Kitsuno Character in Tsuwamono | World Anvil


Ōe Fashionista

"Princess" Kitsuno (a.k.a. 吉乃)


  A fantastically well-dressed Oni who once resided at Mount Ōe. Kitsuno was a paragon of fashion among the Oni, and the closest thing the Mountain had to a true Princess. Always wearing the latest in fashions from the Imperial Capital, Kitsuno's unique look is accentuated with a slight touch of magic. Though casters are not particularly common among the Oni, this particular instance is living proof that they can become powerful magicians if given the incentive and upbringing.   Though extremely young for an Oni, or any type of yōkai for that matter, Kitsuno was already well accepted by the Mount Ōe community. Lacking in strength though they might be (again, comparatively), those voluminous sleeves hide a surprising deftness of hand and skill with the blade that still lend themselves well to respect in such a physical community as that of the Mountain. Not that Kitsuno ever gets into many fights, having been blessed with a silver tongue and a sense of natural style that leaves even the most brutish of barbarians breathless.   Kitsuno has since left the mountain, joining up with Maxim as his personal adviser. Though the erstwhile commander of Maximum Force has since passed on, Kitsuno was left with a prestigious position within the Hashinara.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kitsuno is in fair physical condition, but has more softness than muscle. It's true, however, that an oni's strength and toughness still outperforms that of an average human even in such situations.

Body Features

Slender and petite, although not quite as compact as some of the notoriously "small" oni that sometimes pop up around Mount Ōe. Kitsuno takes extreme care, both methodical and magical, to ensure that a perfect appearance is displayed at all times.

Facial Features

Appealing, if androgynous.

Identifying Characteristics

Aura: Scintillating Rose   Blood Type: AB

Apparel & Accessories

Kitsuno dresses in clothing that would be considered absurd on any other oni, or even most humans. Pink bows, frills, and an eclectic mix of Western and Eastern styles dominate the ensemble, with bits of armor and various accessories added as accents more than for functionality. Though Kitsuno carries a katana and is skilled in its use, the weapon remains sheathed at all times unless in direct combat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a pair of "civilized" Oni in Osaka, Kitsuno grew up in a relatively calm and culture-rich environment. Having access to the ports and markets thereof, it was not long before the young oni discovered a love of rich fabrics, wondrous scents, and exotic spices. Kitsuno spent many years here throughout adolescence, leading to the occasional nickname of "The Hanahane of Osaka".   As more foreigners came to the ports of Osaka, however, so too came different ideals. Most momentous of these was the influx of Christianity, whose more puritanical practitioners found much to object to in Kitsuno. Not only do oni somewhat resemble the demons of Christian legend, but so too did Kitsuno's manner and dress offend them on strict moral grounds. So it was that very slowly, inch by inch, the young oni was edged out of the ports, until Kitsuno was suddenly no longer welcome there at all.   Feeling lost and more than a little betrayed, there seemed to be little to do to recover a reputation degraded by foreign ideals. Kitsuno shortly determined to travel to Mount Ōe and seek out the all-but-forgotten roots of the oni race which still thrived there. Expecting a lukewarm reception, brought again by personal presentation, Kitsuno instead found the traditional oni to be surprisingly progressive. Dress and manner meant little to these big-hearted brutes, so long as one could drink, fight, and feast with the rest.   A few more years passed, with Kitsuno taking on an apprenticeship under the mountain's most respected shamans, Kijo and Myoroguma-dōji. Though displaying a surprising aptitude for magic in these lessons, Kitsuno still felt as though it wasn't enough. There was something missing here, the culture and colors of the port town back in Osaka. With it, time brought a unique opportunity, however. A foreigner named Maxim visited the mountain, and brought with him a victory over Baby Huey that entitled him to a ranking position in the Hashinara Clan. Kitsuno saw in this an opportunity. The man needed an adviser, someone to accompany him to Wakigami, a town which was quickly becoming a major center in the Japanese world. Kitsuno did not hesitate, but seized upon that position before any other could fill it.

Gender Identity

Presents as highly feminine. Avoids gendered pronouns.


Kitsuno has had no formal education, but can call upon much experience gained in the ports of Osaka, as well as mentoring from two traditional oni shamans.


Currently engaged as an adviser within Maximum Force, a mercenary squad attached to the Hashinara Clan.

Intellectual Characteristics

Though extremely intelligent, Kitsuno's lack of traditional education shows in a general ignorance of the sciences. When it comes to social intelligence, however, there are few more qualified.


Though generally open-minded, Kitsuno's past has led to a tendency to show prejudice toward practitioners of Christianity, regardless of their personal beliefs or morals.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Clothing, spices, perfume, exotic people.   Dislikes: Colorless fabric, docks, Christians.


Family Ties

Parents and siblings are alive and well in Osaka, but Kitsuno did not tell them about relocation to Mount Ōe, and does not keep in contact.

Religious Views

Kitsuno is not overly religious, but shows clear preference toward Shinto and Buddhism over more exotic religions.



Ex-Adviser (Important)

Towards Maxim




Ex-Commander (Trivial)

Towards Kitsuno




Kitsuno originally used Maxim as a vehicle to secure a high-ranking position within the Hashinara Clan, but since has grown to truly respect the man.

Combat Role

Kitsuno is skilled in melee combat and more survivable than most casters, but a caster's true worth still lies in magic. With 90 levels in Light & Nobility, as well as 50 in Creation, Kitsuno is particularly well-suited to healing and buffing in the middle of combat. Magic Projection as an Attack also allows the use of some attack spells when practical, but it's recommended to consider Kitsuno's relatively low Zeon pool before focusing on such a strategy.  


Vulnerable to Pain: Doubles all-action penalty suffered from pain.  


Light/Nobility: 90 levels, may not cast High Magic
Creation: 50 levels  


Aura Extension: May extend own aura around body and weapon to interact with / damage immaterial objects and creatures.
Ki Transmission: May transfer ki points to and from touched creature, up to total Accumulation [8] per round.
Superior Healing: May heal self or touched creature for 5 LP per every 1 ki point spent, up to a maximum of half missing LP.
Use of Necessary Energy: May spend up to 10x the normal amount of time on intense physical activities before becoming fatigued, and may spend up to 5 Fatigue Points per round instead of the normal 2.
Elimination of Necessities: Requires only one-tenth the food, water, and sleep of a normal person.  


Magic Projection as an Attack: May use Attack in place of Magic Projection when casting offensive spells.
General Rank
General Type
Scintillating Rose
Blood Type
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Hanahane of Osaka"
Year of Birth
1534 25 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in Osaka to a pair of "Civilized" Oni .
Mount Ōe
Current Residence
Wakigami Castle
Shoulder-length, pearl, flowing
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Known Languages
Japanese, Ancient Japanese
Character Prototype

Character Portrait image: by Unknown


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