Arabas System Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Arabas System

Star system which is owned by the Sulethis Republic and located in the Aloreus galaxy.   The system contains a very massive class B main sequence star which burns its fuel very rapidly. As such, it emits a very large amount of light which can rapidly melt all nearby planets orbiting it, so the first 2 planets are mostly comprised of lava. The third is a superheated gas giant. There are, though, 2 planets within the habitable radius of the massive Arabas star. This star system also contains a megastructure - a massive stellar engine, which is capable of moving the star. By being careful, the SR has also managed to bring all the planets in the system with its star. Although extremely slow, the system can easily move away from enemy attack, should it come to that. There are other uses, such as science, moving to help reduce logistical bottlenecks and even simple 'because we can'. It remains highly important because of its significant industrial base. The many lava planets are always exploited for metals - and they continue to export high quality alloy even today.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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