Ilma Olie Organization in Tremanac | World Anvil

Ilma Olie

The deities of the elves, commonly known as the company of the stars.


At the head of the company is the Starbrow, who took over as leader from Corellon. Beneath Starbrow are two families. One is those who are true deities, possessing a divine spark, and those who are from The Archfey.  




During The Third Age Miluril Starbrow ascended to become a deity and surplanted Corellon as leader of the Ilma Olie. This changed the hierarchy in which the elven people viewed their deities. The original hierarchy is now referred to as the old religion and several deities do not even get a mention in the new ways.

Cosmological Views

In the beginning there was nothing. No land or sea or sky. No sun or moon or stars. Then in this void a lone voice asked a question, ''What am I?''   Of course there was no answer in the void and the voice began talking to itself. Overtime the voice found that it was was no longer answering itself, that the part that was answering was no longer part of the whole. The voices thoughts and opinions began to diverge and in that change they started to find meaning. Time passed in these debates and the voices found themselves dividing a second time. Where once there was but a single voice now there were four.   During their endless discussions the voices found that they could manipulate the nothingness around them and each found a preference for a type of activity. One force loved to create swirling masses of cloud, while another delighted in seeing a concentration of the gas burn and produce new things. The third preferred the rigidity and structure of things built from solid material while the last enjoyed seeing the others' creations comes to an end.   After a time the forces realised that there were limits to what each could achieve alone. Cooperation was difficult between entities of such widely differing viewpoints but they managed to come together to create new beings that would have some element of each of the forces. These new beings were the creator deities and each had a different balance of the forces within them.   The creator deities used the material created by the forces to craft their own individual domains, each separate from the other. Some chose to make use of the fonts of the fundamental energies created by the forces, while others set about creating wholly new regions. To showcase their work the creators fashioned a central point where they could display their efforts, which became the world we now stand on. Each of the creator deities could admire the skill of their kin, but none could express joy in the creation of another. This left them unsatisfied until our own creator decided to create us.   Our creator took elements from their creation and wove it into a new form that could do more than simply live. They gave this new creation the capacity to think, and most importantly to be able to take joy in the world around them. The joy our forebearers found in the forests around us fed back to our creator and they could finally feel satisfied with their creation.   The other creator deities observed what ours had done and each formed their own people in the manner which seemed best to them. While being lesser imitations of our creators great work, these new creatures still brought joy to their creators in their own way.  
As our people grew and developed some were allowed to experience out creators first creation, the Feywild. Those granted this priviledge delighted in the wonders of this realm but were gradually changed by the lingering effects of the energy used to create it becoming what we now call the Eladrin. Our creator was not dismayed by this as they take joy in all changes.   Change was also happening for those who remained in the forests that ever been their home. Some of the other creators had begun to pose a threat to our people's lands and our creator was forced to take steps to counter them. Though unequalled in power our creator could only deal with so many threats so they split off parts of themself to form two lesser, but still incredible powerful beings. These beings were set to protecting the waters and woods so came to be known by us as Neniun and Taurecundo.  


    Our people welcomed these new aspects of our creator with open hearts. This prompted our creator to further split of aspects as new challenges and joys arose. The next of these was Elenion Heru, Lord of Stars and Keeper of Magic, who provided inspiration and guidance for budding mages. Fararan followed for those who enjoyed the thrill of the hunt and those willing to fight to defend their homes. Deities of Music and Love followed to encompass more aspects of life.  
The Archfey
Despite the efforts they went to our creator and their aspects could not provide all that our people looked for. There was no place for those who sought vengeance or wished to vent righteous fury. Our creator could scarcely conceive of this concepts and this left an opportunity for the Eladrin who had been altered by the Feywild. The most powerful of these beings had learned to alter their own realm with merely a thought and they were soon reaching out to influence our world. While our creator could undoubtedly have stopped these intrusions the Archfey as we called them were another creation. Not something to be feared, but something to be welcomed. There was no attempt made by the deities to hinder those who wished to seek out the Archfey, though some effort did have to be expended to ensure the forests did not suffer from the external influence.  
The structure of the Ilma Olie changed drastically during the third age when the Lord Starbrow ascended to become a deity. Having grown weary of the ineffectual protection the Company of Stars was providing the Lord Starbrow took it upon himself to protect our people. He then moved to re-awaken a sense of responsibility amongst our deities, taking command of the Company. Some of the deities listened and remain relevant in our lives today, but others have been cast away, no longer relevant to a proud people who have learned that only deity has our interests truly at heart.  

The Deities

Symbol of Corellon by Tanai Cuinsear
The creator of the elves and former leader of Ilma Olie. Corellon takes joy in creation and loves to see what his creations can produce themelves. Before Starbrow he had followers from all walks of elven life, but is now barely acknowledged. Even his name has been expunged from the story of the elves' creation.
Symbol of Neniun by Tanai Cuinsear
The protector of the waters and the first of the lesser deities created by Corellon. Neniun was created t ocounter a threat and expects their followers to prepare themselves to counter threats in their own lives. When they do battle with their foes he teaches that they must enter the battle with the force of a tempest. There has been little change for Neniun since the coming of Starbrow apart from a decrease in worshippers.
Symbol of Taurecundo by Tanai Cuinsear
The protector of the forest and champion of nature. Taurecundo was honoured by druids and spellweavers and all those who cared about the forest. They haven't been seen since the ascension of Starbrow and their former duties have been spread amongst the other deities or neglected. Taurecundo is mostly followed by the Taurim and some Ravarim.
Elenien Heru
Symbol of Elnion Heru by Tanai Cuinsear
A patron of scholars and mages Elenien is accounted the most knowledge of the Ilma Olie. Elenien teaches that learning and teaching new things is the greatest of endeavours. Since the coming of Starbrow Elenien has grown in stature as her goals align well with those of Starbrow. Elenien is mostly followed by the Ostrim.
Symbol of Fararan by Tanai Cuinsear
Known for their skill with the bow Fararan is greatest hunter in Ilma Olie. They use this skill to protect the forest and maintain a balance among the creatures that live there. Fararan teaches that freedom is the greatest gift and chafes against the restriction placed on them by first Corellon and then Starbrow. Fararan's inspiring examples of archery are the only reason they are tolerated by Starbrow. Fararan is mostly followerd by the Ravarim though their worship has been greatly restricted under Starbrow.
Caraite Nandaro
Symbol of Caraite Nandaro by Tanai Cuinsear
Composer, singer, harper, and all round performer Caraite is the revered by entertainers of all kinds. Caraite was the second most popular deity under the old religion despite being less powerful than several of the others. In addition to being a performer Caraite is known to enjoy playing pranks, which has not gone down well with Starbrow or his clerics. Banning worship of Caraite would be impossible as every performance is an offering, but the practice of making a prayer to Caraite prior to a peformance has been quietly surpressed.
Symbol of Melhos by Tanai Cuinsear
The Hopeful Lover teaches that love can be found in everything we do. They are known to create chance encounters which can spark a relationship that lasts centuries or mere weeks but are always memorable. Melhos believes that all creatures can be redeemd of any misdemeanour, and that truest form of love is forgiveness. With a philosophy that all beings including non-elves are worthy of love Melhos and her followers are frequnetly in conflict with those of Starbrow.
Starbrow Symbol by Tanai Cuinsear
The newest of the deities and a self-made one if his clerics are to be believed. Once a mortal known as Miluril Starbrow he saved the elves from the demon sttacks at the end of the War of Ascension and ascended to being a deity in the third age. His philosophy is one of order and discipline, backed by magic. This has put him in conflict with the rest of the Company, but his popularity and an organised church, have propelled him to the top of Ilma Olie displacing Corellon. It is widely acknowledged that the other deities will need to adapt to Starbrow's leadership or they will be discarded by the elves.

Equivalents in Standard D&D

Alternative Names
Company of Starlight
Related Species
Related Ethnicities
Demon or Deity?
There are questions over the divinity of several being's worshipped by the elves, but none more so than the dangerous being worshipped by the drow. Most elves avoid speaking this things name if they can help it. Despite this, references to this being can be found throughout elven culture with going to the spiders a common expression for something going bad. The being itself is a conundrum. It has it's own personality which more like a demon than a deity. It has worshippers and grants powers like a deity. it lairs in the abyss like a demon. It enjoys chaos like a demon, but chaos constrained by the order of society which demons cannot normally abide. It was long suspected that the highest clerics of Corellon had some knowledge on this matter, but it seems that knowledge was lost when the Church of the Starbrow became the primary religion in the elven lands.  
There are several of the Archfey who are worshipped by the elves. They are accounted as part of the Company though they are not strictly divine. While they don't grant divine powers they have been known to grant their own unique powers to mortals. While their goals do not align to Starbrows they have been permited to continue influencing elves, though to a much lesser extent than during Corellon's leadership of the Company. The main archfey called on by the elves are: Not all of them respond and sometimes they respond in a way the asker does not want or expect.
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Distrust and dislike

Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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