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Bound Series
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Darkness Moon Chronicles

Bound Series: Totosius 2016 EoL
Shadows Saga: August 2019 AD

Created by: Amelia Nite
Editorial Team: Empress Angel Bangel Boo
This Is A Disclaimer And Comes At A Hard Time For D&D Fans.
  I'm pretty sure many of you have heard about the OGL 1.1 replacing the OGL 1.0 or Opening Gaming Licence. If you have not, here is a list explaining why OGL 1.1 is bad (posted directly from the Erenel discord):  
  • All creators earning over $50,000 per year must report their earnings to WotC.
  • Revenue (not profit) made in excess of $750,000 in a calendar year is subject to 20% or 25% royalties. The 20% is from negotiations with Kickstarter.
  • WotC automatically has a claim to anything you create. You must submit all your work to them before publishing thru D&DBeyond. They can also take it and repackage it however they please.
  • Anything that is not a PDF or Book is not allowed outside the fan policy. This means VTTs, phone apps, etc.
  • ANY PAST OGL IS REVOKED. Despite the original intent of OGL 1.0a, WotC will no longer honor the agreement claiming it is “deauthorized.” While this could be fought in court, WotC is planning to use their army of lawyers and mountains of cash to bully smaller creators. Expect years of appeals and injunctions.
  • An important reminder. This is for EVERY edition. Expect things to get nasty.
  •   Since there is a huge possibility of OGL 1.0 being replaced by OGL 1.1 and taking away a lot of rights for the fan community of D&D and potentially causing harm to a lot of content creators out there, I am deciding to step away from D&D permanently and transfer everything I use over to Pathfinder 2e.   I personally condone OGL 1.1 and have lost respect for WotC, and while they are going to be explaining the OGL 1.1 -- let's all be honest, they're just covering their arses now and trying to save face -- I still cannot run the risk of OGL 1.1 being real and taking my rights away as a homebrew creator. I also want to clarify that WotC will NEVER own the Darkness Moon Chronicles universe, Hidden Origins universe, Eqen universe, or the Raining Fire universe.   Please be patient as I take the time to transfer notes, stats, and gaming mechanics to Pathfinder 2e.

    In the beginning, around 15 billion years ago, there was only the void, an endless sea of darkness. Then with a flash of light through the darkness, ten ancient, yet powerful beings awoke, shaking off their slumber to see the void spread out before them. These ten beings were known as the Fates, who are the original celestials in the universe. They are the reason any life was created in the first place. With each of their names tying in with each of their abilities, the Fates sought to bring meaning to the endless void and used their power to form two sources of energy from their souls, Noella, the Sun and Bavara, the Moon.   As it is impossible for light to exist without darkness, another consciousness immediately slipped out of the Fates, calling herself Vavheia, the Dark, who ruled over the darkest and coldest corners of the known universe. All these beings used the chaos to fuel their powers and so brought into being the formless planes of light and dark. Bavara saw Vavheia as a polluter of the chaos and battled with her. At this point, the concepts of time and space did not exist, so in the end, the conflict was meaningless. Eventually, Bavara began to whipser in the ears of the Fates and Sun, convincing them to believe that Vavheia was forsaken, twisted from her true purpose of keeping the dark void in check.   And so, the Fates banished Vavheia beyond the reach of the aether while letting Noelle and Bavara watch over the planet, Eskǎvaëís. In doing so, dark void that surrounded the small planet burst with tiny divisions called stars, and the Fates spread out in search of a mediator to better regulate the chaos that seemed to wander between the stars, reaping disorder wherever it touched.    

    Where Do You Hail From?

    Tip: Click on the NAME of the location to read about which section you are from. The image takes you to the map.


    Eskǎvaëís is set in a galaxy far away from the Milky Way Galaxy. Although this world seems common to most fantasy and dark paranormal settings, this world strives for a universe written to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity. Eskǎvaëís' is designed to be the outline of the world that The Bound Series, a book series written by me, is set in. If you are a reader of either genre, you'll feel right at home in the foundation of what the setting is built upon.

    On Eskǎvaëís, there is a continent named Chymoús that is filled with grim hope and utter darkness from a devastating war. (Okay, so they have sunlight, but metaphorically, darkness looms around every nook and cranny.) The other continents are just as foreboding, with rumors that the Vavheia, the Dark is plotting her revenge against Bavara, the Moon. If anything, all the species of the world are struggling to survive a world with vampires and infernal at their fingertips. Chaos and destruction are all everyone has ever known.

    A War for the Ages

    Have you ever wondered if vampires owned werewolves as Exotic Pets? Well, that's how the continent of Chymoús came to be ravaged by a 500+ year war caused by the insane emperor of the Itude Empire, all while his heir turns out to be mated to an Alpha Heir, in which they are fated by a prophecy to possibly end the said war.

    Sounds complicated, right?

    Yet, the war still rages on with each country on Chymoús struggling to remain afloat.

    The Arrival of the War

    Tilelt 2nd, 1492 EoL

    That was the day that the War on Chymoús sprang into action. Emperor Vladimir Tepes witnessed the horrific death of his beloved wife, Empress Sin-Yeona Cheonsa.

    The death of Empress Sin-yeona was felt over the entirety of the empire and on Sroqo 25th of 1492 EoL, Vlad declareed war upon the Moonlight Expanse, who decried the assassination of Sin-yeona. Vlad refused to back down, pushing his people further into the Moonlight Expanse's territory to destroy the wolf packs. This, in turn, brought the Phoenix Sun, Flight Academy, Sorrel Kingdom, and Conjura to aid the Moonlight Expanse.

    Hundreds of years went by with war threatening to tear the continent in half. And while Emperor Vlad did not back down, the forboding presence of the prophecies began to enact their vengeance upon those who dared to incite the honor of slaughtering millions.

    The Many Sides

    Itude Empire

    What once started as a place created for harmony and luxury became the center for warfare and technology. Everything steampunk and magickal can be found spread out from the stormy swamps down to the flowering beauties of the meadows. Regardless of location, the fact that steampunk technology resides in the largest country on the continent remains the pinnacle point of the empire.

    Moonlight Expanse

    Made up of five werewolf packs, the Moonlight Expanse denounces all accusations the Itude Empire casts upon them. Each pack resides in an area that fits their pack name, such as the BDP being in a desert made of blue sand, where the weather is always freezing. The expanse relies heavily on magick, and the use of technology is mostly outlawed due to conflicts that technology brings with magick.

    Flight Academy

    Built upon the floating islands between Chymoús and Shálmâne, the Flight Academy is structured to deal with dangerous storms and avoid most of the dangerous outcomes of the war. However, they are an air force grade people who specialize in warfare and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.


    Shapeshifter druids hover in the northwestern part of Chymoús, where they collectively offer support for the Moonlight Expanse while keeping to themselves. Dense jungles and mountains make for rough terrain and maintain a barrier that the Itude Empire has yet to break through.

    Sorrel Kingdom

    Ever think of swimming in the bays or the oceans surrounding Chymoús? You better be careful as the merfolk and sirens that live the waters are very protective and open to taking you captive if you prove to be a threat. However, the Sorrel Kingdom is full of underwater adventures and shipwrecks galore.

    Phoenix Sun

    On a small island located to the southwest of Chymoús, the phoenixes worship their goddess, Noelle, the Sun. They aren't too comfortable with violence and would gladly stick to farming and trading for their delectable taste for horse meat, but they are a vicious enemy to have when angered. Dragons even fear these majestic creatures and their island.

    Eskǎvaëís Maps


    Chymoús Base Map Image


    Vol'nische Base Map Image


    Zrousvine Base Map Image

    Winter Moon Pack

    Winter Moon Pack Base Map Image


    by Amelia Nite (WA)


    Upon realizing the vast expanse Eskǎvaëís offers, having a few key words in mind helps.
    • Horror. You never know who you can truly trust. Friends might become enemies over a can of beans or perhaps that person you just helped save their brother has turned on you because you have a gun for protection. Monsters that lurk in the shadows often waiting to sink their teeth in you. As such, death and nightmares await every corner.
    • War. Death and chaos combined. Though, some forms of peace can arrise through war. When chaos begins, the agonizing sight of blood, explosions, gas, and debris are all one will find.
    • Death. Life is always a waiting game for death to approach. With the millions of ways to die, everyone struggles to remain calm. Even the souls of the departed have a chance at being stuck in limbo, unable to move on. In any way that death can linger, it finds a way.
    • Occult. Religion has been a part of the mortal plane for thousands of years, yet it only takes a second for the thirst of power to sink in and train others to follow the occult path. This tends to bring out the dangerous folk, leaving very little room for who can be truly safe.
    • Corruption. Whether in the hands of a greedy politician or signs of dark magick creeping through an old, abandoned city, one thing is for certain - corruption has left its mark! It is considered one of the worst practices to fall into, and one fact can be assured, where there is corruption, there is death.


    For centuries throughout the universe, magick has been used as a way of life. Under the control of Tryoh, Fate of Magick, magick has been divided into three main types: force magick, matter magick, and life magick. Both cost life energy to use and have descended from the fae. If one were to use magick in the wrong way, their life force would be cut in half, rendering them cursed with a half-life.   Most levels of magick contain rituals and abilities that only witches can use after dedicating themselves to their study. It is separated into three major archetypes (life, matter, and force) that branch off into one of the five known subtypes of magick (blood, chaos, crystal, herbalism, moon, sun, and runic). Not just any magick user can "use" them. It would be like someone saying "I have a master's degree in science" when they haven't even studied an ounce of science.   Most magick users only have an affinity for a single archetype, and they're all divided into numerous sects and studies that for a basis of cults. Magick can range from difficult things like "disease manipulation" of life, to the nigh-impossible like "luck manipulation" of forces. The more "tangible" something is, the easier it is to affect it with magick.   Mark magick is generally magick that has been formed through a bond with an infernal. It can be genetically inherited, such as how magick bloodlines work through the fae, and are just a witch's power, which comes most-naturally. This can be equivalent to how a cantrip works.   Throughout the paranormal world, magick is a huge tool. It is seen everywhere. Without it, those trying to live a mundane life wouldn't survive. However, the Moonlight Expanse uses magick more for their weapons of war and training. Otherwise, they are on a fast-track to using only science. In fact, they have recently developed a way of keeping themselves hidden from the Itude Empire without the use of magick. On Earth, magick is accepted throughout all the paranormal cities and communities regardless of their affinity.

    Different Branches

    • Force Magick. Infernal possession, heritage, and bargaining. Really only infernals can pull this off, or their mortal offspring or reincarnations. Rather than acquiring theirs through accident or incident, many of them are born with it inherently. Like how of the infernals can have only one power, all of the users only manipulate one force, which ranges from things like fire to radiation to literally just "luck."

      However, some important notes are that most types of foce require physical and mental mastery (more "omnipotent" powers are both leagues, which means more work, and drastically more dangerous for its wielder. Said force has to be present to begin with, like no conjuring, and they subconsciously drain energy from the environment with magick. One can "loan" their power to someone else. Basically, it is giving someone else that ability for a short time. In exchange, it boosts their own health, but in the meantime, they can't use it. Powers can be increased via "inhereting," like the previous by more permanent. Usually, this happens at the deathbed of a user.

    • Life Magick. Life magick is for those who have their magick potential unlocked at the brink of death, and sometimes even involves "infernal" possession or heritage. Their soul is forever "aggravated" and most couldn't hope to live a stable life without becoming an utter psychopath or a hedonistic freak. Infernal magicks are a lot more broad and unique, all of them connencted to life-archetypes, or something that alters biological pattern, though usually unique to wielders. Their hearts are quite literally branded by a seal of "infernal" origin, and it is...difficult to kill one.

      It is a wide variety of sub-magicks. When activated by literally dying users, it is usually because they are psychopathic bastards. They can increase their magick by literally eating the heart of another similar life-witch. Additionally, if an infernal eats the heart of a another infernal, they can "absorb" their power. However, this doesn't sit well on the mind and drives them further to madness.

    • Matter Magick. The first archetype are those that can channel magick into a more coherent form, usually a crystal or staff (though, guns are becoming popular in the Itude Empire). This weapon is often someone's "magnum opus," to be summoned and dispelled at will, though incapable of leaving their owner's hands when in use, cannot be damaged, and are all incredibly deadly. But their physical power depends on the wielder. It might go through flesh and bone as well as air, but it won't cleave through armor unless it has a skilled owner, reverse is true for worse owners. Some rumors even state demonic bargains can "enchant" them with specific effects.

    Current Novels:

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    by Amelia Nite (Canva)

    Earth Maps

    Storm Pack

    Storm Pack Base Map Image


    Upon realizing the vast expanse Eskǎvaëís offers, having a few key words in mind helps.
    • Horror. You never know who you can truly trust. Friends might become enemies over a can of beans or perhaps that person you just helped save their brother has turned on you because you have a gun for protection. Monsters that lurk in the shadows often waiting to sink their teeth in you. As such, death and nightmares await every corner.
    • Death. Life is always a waiting game for death to approach. With the millions of ways to die, everyone struggles to remain calm. Even the souls of the departed have a chance at being stuck in limbo, unable to move on. In any way that death can linger, it finds a way.
    • Corruption. Whether in the hands of a greedy politician or signs of dark magick creeping through an old, abandoned city, one thing is for certain - corruption has left its mark! It is considered one of the worst practices to fall into, and one fact can be assured, where there is corruption, there is death.


    In the year 2027 EoL, Eskǎvaëís exploded, leaving over 483k people stranded aboard the HSWW Starfall, a spaceship that would lead them to the planet Earth. This was how the paranormal creatures came to live on Earth among humanity.

    Human governments in the year 1105 AD had to work things out with the paranormals, creating the Shadows Coalition and separate each continent into various sections. North America has four districts that contain six territories each. Together, they had to figure a way to cope with each other or face a doomed world around them.

    Fast forward a few hundred years and the world has become one with the paranormals staying in the shadows, unknown to the mundane humans who are not Guardians. New communities have sprung to life, leaving many government systems for the paranormals having to co-exist. For some, this is a breeze, as they are already integrated into human society. As for others? They have built completely twisted organizations, seeking power or corruption of some sort.

    Earth encompasses a four-dimensional realm, with the Realm of Soartoan at the top and the realm of Hel at the bottom. Throughout the shadows, untamed forces stir, counting the seconds for when they can roam free.

    Many Factions

    Accord of Oblivion

    On Earth, not everyone knows that paranormals exist. They are a hidden secret that is guarded closely by the Accord of Oblivion. Everyone apart of the Accord are considered Guardians, a human who seeks to keep the paranormals from revealing themselves to other humans that don't know paranormals exist. They are keepers of peace.

    Bond of Silver

    The Bond of Silver is run by the Representative of the Werewolves, who overlooks the Alpha of each werewolf pack.

    Chamber of Black Onyx

    The Senator of the Vampires keeps the vampire kingdoms in check while the Kings of each vampire territory push for better equality.

    Fallen Syndicate

    Even the rogue wolves have their own system. While they don't typically get along, a Rogue Alpha will side with another if their goals aline. Some say this is deadly, but smart tactic, while other believe this is a means to overthrow the current hierarchy.

    Sentinel of the Mystic

    With no one to vouch as a spokesperson, each Grand Warlock leads their respective territory and acts as a unit when making decisions that effects the entirety of other warlocks.

    Shepherd Pact

    Often secretive and hidden behind veils, the fae are a powerful force. They never lie and keep to the truth, even if it is a bit twisted. They know how to get under someone's skin and can tell when lies are being spoken. Due to them, the keeping the peace between the paranormals and the Guardians becomes vital. They are the lifeblood that keeps the world running, so to speak.

    The Tribe of Central Sanctuary

    Whether it's searching for a cure to an unbeatable virus afflicting your species, or taking whatever means to keep your species from facing extinction, this is what pantheras face every day since the 1800s AD. Their methods are far from healthy or justifiable, yet they are determined and looking for anyone who has an answer to a cure.

    About the Author

    Amelia Nite is a writer by day or nite. She lives with her 4 furkittens and drinks enough coffee to create a black hole. You can often find her writing in odd places, but you can contact her via her twitter (just bring sweets and coffee and she'll answer).

    Darkness Moon Chronicles has 17 Warriors


    The Darkness Moon Chronicles has a total of four series all interconnecting with each other over a period of time. To date, the first book of the Bound Series has been written and the first novel of the Shadows Saga is also written. The second book in each of those series is currently in the "writing" phase, while Amelia is going back and editing the first book of the Shadows Saga.