Shatterscale Mountains
The Shatterscale cordillera is the most extensive mountain range on Azlov, and stretches from northern Emberland down to the tip of the Dragon's Tail peninsula. A second line of mountains on Ravia also runs parallel to the main line. This creates the Shatterscale Valley, which contains a large crevass in the ground known as the Shatterscale Rift. Near the rift is a large cave high in the mountains where most of the Ancient Dragonkin live and is known as Dragonspire. The northern rivers of the valley flow into the rift and the southern rivers flow into the sea. A passageway in the middle of the mountain range, known as Shatterscale Pass, connects Ravia and Emberland. This is the only pathway to travel between these two continents, aside from sailing around the tip of Dragon's Tail, or through the arctic waters.
Vast extensive mountain range, with a parallel line of mountains in the middle, on the Ravian side. This makes a reasonably large valley with a considerable crevasse just north of the Shatterscale Pass thoroughfare.
The northern section of the cordillera is covered in snow most of the year. The middle section is fairly cold but does have a decently warm spring and summer. The southernmost section at Dragon's Tail has the wettest and warmest spring and summer out of the mountain range.
Fauna & Flora
The northern section doesn't have much flora or fauna as it is covered in snow most of the year. The middle and southern sections have plenty of flora and fauna. However, there are not many trees that grow on the mountains themselves; most of them are on the windward side of the base of the mountains. The southernmost part of Dragon's Tail has the most flora coverage in the warmer months.
Plenty of fauna lives in the mountain range. Most of the Ancient Dragonkin live in a cave high in the mountains, in the middle of the range, near the Shatterscale Pass.
Natural Resources
The natural resources to gather from this area are stone and ores. There are not enough trees nor space for tree farming to sustain <settlement name> on Dragon's Tail.