Session Report: 10 March 2023 Report in Tsuwamono | World Anvil

Session Report: 10 March 2023

A Hymn for Assiah

General Summary

In this session of Tsuwamono, the following events transpired:

The Left Hand of God (Part 1)

1559年11月17日 17:00 (Afternoon)


Historical Entry: The Left Hand of God

  Certainly, there were other threats facing the Empire of Japan, yet none of them had the sheer immediacy and scale of those Angels who had descended and professed to pass judgment on humanity. With this in mind, Aotsuki Tsukamoto and Ryūzaki Sanosuke (perhaps for other reasons) assembled a small coalition of minds and muscle to make the journey to Samayim. There, they would meet with the Divine Council so that Aotsuki might argue their case. According to Ishim Ariel and Adriel, however, their path would not be without opposition from the forces of Geburah, the Arbiters.   So it was that Amenotokotachi, Aoki Michiko, Haro Uin, Momose Nao, Mary Lyn, and Trivia accompanied their lords and angels guarding such into the rift of heaven.   The journey into Samayim was simple and sudden. A sense of towering movement loomed above the generals, precipitated by Metatron's great branches scraping across the sky as he seemed to lean down toward them... Then, when the golden light cleared, they had arrived in a grand entrance hall carved from white and black marble. A shining gate lay at the other end, past a wide, open floor, filled with a cacophony of swirling colors. In front of this, as though on guard, a medley of enormous marble statues stood ready. Some appeared to be Power of the Arbiters, others Virtue of the Arbiters, and the furthest a duo of towering, angelic women.   All of the party had their breath taken away for a moment by the sheer grandiosity of this room. All including Aotsuki, who was sure one of the statues had just turned its head to gaze at him. More immediately, a girl at a black marble desk closer to their entrance was trying to get their attention. The young daimyō ignored her for now, instead attempting to fire off a mental message to his wife. Tokku-hime answered a moment later. Good. It seemed their psychic connection to the greater Hashinara network hadn't been severed here.   Sanosuke, too, could still feel the power of his psychic enhancements surging through his veins. Those should make him a match in strength for even the largest of these statues. There certainly were a lot of them, however. While the colossi didn't seem very intent on making the first move, their postures were unmistakably ready to react.   "This is Assiah," Adriel said by way of explanation. "Our meeting with the Divine Council will take place in Yetzirah, which means we will need to pass through the first Heavenly Gate." She inclined her chin, indicating the great mass of multicolored clouds which seemed to fill the only exit out of this room.   From somewhere far above, a deep voice filled the air with singing in an unknown language. Michiko, her annoyance at the impromptu departure overcome by the opportunity for scholarship, began writing feverishly in her notebook. All the while, the girl at the desk was attempting to wave down Aotsuki. "Excuse me! Good afternoon!" she shouted.   "I was hoping we could slip through before the Arbiters closed off the first Gate, but it looks like they're expecting us," Ariel spat. She didn't spare so much as a glance at the golden haired secretary vying for their attention.   "We should go and check in at least, right?" Aotsuki asked. Several of the party met the question with blank looks. These only deepened when he pointed at, what to most of them, appeared to be little more than a blank spot of floor. "You know, speak to the receptionist...?" he ventured.   "Why would there be a receptionist in Assiah? This is not a place humans are meant to come." Adriel stared directly at the spot Aotsuki was indicating, but there wasn't so much as a flicker of recognition in her eyes. It was then that the young daimyō began to get an inkling of what might be going on.   "Who sees a blonde girl behind a desk over there?"   Slowly, Michiko and Mary raised their hands. Sanosuke, too, nodded. That would be everyone who was fully Human, with a few angels, some undead, and a Dodomeki rounding out the party. "A moment, please." Aotsuki proceeded down the stairs and approached the girl's desk.   "Good afternoon, Councilor," she greeted him sunnily, "It's just a formality, but on behalf of the Engines of Yesod, I have to ask you to sign in." A book, companion to two others floating around the girl under their own power, detached itself and settled in front of Aotsuki. It opened to a blank page and she handed him a quill.   "It seems she's only visible to those of us who are human," Mary was explaining as Aotsuki flipped through the book below them. "It's very peculiar that the angels of all things can't seem to see her, though."   "Yeah," Sanosuke furrowed his striking brow, "The hell they need a, that for...?"   The book, it turned out, was filled to about twenty pages in with names Aotsuki did not recognize. Some were in what he vaguely recognized as English, with others scrawled in stranger tongues yet. Not a single entry was in Japanese. Turning back to the first blank page, Aotsuki lifted his quill to write, but paused. Pulling Kagami close, he bent over to look in her mirror.   The blonde girl was still there in the reflection that showed only truth, waiting patiently on her client's unusual behavior. So, too, were the statues. In fact, everything appeared to be the same save for the towering gate at the other side of the room. Rather than containing a multihued fog, it was instead clear and open. Beyond, Aotsuki could see out into a beautiful city of marble and gemstone. Five enormous pillars stood at the end of a shimmering road, beyond which a landscape of verdant greens and golds stretched out for a great distance before vanishing into a persistent white glow. Aotsuki blinked. The scene was incredible, but something about it was bothering him. He realized what it was when Tsurugi pulled lightly on his hakama.   "Look, Councilor." She pointed with the hilt of her sword at the pillars outside. Indeed, observed more closely, a pattern of swirling crags could be seen carved delicately into each one. "Fingerprints. Gigantic fingerprints. Those are no pillars, but the fingers of a colossus."   Quietly, Aotsuki took a moment to process this. Then, he stood up and resumed his check-in.   "Please enter your name and the reason for your visit. Your contact will be Ariel, and beside that write your most recent sin," the girl instructed politely.   Nodding, the young daimyō scratched out in his elegant handwriting: Aotsuki Tsukamoto. In defense of Japan and Humanity. Ariel. Then, after hesitating a moment, he jotted in a brief description of how he felt he had betrayed Musashibō Benkei. The clerk leaned over to check his entries, then smiled. Snapping shut, the book returned to those floating in her aura.   "Thank you and please enjoy your stay. The Arbiters have been expecting you."   Aotsuki's gaze fell on the hulking stone forms filling the hall as Michiko's voice drifted down from above. "It seems likely the statues themselves are angels. Look, they don't move often, but they do seem aware of us."   "Are we free to continue unimpeded and unmolested?" Aotsuki asked, keeping his eye on the colossi.   "I'm afraid my only function is to record the movement of humans in this realm," the girl answered with an apologetic smile. "Whether you are able to proceed is between you and the Arbiters."   "Unfortunate, I suppose." With that, Aotsuki returned to the party and took a moment to describe his experience with the receptionist. At the end of it, Ariel's brow was furrowed with concern.   "An 'Engine of Yesod'?" A tinge of skepticism ran through her words. "Are you certain?"   "It was probably a vision," Ariel waved her gloved hand dismissively. "You're a prophet or something. But what are we going to do about these gatekeepers? They aren't likely to let us through without a fight."   The party tensed as a nearby statue rolled its head to stare at them.   "Sanosuke, bond with me," Ariel said suddenly. The awkward silence that followed was broken only by Adriel's sigh.   "Ariel, you could at least explain what that means."   Despite Sanosuke's protestations that he was fine to bond with her regardless of what it meant, Ariel rolled her eyes. "We're Ishim. 'Guardian Angels.'" She raised a hand and pulled off her glove, facing palm toward Sanosuke. "We can protect humans, to an extent."   The Silver General raised his own hand, feeling a spark of energy and a warmth htrough the tough. "Oh, then maybe you should— ...Oh, that's nice." He caught only a momentary glimpse of Ariel's blush before she busied herself putting the glove back on. "How many people can you bond with?"   "Just one," she responded. "Stay close to me and I'll ensure you don't come to harm."   Adriel offered to do the same to Aotsuki, but he was more concerned about the other humans in their party. Ultimately, she ended up forming this connection with Mary instead. Throughout, Momose Nao watched with a morose expression. "I guess that won't work with me, huh...?"   Aotsuki gave the boy a reassuring smile. "Let's make sure that by the time we leave, we're a step further toward getting things like that to work with you." He turned back to the party, only to find Ariel awkwardly clambering into Sanosuke's arms.   "Uh... It's not like I'm against this, but I'm more of a hand-to-hand type, so it'll be hard to fight if I'm being carried."   "That's the idea," Sanosuke reassured her with a roguish smile. "No fighting, right?"   Ariel was taller than her build might suggest, but still petite enough to fit comfortably on Sanosuke's shoulder. Her suitcase, on the other hand, was far heavier than something of that size had any right to be. It swung around heavily as she attempted to get comfortable. All the while, Adriel watched with a mocking smile just inches from breaking out on her face.   "Great!" As Ariel finally looped the straps of her suitcase under one arm and held it at something approaching a secure angle, Sanosuke focused his ki at canceling out his own weight. "Hang tight—!"   Weightlessly, for the angel weighed nothing at all, Sanosuke leaped from the ground until he reached the roof of the hall a hundred feet or so above. The suitcase dangled precariously, but Ariel managed to keep it from falling despite her surprise. Then, they moved like lightning across the ceiling. Sanosuke's speed was legendary, and the ponderous statues below could only watch, if that, as he bolted at the gate behind them.   It was like running into a giant puff of marshmallow. Sanosuke found his limbs slowing and the cotton-candy surface of the clouds in front of him growing harder the further he pushed. Soon enough, it was like steel beneath his hands, then his feet. He came to a rest standing on the side of the gate, clouds unyielding like steel beneath his feet. Below, the two feminine statues were looking up at him. The rightmost wore an unpleasant smile as she turned to the other.   "They have attempted to breach the First Gate of Heaven, Yadathan."   The other, her stony features far more impassive, answered: "With the Left Hand of God, we push away those unworthy of His paradise."   All around them, statues rumbled to life, standing from their crouched positions and, in the case of the knights, readying enormous swords. Sanosuke watched as the one below, Yadathan, began to flap her wings and rise into the air toward them. "If that's all it took," he mused, "I suppose it was inevitable. Were you expecting this cloud to turn to steel?"   Ariel hung in his grip. Though Sanosuke was standing freely on the wall, gravity was still pulling her and, more critically, her suitcase toward the floor. "It is a Gate of Heaven, but I've never seen it closed before. This is usually an empty doorway."   "Oh okay—" Sanosuke turned around suddenly and swung his arm, smashing away a tangle of chains which had begun coiling out of the cloud behind him. Several of the things retreated, rejoining a swirling ball of steel links hovering around Yadathan. "Tch. I suppose negotiating was never an option. Is it really okay if we just smash these guys up?"   "Oh, sure," Ariel sounded unconcerned, "Their bodies are just constructs. They'll have to spend time making a new one if you smash it, but that's all."   "Okay, let's see that punch of yours in action!" Without warning, Sanosuke pulled his arm back and hurled Ariel through the air like a shotput ball. She tumbled for a moment, balance upset by the heavy suitcase, but instincts seemed to kick in a moment later and she turned the fall into a charge. One arm cocked back, she impacted one of the bare statues.   Even with the power of Sanosuke's throw behind her, the first punch only sent cracks through the construct's marble. It had no time to raise its defenses, however, as Ariel's second and third strikes shattered its arm and abdomen. Chunks of what had once been a statue rained to the ground as the thing lost its full consistency. Moments later, white soul-wisps began to wick off the unmoving remains.   Without waiting to see the aftermath, Sanosuke bolted down from his position on the ceiling and cut between Adathan and Yadathan. He sped up to one of the knightly constructs, still readying its weapon, and slid quickly through its legs. Coming up behind, he pulled a huge nodachi from its sheathe on his back and swung before the foe could react. Clang! Even Susano'o-blessed steel had its limits, and this attack glanced harmlessly off the angel's softly-glowing armor.   Once more, Sanosuke swung, but his momentum had been knocked off-course by his own strength in the recoil of the first. Without turning, the giant slapped his slow attack away with its left hand, then pushed that same palm into Sanosuke's chest. The Silver General's own armor was far too tough to allow such a strike to bring him to harm, but then the giant pushed. Sanosuke pushed back, as hard as he could. Despite his own titanic strength, the colossus proved a bit stronger, and he felt something ineffable being pushed out through his back. Suddenly, it was as though his legs were caught in molasses. Though his arms remained as free as ever, moving his footing proved to be a herculean effort, much less to speak of disengaging from the fight as he had planned to do.   Closer to the entrance, Aotsuki watched with a sinking feeling as the nearest statue stood from its crouch and began to lumber toward his group. "There was never much of a chance of this being resolved peacefully, was there, Adriel?"   "It was not likely, no," the angel answered impassively.   Frowning, Aotsuki dropped his falchion and called Tsurugi to his hand instead. With the divine weapon in his hand, he proceeded to meet the approaching Arbiter. Soon it was looking down upon him without a flicker of emotion on its granite features.   "Nothing, huh?" Aotsuki asked.   In response, a sonorous voice came from deep within the statue's chest. "Leave peacefully, and we need battle no further."   "So humans should have no say in the fate of humanity, is what you're saying?" No response came, so Aotsuki took that as his answer. With a mighty swing of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, he impacted the Arbiter's right arm, raised to ward off the attack. The deep voice singing above seemed to raise in crescendo as sunlight flared and the statue's arm crumbled away into dust. So, too, was the Arbiter's left arm destroyed as it attempted to fend off Aotsuki's second attack. The angel staggered back, still standing but wholly debilitated by the loss of both its arms.   "Please, let's not do this," the young daimyō entreated. "Allow us passage, or send someone who can negotiate this." Again, the impassive statue offered no answer. Just beyond, Aotsuki saw a flash of marble wings as Adathan swung around the side of the room to come face-to-face with Ariel.   The two angels glared at each other, and something passed between them as they uttered the other's name. Clearly, this was not their first meeting. Ice flashing in the heavenly light, Adathan began her assault. Her strikes with that enormous crystalline maul were fierce, yet Ariel was obviously the more skilled combatant. Using her foe's power to her advantage, the Ishim conserved her movement and deflected only as was necessary. Each strike brought with it, however, a scattering of rime across Ariel's robes. Soon, without Adathan ever landing a solid hit, Ariel was fully encased in a shallow layer of ice. Her eyes darted about, but she appeared unable to move. Adathan raised her hammer to shatter her incapacitated foe...   Only to drop the attack and raise her shield; too slowly, as it became clear. A white bolt of energy flashed out from the shadows near the entrance. It clipped through the ice surrounding Ariel, shattering it before splashing off Adathan's stony skin and impacting the Arbiter behind her. In a spray of dust, that final statue's left arm exploded at the base and tumbled to the ground. It lunged out with its right limb, but Ariel was now free. She rolled with the punch, hidden armor beneath her coat absorbing the blow with a metallic sound, and tumbled to her feet unharmed.   Just a few feet away, the limbless statue facing Aotsuki reared its head back. With both its arms separated, it seemed determined to headbutt and kick its way to victory regardless. Before it could, however, its chest exploded outward. Behind it, Haro Uin pulled her arm back, now holding a gleaming rainbow-specked jawbreaker the size of her fist. She flashed Aotsuki a smile before stashing the candy.   The battle on the leftmost side of the arena was proceeding relatively smoothly. Aotsuki's foe had fallen, and Ariel seemed able to fend off Adathan for now. Sanosuke was surrounded by the two armored Virtues, and each push of their monumental palms seemed to slow him a bit more. For now, however, he was keeping them at bay and staying afloat. On the right side of the room, however, the situation was not so controlled. A procession of four statues were climbing the stairs toward the entrance, wordlessly approaching their noncombatants. Adriel watched this impassively. Her candelabra may have burned just a bit brighter, or perhaps that was only a shift in the light. Regardless, she seemed uninclined to stand in the Arbiters' way just yet.   Seeing no other option, Momose Nao stepped forward. Horrid flesh roiled underneath the youth's skin, but a shout from Aotsuki quelled his transformation before it could take hold. "Stay as you are for now! If things get worse, we may need some of your rage on our side." Nodding, he stepped back, but something was writhing in his eyes as they fixed upon the approaching statues.

Some Earthly Vignettes

1559年11月17日 17:00 (Afternoon)

Empire of Japan

Historical Entry: Some Earthly Vignettes

  The attention of many greater beings was upon the heavens, where Aotsuki Tsukamoto and Ryūzaki Sanosuke were engaged in their first conflict with the Arbiters. However, these were not the only events of note transpiring at this time. Back on Earth, a number of stories were continuing, or just taking their first steps...
"Ah, bringing out the hard stuff right away, I see."   Matsumoto Ooawagaeri watched as Hakutaku, or this little edgy punk who bore her name, whipped out a table containing two mugs brimming with ice-cold milk.   "What's wrong, buster?" she sneered. "Too scared to get your throat wet?"   Ooawagaeri took the cup and gazed into its shimmering white depths. Then, in a single motion, he quaffed the whole thing down. The milk hit him like a mallet to the teeth. It was cold, preternaturally frosty and refreshing to a degree that a lesser man might have been bowled over by the sheer sensation. The erstwhile Black Blade, however, stood his ground. Pulling his mask back over his face, he tactfully hid the milk mustache now staining his upper lip.   "Heh. Big deal," Hakutaku jeered at him. Then, she took her own mug in both hands and drank it down as fast as she could. The little bully froze, her eyes crossing. Her knees buckled under her and she teetered before falling of the stage. A wet splat cut the thin air as the remaining milk from her vessel sprayed across the ground.   "Oh dear," said Ooawagaeri.   Before anyone could react, Hakutaku rose once again. More specifically, she was lifted up by the Cart Driver, who had apparently caught her after that tumble off the stage. She was still obviously suffering from the freezing milk, and tottered over to collapse in the chair as soon as the driver let her free.   "Too...too milky...buster..." she slurred.   "It was your pick, after all," Ooawagaeri stated matter-of-factly.   "I am pleased!" This voice came from above, where Princess Masamune leaned over the railing with an eager expression. "This masked man is, without a doubt, our victor!"   A cheer went up from the motley crew assembled. Even Bedivere, who has sought this boon for her own, gave a shrug with a, "Ah well, can't win 'em all," before joining in with the celebration.   "You have earned a boon from the Eternal Princess," the Eternal Princess proclaimed. "Speak!"   Ooawagaeri considered this for a moment. Then, as instructed, he spoke: "I seek passage to the east and yet was brought to this realm instead. Might you, the ruler of this place, know why?"   The princess nodded. "You were brought here because I wished to be entertained," she stated, as though this were the simplest matter in the world.   As he pondered this answer, the erstwhile Black Blade caught something out of the corner of his eye. The Cart Driver, silent until now, had just passed something to Hakutaku out of his big hat. He then moved to the next member of the Hyakki Yagyō, fishing around in his hat for another parcel...
In the heart of Ago Manor, Knight-Commander Maxim and his Bugyō, Tanahase Muramatsu, were finalizing their plans for a series of watchtowers on the inland borders of Shima Province.   "It might be overcautious of me, but with this, not only will we be able to train our people but also ensure their safety. Spare no expense from what reserves we have," the foreign lord commanded. "If we need help procuring resources for it, we can send people where needed."   Muramatsu nodded in agreement. "Trade has been smooth in Ago of late. We should have the materials we need on hand; it's just a matter of compensating the right people. Although..." He hesitated and raised his head to meet Maxim's eye. "Very few other provinces have this kind of defensive network in place. Are you expecting an attack?"   "I hope not, but there was an incident at the tournament." Maxim went on to explain the events which had taken place when the sky shattered over Shimonoseki. "I don't think these will help much with that threat, but it could give the people peace of mind. It might also help with foot traffic in the province."   His adviser seemed to accept this answer without question, although his pale features registered some small discomfort over the magnitude of what had occurred. "I'll se it done, then."   "If you need assistance with anything," Maxim reassured him, "I give you full authority to use those who are available in the way you see fit."   With that, Maxim left Muramatsu to the arrangements. He strode through the halls of Ago Manor, sending out a mental ping to Kitsuno regarding an ongoing task as he went.   "We were able to recover the bodies of Menhaku and Caradoc, although not their souls. It will be difficult to bring them back without some very powerful magic," the adviser replied from afar. "As for Kumazaki Terutsugu...we weren't able to find his body. Even with magic. It doesn't appear to be anywhere near the Palace."   Maxim furrowed his brow thoughtfully but did not slow his pace. "Hm...and everyone that was there who might know is away. He isn't one to run and hide, so I'm sure he's somewhere if he didn't die."   A pause, as Kitsuno asserted silent agreement.   "I might know someone who can give us some information on how to retrieve the souls, as I'm sure that magic is out of our reach," Maxim continued. "I had been meaning to get your thoughts as well on the matter. Do you know of any Oni who had dealings with Jigoku?"   "Sure," the answer came breezily. "The hags. NOt the kind of people I'd want to have a soiree with, but they're straight from Jigoku."   "Are they on Mount Ōe as well? I think a meeting with them is in order..."
In the deepest depths of Wakigami Castle, a shadowy figure rummaged through the instruments in his forbidden laboratory.   "I understand quite a while has passed since I returned, but for everything to change so quickly, even in here..." Katsusada Shishauezaemon's eyes flickered behind his mask as they passed over the Mugen Gauntlet, the slumped Jikininki, a frozen horror on ice, and not least, Kashin Koji sulking with a sealing charm over her mouth.   He had returned to progress a certain project; one which would require a great number of souls to bring to fruition. Yet it seemed activity in this lab had not been entirely on hold while he was away...


1559年11月17日 17:00 (Afternoon)

Unknown Location

Historical Entry: Husks

  Bonk.   Phenex struck her head against the invisible barrier separating herself, Metatron, and the entrance to Samayim. Yet again.   Bonk.   It had been one thousand and two hundred years since she had last seen the golden fields of Yetzirah, and she was not going to be deterred by some damnable holy force-field.   Bonk.   Either she'd tunnel her way through and into Assiah by sheer determination, or she'd make enough of a nuisance of herself that they'd have to let her in. Or at least come talk to her.   Bonk.   It didn't hurt. At least, it didn't hurt physically. After being away for so long, dreaming of the day she could return to paradise, being so close and yet so casually forbidden was tearing Phenex up inside. She clenched her fists and flapped her wings with tears in her eyes.   Bon–   Something was different. Something was wrong. Phenex tumbled forward, through the barrier and into a space beyond. And yet this was not Assiah. This was not Samayim at all. The sky overhead was too black and cold, the ground too gray. A great ruined structure rose up around her, like a chapel left to ruin and frozen as it collapsed. Hollow peaks rose in the distance through holes in the crumbling walls. Everything was still. But it was not quite silent.   A strange sound met Phenex's ears; soft crackling, like burning wood. She turned, made wary by the empty sky above her, and saw a figure closing a fissure in the air. As it sealed, Phenex could see the beach, the temple, and the world she had left. She clutched her arms around herself protectively and tried to gather up some defensive magic. ...Nothing. Not a single drop of ambient magical energy existed here. It was like suddenly realizing you'd been suffocating for minutes on end.   With an effort of will, Phenex focused. She shivered, and turned her attention to the other figure who shared this bizarre space. It was a Demon, or something like it; a humanoid figure cloaked in red fabric. Dry paper had been affixed to every inch of its clothes, and most of it was alight. As the figure moved, the parchment smoked and crackled; the same sound Phenex had heard upon arrival.   "W-who are you?" she managed. Phenex's musical voice sounded like an intrusion on the hollow silence of this chapel.   Without answering, the figure approached Phenex and took up one of her hands, examining the palm. Those licking flames wreathing its hand should have hurt, but Phenex was well-acquainted with fire. "Yes..." the stranger murmured. Seeming satisfied with what it saw there, it detached and smiled. "Welcome to Tehom. The Deep." Perhaps registering Phenex's blank stare, it continued: "Humans call it The Abyss. No? Oh well, no matter."   "You brought me here." It was as much a realization as an accusation.   "Yes, Phenex. I had to wait until Metatron's attention was elsewhere. Until he bent down to pick up those humans and whatever other fodder they had with them. Then I could bring you here safely. You see, you are very important to our plans."   Phenex kicked herself mentally. She was an archdemon. How could she allow herself to be caught on the back foot like this? Manipulated and mocked... And yet, with not so much as a twinkle of magic in the air, what power did she truly have? "'Our' plans?" She decided to stall for time.   There was movement behind her and Phenex turned to see two more figures enter the ruined chapel. One was a towering mass of cracked black stone cut in humanoid form. Long trails of flame trailed down from its head in a facsimile of hair. The other was a standard It was odd. He stood there on two legs, with his two arms and average face and average build and peasant's clothing. Yet no matter how much Phenex looked at him, she couldn't get those pieces to add up in her head as "human." Her instincts told her, without any room for doubt, that this was something else.   "Is this...Hell? Are we in Sheol?"   The one in flame-licked paper cackled. "Hell? I thought you of all beings would know this isn't Hell. Tehom is below Hell and above Heaven. It is everywhere and nowhere, connecting all things. Ah..." The figure trailed off, its manic speech slowing down. "But that's not important. You see, you're going to help us out of this place."   Phenex found herself nodding. She definitely wanted to get out of this place.   "You carried the Seed of Heaven for one thousand and three hundred years—"   "Two hundred," she interrupted.   There was a granite crack behind Phenex as the creature of stone and flame slammed its fist into the ground, shattering it. The one of burning psalms stared at her with flat eyes. For a moment, she felt certain she was about to die. One thousand two hundred years, just to end like this...   Then, the tension all drained away, and the flame-wreathed one smiled. "One thousand and two hundred years, yes. It would not be strange, then, for an object of such power to have affected you in some way, yes? That's right. You, Phenex, are a conduit to Samayim, even if you don't know it. And you're going to take us there."   In her chest, Phenex's heart leapt. This was exactly what she'd wanted. If Metatron wouldn't allow her into Heaven, then surely these beings, whatever they were, would be the next best option. All that mattered was that she return to Yetzirah to see paradise again with her own eyes. That's all that mattered. As Phenex's eyes lingered once again on the thing that wasn't human, she tried desperately to convince herself.

Rewards Granted

Aotsuki Tsukamoto

  • 1 Kuma Commendation for confessing a true sin to an Engine of Yesod

Created Content


  • Construction of guard towers around Shima Province begun for 4 Silver Kuma Coins.


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