Session Report: 19 November 2021 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 19 November 2021

Fate in the Cards

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

The Caves of Life (Part 2)

????年??月??日 ??:??

Caves of Life

Historical Entry: The Caves of Life (Part 2)

  Matsumoto Ooawagaeri had not been idle. While the remaining Sons of Oukranos rushed Hashinara Yoshitakatomo and began battering her* shield, the Black Blade absconded back the way they'd came.   Following the tunnels back around, he arrived at the docks jutting from the Caves' southernmost point. Although he'd been here once before, the sounds of battle had drawn him back before he could perform any thorough examination. His purpose was different this time. Gathering up as much magic as he could manage, pushing his body's ability to channel to its limit, he exerted mystical control over as much water as he could currently see. As this grotto extended to the edge of his vision into the darkness, that was a lot. What's more, the Black Blade made note of what Yoshitakatomo had discovered before: this far from the Sons of Oukranos, his magic was truly magic, and not transmuted into a psychic matrix.   A roar surged through the caves. Then a crash, as an immense amount of water flooded through the tunnels and back to the room housing the downed Gug. Sons of Oukranos were lifted off their feet left and right. Their fleshless claws cut uselessly at the engulfing liquid as they were swept away and suspended in the air. Yoshitakatomo, who found herself* held safe in a bubble of air amidst the storm, noted that the Sons of Oukranos were rendered all but helpless. For all their predatory adaptations, the things were obviously not designed for the water. So suspended, they were effectively neutralized until the spell was removed. And it was a spell. The Sons discovered that when attempting to unravel the effect's matrix.   Impressed, Yoshitakatomo regarded such dangerous enemies rendered helpless in the work of a moment. At the same time, Ooawagaeri was taking the opportunity to better observe his surroundings. There was nothing of note visible around the docks. A few rotting crates, some abandoned rowboats, and some rope tethering them to the dock, miraculously still whole. Tethering...   A glimpse at the ki spectrum confirmed Ooawagaeri's suspicions. In the dark water beneath the rope was an even darker aura. It shifted like water, hardly visible, but still humanoid enough in its general form. Floating over to the spot, Ooawagaeri stood on the water and made use of his continued control to slowly lower himself down. A few yards down, his feet connected with something firm and slippery.   So coaxed, a blackish form, covered in white tendrils not unlike hair, burst forth from the water and regarded Ooawagaeri with annoyance. At first, she accused him of cheating, but he'd solved the riddle fairly. It was to this curator, then, to aid them through the Caves of Life. Except...Ooawagaeri wasn't the Champion of Omoikane. He wasn't a Champion of any deity. Not yet, although he'd sown a seed back on Earth which might change that in due time.   What the Black Blade could do was bring the Champion to the steward. Reaching out with a bit of magic, Ooawagaeri found Yoshitakatomo a willing subject for teleportation. The Princess-Daimyō popped into the scene just a few feet away. Together, they regarded their erstwhile riddlemeister. This creature, who introduced herself as Zvonimira, seemed much more flesh-and-blood than the shadowy simulacrum that they'd encountered before. Although mostly humanoid, her skin was a pitch black that spoke of depthless seas, and the stark-white hair on her head seemed more flesh than follicle. Yoshitakatomo gathered that this steward was, in fact, a Zoog. None of that species they'd encountered thus far had been so intelligent or powerful as this one, but all other signs seemed to point as such.   As something of an experiment, Yoshitakatomo conjured a fully-stocked bento and offered it to Zvonimira. The food was edible enough, but what should truly attract a Zoog would be the magic it was woven from. Their hostess confirmed that she did indeed eat magic, but the latent energies of this place sustained her without the need to devour spells. Still, she was of an adventurous mind. Placing the bento on top of her head, she quickly absorbed it through some unseen orifice, box and all.   Now that the Champion was here, Zvonimira's duty was to see them through the caverns. The cure they sought, secreted away by Omoikane centuries ago, was at this section of the Caves' opposite corner. No doubt many more of the Sons of Oukranos were prowling the tunnels, but Zvonimira could allow the party to pass by them unseen. She seemed to think that a demonstration was then in order. Vanishing from sight, Zvonimira seemed to simply dissolve into the shadows of the cave. Both generals were reminded of the way Kashirin could seem to simply step out of sight.   A moment later, without any sort of warning, Yoshitakatomo began to feel drowsy. The edges of her* vision became dark and oppressive. As though a weight were pressing down on her* mind from outside, she* struggled to make out even the barest details of her* environment. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it was over and Zvonimira returned to their presence. The steward explained that it was a powerful neurotoxin capable of inhibiting sensory perception. As a poison directly targeting the brain, it was especially effective against the Sons of Oukranos, who were mostly gray matter to begin with.   In aid of the Champion, Zvonimira would use this power to allow them to pass freely through the Caves of Life. On one condition: she was bored, and wished to travel with them once the cure was found. AFter all, her duty to Omoikane here would be done. However, said cure at the Caves' terminus no doubt had a guardian, something even more terrible than the Sons. In which case, Yoshitakatomo thought it prudent that they should collect Ryūzaki Sanosuke and his friend before they engaged in more combat.   Actually, wasn't there something they were forgetting? They had come into the Gug room not as a duo, but a trio. Reaching out once again, Oowagaeri used his magic to pluck Umashiashikabihikoji's still inert body from the water some caverns away. She was wet, but her skull still intact. It seemed, fortuitously, that the inflood of water had been enough to prevent the Sons from continuing their sickening exploration of her head. This idea was supported by the many bloodless lacerations across her flesh, as though something with sharp claws had been desperately scrabbling at her body for purchase.
Summons to the Archive

1559年11月16日 17:00 (Afternoon)

Kaneyama Castle

Historical Entry: Summons to the Archive

  In the northern reaches of Mino Province, young Daimyō Aotsuki Tsukamoto stood now before a hulking castle of pinkish hue. The result hadn't been exactly what he had in mind when he'd asked Alice of Hearts to create it. Still, the fortress seemed functional enough and Saitō Dōsan wasn't overly-concerned by its unique coloration.   All that remained now, as Shigeaki Fujino reminded him, was to choose a name. Aotsuki thought on this for a short time, then came to an answer: Kaneyama Castle. Those few assembled murmured their approval. Directly translated, that would be something like "money mountain." An auspicious name that surely reflected the fortress' opulent design.   As Aotsuki gazed fondly upon his newest construction, something occurred to him. It had been his intention that Dōsan himself would move to command this fortress. But, then, that would leave Inabayama Castle without its traditional ruler. Certainly, Kuroda Kanbei could step in to take command. Aotsuki trusted her well enough. But the Kanbei-Dōsan team had proved quite effective in handling Mino Province, so it seemed a poor idea to split them up.   Fortunately, Shigeaki Fujino was there to present herself as the new castle lord. It was a joke, at first, but the more Aotsuki thought about it, the more he liked the idea. Fujino was away at all hours and in all parts of Japan, but beyond her quarters at Wakigami Castle, she didn't have any place to call a home base. With her at the helm, Kaneyama Castle wouldn't exactly benefit from a strong military hand, but Fujino could use a formal headquarters, a staging point, and the pastel castle suited her well. What's more, she could easily bring in reinforcements in the event of an attack from either of the neighboring provinces.   So it would be. Until a more fitting lord presented themselves, Shigeaki Fujino would have command of Kaneyama Castle. The psychic herself was a little nonplussed at her joke being taken so far, but certainly wasn't about to refuse. A wide grin lit her face as she brought Aotsuki and Alice back to Inabayama.   It was Aotsuki's intention, then, to check up on the situation with Crow. Having finally delivered that fugitive into Saitō Dōsan's custody, he was eager to follow up and discover what the big man had planned. As they met in the castle's top-floor meeting room, however, it came to light that Dōsan had already handled things.   Crow had incurred a massive debt. The kind of debt he wouldn't be able to pay back for years. Plus there was something about bizarre posters and trouble in other cities. Dōsan had decided that it would be best if Crow remained in Inabayama Castle for now. The Saitō Clan would pay off his debt from their own coffers and Crow would keep himself busy in the stables, the kitchen, and anywhere else he could work towards paying it back.   Kuroda Kanbei had, apparently, told the poor soul that his head would explode if he wandered too far from the castle. Neither Aotsuki nor Dōsan knew if that was true. It would certainly be within Kanbei's power as they understood it... Aotsuki resolved to ask her about it later.   Still, the situation was satisfactorily resolved for now. It had been one of the first things Dōsan asked of him and the improvement to Inabayama's stability would be a small but effective change. Unbidden, an image of three hulking figures came to Aotsuki's mind. Hoshiro, Toshiro, and...who was the third? Or were there only two? Anyway, perhaps his next task could be bringing those boys formally into Saitō Dōsan's employ. They should be around somewhere, since Momoyama Shunkei was stationed in the same castle.   As the young Daimyō opened his mouth to float this suggestion, he found himself violently interrupted. From the nearby corner of the room, a blossom of black flame exploded out of the ground. The accompanying roar sent both Aotsuki and Dōsan on the defensive. Their hands gripped their weapons, but the two figured revealed beyond the blaze showed no overt signs of aggression.   Aotsuki recognized the first's sallow form immediately. It was Chitosemaru, the woman who had recently begun accompanying the Shogun in their box at the Mōri Tournament. She looked as unpleasantly smug as ever, and her companion did not help with that impression.   Tall, broad, and with impossibly voluminous white hair, this man was obviously a Demon. His four horns swept back from his face, leaving blood-red eyes free to gaze disdainfully at Aotsuki and Dōsan. Despite the intensity of their entrance, they did not, at least, seem to be here to fight. Indeed, Chitosemaru introduced herself with an air of formality, then claimed she was here on behalf of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki.   Building a castle, or creating one as the case may be, was not something that a Daimyō was permitted to do without the approval of the Shogunate. Aotsuki's new Kaneyama Castle was, therefore, a gross violation of the law. Fortunately, Yoshiaki was feeling very generous toward Aotsuki. So long as the young Daimyō were to travel to the Imperial Archives within the day and formally register the castle, there would be no reprisal against him.   At this last, the demon opened his palm to reveal an iron-red key, floating just above. The thing hovered forward toward Aotsuki's own hand, but the young Daimyō did not reach out to grab it. Eventually, it fell to the ground with a clatter. The sound elicited a patronizing scoff from the demon. Aotsuki made a sharp remark in turn, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.   That key, Chitosemaru explained, would allow Aotsuki access to the archives. They would meet him there, unless he would rather face the consequences of defying the new Shogunate. Without any further explanation, the woman and her demonic companion vanished the same way they had appeared. Leovoso, she had called him. Aotsuki had a bad feeling about both.   That had been a show of force and an invitation to what was obviously a trap. Aotsuki bid his companions not to touch the key, then summoned Abe no Seimei and Yatsukahagi to ask their opinion on the matter. According to his adviser, it was wise of him not to have taken the thing. Accepting such an item could be seen as tacit agreement to an unspoken contract. If Abe no Seimei's limited knowledge of demons was certain on anything, it was that they thrived on oaths and deception both.   The key itself was certainly magical, but none present could identify exactly how. In which case it would be best, Aotsuki commanded, if no one touched it where it lay on the floor of Inabyama Castle. They would need to consult a specialist. Was there, perhaps, someone left in the Oda Clan who could shed more light on the matter?   Dōsan rumbled to life. There was at least one. The brother of Akechi Mitsuhide, Akechi Mitsutoshi. He was a strange, esoteric sort. If anyone had insight into Oda Nobunaga's studies into demonology, it would be him.   In that case, another visit to Odawara Castle was in order. In truth, Aotsuki wasn't certain what to expect there. His last visit had been on the night they'd attempted to absorb the remnants of the Oda Clan. Then, as now, a demon had interfered in their plans.   In the meantime, Aotsuki consulted Seimei on one last matter. Would it be possible to ward their castles against demonkind? His adviser considered, then suggested that it would be possible, but not easy. To ward a single castle would take great expense and days of work. To do so for all the castles under the Aotsuki Clan's purview would likely be a project measured in weeks.   Aotsuki accepted the news gravely and considered his options.
Maxim's Fate(?)

1559年11月16日 17:00 (Afternoon)

Matsumoto Black Galleon

Historical Entry: Maxim's Fate(?)

  At the edge of Ago Harbor, Maxim reconvened with his party in front of the Matsumoto Black Galleon. Ōgon no Hakuhen was with him, a fact which immediately incensed Netabi Shigehisa. That the big golden man was looking abashed meant little to his victim. Shigehisa had been laid out on the docks in full view of the public and he was not about to let Hakuhen, that despoiler, enter his life once again.   Fortunately, Maxim too was of the opinion that Hakuhen would not join them aboard the ship. Instead, he, Shishikura Makiko, and Kashirin would stand guard outside. When he'd given orders not to make a scene, it had been to all three of them. One's failing was the others' as well. Makiko, although disappointed, accepted this with dignity. Kashirin did no such thing.   The Black Galleon had an aura of misfortune to it that Maxim's Binbōgami companion could not help but lust for. That she had, in her mind, done nothing wrong made it all the more unfair. Maxim was firm in his stance, however, and let none of Kashirin's whining get to him. Eventually, she simply vanished. That...was inconvenient. There was little Maxim could do to suss out his companion's supernatural levels of concealment should she wish to hide from him. With an ill feeling that he was being followed, the Knight Commander gathered Tanahase Muramatsu and Netabi Shigehisa to board the vessel.   In the daylight, the Matsumoto Black Galleon had a completely different aspect. Red carpet ran across the vessel's floor, while artisanal tables gathered clusters of shady-looking individuals at regular intervals. If Maxim had more experience with the concept of a "casino," he might have pegged this as one immediately. Soon enough, a hostess approached to greet them. This was Shō Hachiya, whom Maxim had met only briefly once before.   The bee-winged girl thanked Maxim and his contingent for coming with a polite terseness in her voice. She explained that the Incredible Flying Casino was not open just yet and impressed upon them to come back later. Maxim, however, stated that he was there on business. The galleon's owner, known to some as Matsumoto Ooawagaeri, had not followed through on his duty to send someone to Ago Manor for matters of trade. So the lord of this land, Maxim himself, had come to handle things personally.   This response seemed to set Hachiya off-balance. She laid out some basic spiel while glancing around, obviously looking for someone to pass Maxim and his companions off onto. From a nearby table, a solution presented herself. This was a girl with wide eyes, vivid red clothing and, most pressingly, a fluffy white cat apparently gnawing on her head. She beckoned Maxim over, stating that she had foreseen his arrival for some time.   Maxim, quite naturally, took this to mean that she would handle the matters of trade he wished to discuss. He paced to her table, but stopped short at the sight of the long, thick cards laid out in a pattern upon it. Nekoi Nekoi, it seemed, wanted to read his fortune. There was little that the Knight Commander wanted to do less at that moment, but a soft word from Shigehisa forestalled his reaction. A gentleman would accept.   So, resignedly, Maxim took a spot next to the table. With Muramatsu to his right and Shigehisa to his left, he gave permission for Nekoi to proceed. This visibly excited the small fortune teller. She explained that these were "tarot" cards she'd picked up from a foreign trader. While the method was still unfamiliar to her, she was learning quickly and would appreciate the practice. Maxim simply nodded along and waited for her to begin.   The cards were laid out in a shape not unlike an upside-down cross. Nekoi flipped the first card, revealing a pentacle. The Queen of Pentacles, she identified. This card, however, was reverse. This meant that Maxim's current situation was shrouded in fear, distrust, and suspicion. He may have found a place here in Japan, but many still suspected him, enemies and allies both.   The accuracy of this statement left Maxim momentarily stunned. His return from Gehenna had certainly not been met with unconditional acceptance. Nekoi, undeterred, revealed the next card. This showed a cluster of chalices. Once again, they were upside-down.   This, Nekoi explained, was the Nine of Cups, reversed. It revealed that the cause of Maxim's struggles was a question of loyalty. His loyalties were split. Those that distrusted him may have good reason to do so until he could claim but a single master.   Moving forward, she flipped the third card. This showed a young woman in robes, bearing a wooden staff. This was the High Priestess, representing secrets. Its presence here hinted that Maxim's future was still uncertain. His way forward was yet clouded. Perhaps he had yet to meet the person who could clear it for him.   All three now leaned closer to the table as Nekoi revealed the fourth card. This was to be Maxim's strength, represented by the Page of Cups. Except...that meant seduction. That couldn't be right, could it? It very well could, asserted Netabi Shigehisa. After all, Lord Maxim was becoming more handsome every time they met. Maxim himself couldn't argue that. Kitsuno's magics had kept his face particularly stunning of late. Still, was there more to Shigehisa's comment? Reading the other man's expression, Maxim found something unexpected there: platonic affection. Had they truly been growing so close?   A gasp from the table drew Maxim's attention back. Nekoi was shaking her head and looking between two different cards. This Page of Cups wasn't meant to represent his strength. She'd made a mistake. Instead, it told of the outcome of his struggle. Perhaps Maxim would, at the end of his journey, get married? Or, at least, otherwise closely tethered to another.   The fifth card was the King of Cups reversed. This was Maxim's strength and, according to this card, it lay in misleading others. Duplicity. Dishonesty. Injustice. These were all weapons in the Knight Commander's arsenal. For his own part, Maxim was dubious. Did his knight's honor mean nothing? No, these cards were telling a false story, or perhaps it was the teller's inexperience showing.   As for other challenges that Maxim might face on his journey, Nekoi displayed the Ace of Pentacles, reversed. This meant misbegotten riches or poor information. Perhaps Maxim would find others who would tempt him to evil ends. Perhaps he already had.   With that, the telling was done. Nekoi looked up with an expectant expression and asked how she'd done. For a moment, Maxim considered his answer carefully. Eventually, he answered that many of the cards had a ring of truth to them. Obviously, Nekoi was quite skilled. The little fortune teller was obviously pleased at that. Even the cat on her head began to purr.   But, of course, they had dallied here long enough. As a seer, Nekoi knew who Maxim was here to meet. She turned and opened the ship doors behind her to reveal a crimson-cloaked figure standing within. Then, Nekoi gaped. This wasn't...who Maxim was supposed to meet. How could this be?   Like a storm, Shōjō swept out from belowdecks and into Maxim's company. She had something to sell him and he was about to hear about it. Today, it was powdered Wamp bone. According to Shōjō, this stuff would cure anything, even demonic influence!   To say that Maxim was skeptical would be a gross understatement. Still, he adopted the cloak of the gentleman once again and merely asked where Shōjō had acquired such a thing. She'd traded for it, apparently. That wasn't too outlandish, given that materials from the Dreamlands were lately making their way into Japan's trading ports. What was outlandish was the price Shōjō demanded. Five thousand koku could feed an entire town for a year.   Behind him, Maxim heard Shigehisa clear his throat. Was he about to insist that Maxim take the purchase? Because it's what a gentleman would do?! No, as it turned out. The strategist was instead of the mind that a gentleman would banish Shōjō from his sight for daring to make such an absurd offer. So relieved of his worries, Maxim gave a counteroffer. He would pay one hundred koku for the box, and Shōjō could take it or leave it.   The red-cloaked girl chewed her lip as she considered. A hundred koku was still a princely sum, and likely far more than any reasonable local would ever give her. Still, it seemed, Shōjō could not help but push her luck. She came back with an offer for one thousand.   Fortunately, Maxim was saved from having to respond to this absurdity by the appearance of another figure on the deck. Apparently, while his attention was absorbed with this farce of bartering, Nekoi Nekoi had nipped off to gather the person he actually wanted to talk to. This turned out to be a dark-skinned woman in rich clothes of a foreign cut. If her exotic features were not enough of a clue, the pointed tips of her ears made it obvious that she was not of local descent. She introduced herself as Kravann, a trader from the Dreamlands, and suggested that Wamp bone dust might be worth more than a hundred koku currently.   Muramatsu perked up at the name. This, he assured Maxim, was someone he'd leaped at the chance of hiring from the Dreamlands. Although she'd gone through many hoops to get here, Kravann was set to be a part of The Wolfpack. This was glad news to Maxim. He'd had good relations with each Elf he'd met in Albion and was happy to welcome one to his organization. Kravann, apparently, did not know what an Elf was, but she was pleased to offer her expertise. She and her new assistant would move their belongings to Ago Manor forthwith.   As if summoned, a sallow figure edged into the light from belowdecks. She looked more like a ghost than a human, with black hair hanging lifelessly over a gray-skinned face. Maxim was fortunate enough not to know that this was none other than Shōjō's mother, no doubt traded to Kravann for the box of bone dust in the first place.   With that settled, all that remained was Maxim's original reason for visiting the ship. He had yet to meet the Black Galleon's trademaster. That, as it turned out, was Nekoi Nekoi herself. They'd been associating for the entirety of their visit. Nonplussed, Maxim left Muramatsu to it. The two would discuss anything relevant to the Galleon's stay in Ago. Muramatsu would then retire to Ago Manor later that night and bring Maxim up to speed.   This visit had certainly been less chaotic than Maxim's first venture onto the Black Galleon. Still, he was glad to put it behind him. As he and Shigehisa made to leave, however, the other pulled him aside for a short private conversation. The strategist had been watching Maxim's behavior throughout this entire visit. Quite frankly, Shigehisa was impressed with the aplomb and tact this "foreign barbarian" had shown in his dealings here. His work here was done. Maxim had, at some point, become quite the Japanese gentleman.   Although warmed by the praise, Maxim did express that he was sorry to see Shigehisa go. He'd hoped to make the strategist another member of the Wolfpack, but it seemed that loyalty to the Tachibana Clan came first. Still, the two had somehow become allies, if not outright friends. Shigehisa would leave come the morning to rejoin the Tachibana as they dealt with the conflict brewing in Central Japan. Fate willing, they would meet again.

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  • +7 Total Kuma Commendations

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  • Mino Dispute 1

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