History of the Yonderverse

  • 640 billion years ago
    Beginning of the Yonderverse
    Era beginning/end

    The Yonderverse's recorded beginning.

  • 250 billion years ago
    First sophontic species evolving

    The first sophontic species evolved within the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way.

  • 100 billion years ago
    The Storm That Shifted Time
    Disaster / Destruction

    A storm in the Time Dimension sends time flowing in all different directions, causing mass destruction as past and future planets, cities, peoples, everything, all come to the present at once.   The Storm That Shifted Time

  • 60 billion years ago
    Supposed appearance of Man

    The earliest supposed appearance of Man, a massive corpse of a being floating within District 3.

  • 20 billion years ago
    Sao's Formation

    The star, Sao, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it becomes a main sequence star and then a red giant, and planets are formed.

  • 19 billion years ago
    Oribis's Formation

    The star, Oribis, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it becomes a main sequence star and then a red giant, and planets are formed.

  • 16 billion years ago
    The Acra Virus spreads through the Yonderverse

    The Acra Virus spreads throughout the Yonderverse and wipes out 99.3% of life in the Yonderverse.

  • 16 billion years ago
    Pamela's Formation

    The star, Pamela, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it forms into a main sequence star while planets form orbiting it.

  • 14 billion years ago
    Nasara's formation

    The star, Nasara, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it forms into a main sequence star while planets form orbiting it.

  • 4.6 billion years ago
    Aquarius' Formation

    The star, Aquarius, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it forms into a main sequence star while planets form orbiting it.

  • 3.9 billion years ago
    Kavaari Exploration

    The Kavaari overpopulated their home planet, and so they set out to find a new home. Unfortunately, they did not find a suitable place to live after searching through several thousand planets, and they went extinct.

    Kavaari Museum
  • 3 billion years ago
    Sabala Rift Began Tearing
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sabala Rift formed, which caused great catastrophe. While the rift had no damage to the Capital Dimension, it sent many people into panic.

    Sabala Rift
  • 2.2 billion years ago
    First sighting of the Solar Serpent
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first ever recorded sighting of the solar serpent. Apparently, a massive serpentine creature emerged from the Sabala Rift.

  • 1 billion years ago
    Sabala Rift Expands
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Sabala Rift triples in size. This causes immense panic in close communities, as the solar serpent emerged from the rift and began exploring the Capital Dimension. It caused no harm, thankfully, and returned after a few years.

    Sabala Rift
  • 17 million years ago
    Construction of the Galactic Highway
    Construction beginning/end

    The Galactic Highway is constructed. It is the largest artificial structure in the entire Yonderverse.

    Galactic Highway
  • 50,000 years ago
    The Border is constructed around the Navillan Galaxy
    Construction beginning/end

    The Border is constructed around the Navillan Galaxy. This prevents anybody from leaving or entering the galaxy.

    Navillan Galaxy
  • 15,000 years ago
    The term "Harvesting Planet" was coined

    The term "Harvesting Planet" was coined, which would continue to be used up to present day. It referrs to any planet with no native sophonts.

  • 15,000 years ago
    Anti-Planet Poaching Law Implemented
    Diplomatic action

    The Anti-Planet Poaching law is implemented, which prevents organisations from taking control of planets if they have a native intelligent species living on it.

  • 5000 years ago
    Ffaea is formed

    The space colony Ffaea is formed in the Kuiper Belt of the Kinosmo System.

  • 4500 years ago
    Martian's First Ventures into Space
    Discovery, Exploration

    The martians, a sophont species, have their first ventures into space. They are an incredibly intelligent species and quickly formed alliances with neighbouring planets such as Venus.

  • 4000 years ago
    Jovians First Ventures into Space
    Discovery, Exploration

    The jovians, the native sophonts of Jupiter, first start venturing out into space. Their first landings on different planets such as Mercury did not go to plan as these people were particularly threatening, in both their physical stature and demeanor.

  • 4000 years ago
    People's Association's Formation
    Construction beginning/end

    The People's Association is formed. This organisation records all of the information on every single sophont in the Yonderverse.

  • 3750 years ago
    The Oanie's first ventures into space
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Oanie, a sophont, has their first ventures into space. These people have taken over hundreds of planets, wiped out several civilisations, and have quite a bad reputation.

  • 3500 years ago
    Scorpius & Vermini Crash
    Disaster / Destruction

    The two spacecrafts, Scorpius & Vermini, crash into each other just outside the Oarasal System.

  • 3000 years ago
    Founding of the Milky Way Historical Museum
  • 3000 years ago
    The first Space Legion is formed

    The first Space Legion is formed, for the planet Exxens in the Milky Way. The formation of this Space Legion sparks a new era of spacial communication and lawmaking.

  • 3000 years ago
    Oystercatcher is formed

    Settlers begin forming a settlement around the Scorpius & Vermini crash site, forming the space colony now known as Oystercatcher.

  • 2000 years ago
    Cheem's Formation

    The star, Cheem, is formed as a nebula. Over time, it forms into a main sequence star while planets form orbiting it.

  • 300 years ago
    The People's Assocation discover time travel
    Discovery, Scientific

    Time travel is discovered by the People's Association, and it is used to go back in time to study ancient civilisations. The first people sent back were Aipo and Eiki, two Cilvarthians sent back 140 million years to the Late Jurassic Period on Earth, to study saurians.

  • 100 years ago
    Human extinction

    The humans of Earth go extinct after a global pandemic caused by a virus found in space.

  • 0

    Present Day

    Present day. The Universal Clock has just been invented, which starts all calendars in the entire Yonderverse at the very start of the Year 0.

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