Drakemyst (ˈdreɪkmɪst)
Drakemyst is the third largest continent located in the northeast-central region of Azlov. It is east of Emberland and is connected to Arkynshire and Frostcrest. A medium-sized mountain range separates Frostcrest from Drakemyst with an easy passageway through. Drakemyst is predominantly forest, perfect for any species of Drake, which is where the continent gets its name from.
Drakemyst is predominantly forest of varying types, perfect for any species of Drake. There is a medium-sized mountain range to the north, that seperates Frostcrest and Drakemyst.
The climate is reasonably temperate but also partially tropical in the south. The mountain range along the Frostcrest border blocks most of the northern winds, making north Drakemyst dryer than the rest of the continent.
Fauna & Flora
Drakemyst has one of the most diverse amounts of wildlife of any continent on Azlov. There are numerous varieties of flora and fauna throughout the land. Many species of Drake originated from the forests of Drakemyst.
Natural Resources
The most abundant resource on Drakemyst is wood. Some ore and stone can also be found here. Similar to Emberland, Drakemyst has an extensive coastline; the ocean also provides resources.
Location under
Included Locations
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions
Inhabiting Species