Scale Blight

Scale Blight is an exceptionally uncommon degenerative disease that primarily affects dragonkin with large osteoderm scales, or scutes. This fungal disease is pervasive across the land of Azlov and can impact all species of dragonkin.   The fungus targets the base of the scaleplate or scute, gradually advancing into the root and causing a progressive weakening of the scute until it eventually detaches. In addition to this, it inhibits the natural regeneration of scutes in dragonkin, resulting in the formation of open wounds. These open wounds pose a significant risk as they provide entry points for other pathogens into the body of the affected dragonkin.

Transmission & Vectors

The fungus is located deep within the soil and doesn't typically present a danger. However, in the event of soil disturbance, such as during a natural disaster, it has the potential to become airborne. While the mucus linings in the nasal cavity and lungs act as barriers against the fungus taking root, the skin and scales of dragonkin offer no protection when they come into contact with contaminated soil.


If it is suspected that the dragonkin has come into contact with contaminated soil, it’s important to thoroughly wash the them with soap and water to remove any potential contaminants. If a fungal infection has already developed, you can apply anti-fungal cream directly to the affected area to help treat the infection. If the infection is chronic and the scale has already fallen off, there are limited options for treatment, but anti-fungal medicine administered intravenously may be necessary to address the infection internally and prevent it from infecting other parts of the body.


If the wound is left untreated, the resulting outcome is inevitable as the body becomes vulnerable to other pathogens entering through the wound. Consequently, the fungus can proliferate through the bloodstream and manifest in other parts of the body.


To prevent the growth of fungus on dragonkin, it is essential to ensure that they are regularly bathed using a mild cleanser. Additionally, frequent checkups by a qualified dragonkin specialist will help monitor their overall health and identify any potential issues early on.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


  • The name and general concept were taken from an AI prompt on unique degenerative diseases that affect dragonkin.
  • The condition was also based on an episode Nulcheck saw on Monsters Inside Me.
  • A kid (funny enough whose name was also Steven) was injured in a tornado; it kicked up soil with this fungus in it; the doctors couldn't get his wounds to heal, and found out he had a fungal infection that was affecting the tissue, bone, and vital organs.[1] They diagnoised him with Zygomycosis.[2]
  • In the episode, they showed an actual photo during surgery; he had fungus growing on the bones of the ribcage, and this nightmare of an image had stuck with Nulcheck ever since.
  • The victim's case was also featured in a medical journal.[3]
  • References

    1. "Maggots are Eating Me" — on Monsters Inside Me Fandom Wiki; May 15, 2024.
    2. "Zygomycosis" — on Wikipedia; April 28, 2024.
    3. "Apophysomyces trapeziformis Infection Associated With a Tornado-Related Injury" — on The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal; June 2012.    


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