Arabas VI Geographic Location in THF Universe | World Anvil

Arabas VI

Planet located in the Arabas System, owned by the Sulethis Republic.   Arabas VI is a habitable planet, and is the closer of the 2. The other habitable planet is Arabas VII.This world has, of course, established a large SR colony now numbering in the hundreds of billions in population. This gives it a large economic value to the SR and contains a large amount of resources, most of which have been mined long ago. During its history, though, there was a significant crisis where one of its 2 moons started slowing down from atmospheric interference between this world and the newly established atmosphere of the moon. This would cause its orbit to reduce in radius, causing the planet to speed up, increasing friction and reducing altitude at exponentially faster rates. As that moon was also populated, the SR instead fixed the issue by constructing a Planetcraft-like engine to increase the height of its orbit. It had adverse effects on life on the world, but was the preferable option over death.
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Owning Organization


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