Articles relating to the Second Age

Abyssal Storms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 13, 2024

Incredibly intense storms fuelled by the energy of the abyss and the plane of air.

Ancient Kingdom of the Forest
Organization | Feb 25, 2023

A nation of elves which has existed for over 4 millennia

Character | Dec 12, 2019
Settlement | Apr 18, 2021
Assistants to the Elevation
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

A cult dedicated to the original deity of death

Organization | May 7, 2023
Beast in the pass
Myth | Jul 26, 2022
Beryl's Ring of Altered Missile
Item | Dec 9, 2023

A ring which chanes the energy type of some spells

Book of the Chosen
Item | Feb 15, 2024

A book that grants knowledge and power

Brellgyr Dralocoth
Character | Jul 5, 2022
Settlement | Jul 8, 2019
Church of Drack
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

Church of the deity of Law, Order, and Crafting

Church of Merial
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Moradin
Organization | May 12, 2023

A dwarven organisation dedicated to keeping Moradin’s people true to his ideals

Church of Nycan
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Church of Seyr
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

Churchof the deity of the Sun, one of the most popularin the world

Clan Magrannor
Organization | Nov 19, 2022

The dwarves of the Magrannor Halls

Colleges of Magic
Organization | May 8, 2023
Combat Sign
Language | Jul 22, 2023

A sign language used for giving silent orders.

Cult of Baphomet
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Cult of Glasya
Organization | May 7, 2023
Days of the One
Myth | Oct 30, 2023
Diplomat's Quill
Item | Dec 9, 2023

A quill which can take dictation and improve the contents of a message

Item | Jul 7, 2022

A large construct developed at the Cauldron

Dwarven Army
Military Formation | May 7, 2023

The main armed force that serves Clan Magrannor

Settlement | Jun 15, 2023

A merfolk settlement beneath the Irikant Sea.

Empire of Trem
Organization | May 7, 2023
Eternal Flower Ceremony
Tradition / Ritual | Nov 18, 2022

An elven ceremony for honouring the brave and skilled

Generic article | Aug 7, 2021
First Servant
Rank/Title | Nov 18, 2022

Leader of the Servants of the state

Flaming Skulls
Generic article | Jan 27, 2020
Free Cities
Organization | Jul 5, 2022
Friends of the Household
Organization | May 7, 2023

Iinformation gatherers who serve the kingdom of the forest

Character | Jul 10, 2022

A human spellcaster who betrayed Oliver and helped bring about the end of the Days of the One.

Hands of the wind
Organization | Aug 5, 2022

A group which obey the instructions of a voice on the wind

Holy Kingdom of Caresnas
Organization | Jan 2, 2023
Organization | May 7, 2023

A group of soldiers within the regular military recognised for their commitment to Clan Magrannor.

Hulgin’s Spire
Building / Landmark | Jul 23, 2022

A monument built by the McTarveks

Ilma Olie
Organization | Dec 18, 2023

The Elven Pantheon

Imbaril's Wanderers
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Settlement | Oct 31, 2023

A northern town that was raided numerous times by goblins and orcs

Kestrel Meriweather
Character | Jul 20, 2023

A Halfling explorer and the first ruin guide

Kingdom of Filishar
Organization | May 8, 2023
Settlement | May 6, 2021
Limits of Magic
Generic article | Mar 30, 2024
Lithegach Herder
Profession | Dec 1, 2023

Those that looked after the lithegach before they went extinct

Organization | May 3, 2023

A group that protect civilisation from Lycanthropes

Magrannor Halls
Settlement | May 7, 2023
Meredith's Chain
Item | Oct 25, 2022

This Blue and gold chainmail was crafted for Meredith Salowen who undertook a commission to hunt a blue dragon.

Miluril Starbrow
Character | May 7, 2023

Head of the College of Necromancy and leader of the elven faction during the War of Ascension

Organization | Nov 18, 2022

An elite band of elven warriors and spellcasters. The members are descendents of the original 7 Moonguard, and each wields a hereditary blade

Character | Dec 10, 2022
Norris Owinson
Character | Oct 30, 2023

A powerful fighter who helped end the Days of the One.

Character | Mar 19, 2022

An ancient Lich

Order of the Rod
Organization | Dec 18, 2023
Oscar Hilsburg
Character | Aug 15, 2021
Other Planes
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Aug 7, 2021
Pages found in the cauldron
Document | Aug 7, 2021

Pages found by the Chimera Crew in the Cauldron

Planar Sphere
Item | Feb 17, 2024

A complex device which shows when there will be a close interaction between the unified and distinct planes of existence.

Preserver Box
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2024

A storage box that stops an object from deteriorating.

Organization | Dec 22, 2023

A well known vault making company from Laiqua

Rigel Fearshroud
Character | Oct 31, 2022

An undead warrior served by a coven of hags

Royal Mirrors
Technology / Science | Oct 31, 2023

Mirros used to hold conversations between the rulers of different countries

Ruin Guide
Profession | Dec 1, 2023

An explorer who takes care not to get involved in conflict

Item | Dec 28, 2022

A box containing strings that can only be played using magic

Servants of the state
Organization | Nov 18, 2022

Made up of nobles this group is entrusted with enacting the will of the monarch or the High Council.

Siantrin Tower
Building / Landmark | Jul 16, 2023

One of the colleges of magic

Silver Grove Treaty
Document | Oct 22, 2022

A treaty between the elves and the dwarves

Smoke Pencils
Item | Jul 5, 2022

An enchanted pencil that can be used to write messages in the air with smoke.

Organization | Nov 19, 2022

A family of dwarves known for their skill in working stone.

Tanai Cuinsear
Character | May 28, 2023

A renegade elven mage who has been causing trouble since the first age.

The Alliance
Organization | Feb 10, 2024
The Awakened
Organization | May 7, 2023

A group which rejects the deities and seeks to remove their influence from the world.

The Cauldron
Building / Landmark | Dec 29, 2020
The Groodder
Myth | Jul 10, 2022

A malicious spirit that haunts the mines and causes a variety of problems

The Nature of Magic
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 28, 2023
The Silent Sage
Myth | Oct 30, 2022
Varbeck’s Walls
Building / Landmark | Dec 1, 2023

A set of six walls which protect the main entrance to Magrannor Halls

Ventis Papers
Document | Dec 24, 2022

The collected remains of several journals suppoedly written by the vampire Ventis.

Verd Heberstein
Character | Jul 10, 2022
War of Ascension
Military Conflict | May 22, 2023

A war waged to determine who should become the Lord High Magus.

Wind Guides
Item | Jul 7, 2022
Technology / Science | Aug 27, 2023

A tool developed in the.time of alliance that used magic to generate and store compressed air.

Years of Darkness
Military Conflict | Jun 3, 2023

A time when a demonic horde invaded the world

Cover image: Approaching te Gate by Tanai Cuinsear