Kestrel Meriweather Character in Tremanac | World Anvil

Kestrel Meriweather

Kestrel Meriweather (a.k.a. Kes of the Trail)

A halfling explorer and the first Ruin Guide.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Even from a young age it was clear that Kestrel wouldn't be content with a quiet village life. Chores went undone and errands were abandoned in favour of pursuing an interesting bird, or seeing what was over the next hill. Concerned that the curse of curiosity might spread to other youths Kestrel was cast out my the village elders before reaching adulthood.   This seemed like a good thing to Kestrel until it became clear that exploring is much more arduous when you can't return home for a good meal when you get tired and hungry. Low on supplies Kestrel took up with a group of travelling merchants who were in need of someone to help out around the camp. Village life hadn't involved much use of coin so Kestrel was happy to work in exchange for food rather than pay which suited the merchant's admirably.   Finally able to travel, Kestrel soon learned that distant places were not that different to home. One village is much like another, and fields and hills look much the same scores or even hundreds of miles away from the familiar ones. Growing bored with the merchants Kestrel slipped away one night without even a goodbye.   Having picked up a few skills while travelling Kestrel was better able to survive off the land and started looking for less travelled areas that might have something interesting to see. Unfortunately these places were more dangerous and Kestrel had to be rescued from predators by Perian Silverfrond. Perian was an experienced explorer and seeing that the young halfling had some potential, took Kestrel on as an apprentice.   Perian taught Kestrel many skills necessary for surviving in the wilds, but the one thing Kestrel wouldn't learn was how to fight. Prefering to avoid rather than confront danger Kestrel refused to even pick up a weapon, much to Perian's frustration. The two parted amicably a few years later and Kestrel set out to find new lands to explore.   Kestrel earned a reputation as a talented guide, and became Kes of the Trail (mostly as a result of a colleague misprouncing Kestrel during an introduction). Kes was invited to join LECTs and became the first of the Ruin Guides.   Travelling to the continent of Mocar, Kes became obsessed with exploring Griboli Forest. With no established routes through the forest and much of it a great unknown Kes is credited with discovering the ruins of several lost civilisations as well as identifying numerous new plants and animals. Kes was frequently employed to guide people througth the jungle, with groups regularly bidding high sums to secure the famous guide's services.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Light brown
Curly brown
An explorer's end
Kes never stopped exploring, even when old age and accumulated injuries made it ever more difficult to get around. There was always one more thing to see, one more region to explore. Kes' final resting place is unknown, though it is presumed to be somewhere in Griboli forest. Explorers in the jungle usually keep an eye out for Kes' remains as it is assumed that the famous explorer was carrying a great deal of magical equipment.
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Cover image: Approaching te Gate by Tanai Cuinsear


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