Loki <WIP> Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Loki <WIP>

Prince Loki Freyjabur (a.k.a. Loki Liesmith | Loki Silvertongue | King Loki | Ikol)

Loki Odinson was the biological child of Laufey, the King of Jotunheim, who was abandoned and left to die shortly after his birth. Found by Odin, Loki was taken to Asgard and raised by him and Frigga as an Asgardian prince, along with his adoptive brother Thor.   When Thor was to be crowned King, Loki sabotaged the coronation by letting Frost Giants attack Asgard, thus leading Thor to seek vengeance on Jotunheim, which resulted in Thor's banishment to Earth and Loki finding out the truth about his heritage.   Frigga gave Loki the throne when Odin fell into the Odinsleep; however, when the Warriors Three and Siff attempted to return Thor home, Loki was forced to try to stop them. Regardless, Thor returned from his exile on Earth and ended Loki's reign. With Odin disapproving of his actions, Loki allowed himself to fall through the deep abyss of space, entering a wormhole created by the sudden termination of the Bifrost.   He was found by Thanos's Armies, and pledged his alliegance to Thanos who gave him the Sceptre (making him briefly a Stonekeeper) to aid in him his planned invasion of Terra to retrieve the Tesseract and (presumably) Eye of Agamatto.   After the failure of his invasion, he was inprisoned in the dungeons of Valaskjalf until the Second Dark Elf War, when he aided his half brother and eventually faked his own death in battle.   In the original timeline, Loki then usurped Odin as All-Father, eventually leading to the destruction of Asgard by Hela.   In the new timeline he fled to earth, not wanting to usurp his mother, taking the Aether with him for safekeeping. He was discovered during Fear Itself, and the Aether was taken to be studied by Avengers Idea Mechanics (where it would eventually end up in the hands of Michael Kovaks).   As punishment for the theft, Loki was appointed to the empty Asgardian seat on the Council of Realms to serve his sentence in service to the Asgardian Empire.

Divine Domains

Mischeif, Lies, Stories

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Section under construction

Trickster God

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Thor's Coronation

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Becoming Regent

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Thor's Return

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Joining Thanos

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Invasion of Earth

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Trial and Imprisonment

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The Second Dark Elf War

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Stealing the Aether

Section under construction

Hela's Worthy

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Appointment to Congress

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Agent of Asgard

Section under construction

Gender Identity





Family Ties

Loki has used a number of different last names, including Odinson, Friggadottir, Friggason, Laufeyson, Odindottir, and most recently, Freyjabur (bur being a gender neutral alternative to son or dottir, and Freyja being Frigga's birthname).




Towards Loki <WIP>


Loki <WIP>


Towards Laufey


Divine Classification
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Loki was briefly King of Asgard. He has twice been a Stonekeeper. He is currently serving as an Congressperson.
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
1076 (Asgardian Calendar)
Year of Birth
965 CE 1053 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Jotun, though he has presented as male by Aesir‌ standards for the majority of his life.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations