger counterparts due to their diminished stature, and humans often regard them more as pets.   One well known individual of this tiny novascale subspecies is Nissov, who has won the hearts of patrons at his owner's bar while captivating them with his unique presence and charm.

Civilization and Culture

Historical Figures

Sphyii is a remarkable novascale, one of the only known Ancient amphitheres. She distinguished herself by single-handedly facing the formidable Wyrm of Chaos, although this courageous act resulted in severe injuries and the loss of her voice. Consequently, the humans gave her the Legend name "The Voiceless". Sphyii shares a deep bond with Taavi, the largest known Ancient Dragonkin, who happens to be a majestic sea serpent. Together with their companion Airigold, they undertook the task of escorting and confining the Wyrm of Chaos at Frostcrest following the end of the Draconian War.  
Nissov is a well known small domestacated novascale amphithere pet, owned by Tork Keghart. He can often be found gracefully coiled up in the Savage Serpent Alehouse, captivating the attention and affection of the tavern's regulars. With his mystical presence and gentle demeanor, Nissov has quickly become a beloved mascot of the bar, adding a touch of magic to the cozy atmosphere. From time to time, he can't resist taking something from a patron's plate, often prompting them to call him a savage before a burst of laughter follows.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Novae novascale
Conservation Status
Near Threatened
Average Length
11 ft (3.35 m)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
  • Irridescent blue scales
  • Purple or yellow eyes
  • Scientific Classification
    Class: Reptillia
    Order: Draconis
    Family: Amphithereus
    Genus: Novae
    Species: Novascale
    Subspecies: Minutissimus


    Concept Art - AI Generated



  • This was the second dragonkin species made for this world during the 2024 Summer Camp event on World Anvil.
  • The name written in the notebook was originally "Scalenova" and was listed as a geographical name.
  • The species was created after the Novascale Island was created for a writing prompt during the 2024 Summer Camp event on World Anvil.
  • At first, this was just something random Nulcheck envisioned. However, after creating Nissov and writing for the Summer Camp 2024 prompt "A species that is intentionally bred", he decided to make a subspecies bred for domestication.
  • Even though Nissov was based on the Blue Dragon Imp illusion from ESO,[1] this species, although very similar, was not. It just so happened to be similar enough to the description of Nissov that Nulcheck decided to use this species for him, too.
  • References

    1. "Blue Dragon Imp" — on UESPWiki; January 3, 2024.


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