Farrun Islet Geographic Location in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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Farrun Islet

Farrun Islet is one of the two islets located in the delta of The Lower Basin of Torrezon.


Farrun is the northern of the two islets in The Lower Basin delta, and it home to the town of Hebbes, and Hebbesport, one of the smaller ports in the region.   Situated between the North and Middle Forks of the Flail Rivers, Farrun is a fertile stretch of green fields of grass, lush thick forests of trees, and small rolling hills. Known mostly for the large stretching farms of ____, the area surrounding Hebbes is usually considered a fairly safe place, with only the occasional signs of piracy and smuggling to be found.


  • Farrun Islet
    Farrun Islet is the small middle islet in The Lower Basin of Torrezon. Known best for Hebbesport and the town of Hebbes, as well as the multiple farms of ___ that are grown only in this small landmass.
Estuary / River delta
Location under
Owning Organization


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