Blackagar Boltagon <WIP> Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Blackagar Boltagon <WIP>

Prince Blackagar Boltagon (a.k.a. Black Bolt | The Midnight King)

Blackagar Boltagon, also known as Black Bolt, is a former King of the Inhumans and member of the House of Agon.

His power is his voice, which generates massively destructive shockwaves with any verbalised sound. As a result, he communicated using a form of sign language developed by himself and Queen Medusalith in their youth. As it was developed from scratch for him, rather than based on an existing system of signing, it is known only to his closest family and personal attendants.

Black Bolt's reign was challenged by his brother, Maximus Boltagon, who lead a populist uprising against him, forcing the rest of the House of Agon to flee to earth. Although they were able to survive and depose the usurper, Maximus destroyed the dome which provided Attilan's atmosphere. King Blackagar organised an exodus of the surviving Attilanians to earth.

His last major act as King was to broker the agreements with Avengers Idea Mechanics which lead to the creation of Providence Island and the city of New Attilan.

King Blackagar was captured by Maximus, who had survived the fall of Attilan, and taken prisoner by him. After his rescue, his wife Medusalith Amaquelin forced him to resign his throne, and she accended to the position of Queen Regnant.

Maximus was sentenced to the Forgotten Prison for his crimes. Before he was transported however, he used his psychic abilities and a holographic image inducer to switch places which his brother, masquerading as the Prince-Consort while Prince Blackagar was sent to the Forgotten Prison in his place.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Boltagon has the ability release hypersonically amplified sound waves through his vocal chords. However, he cannot turn this off or lessen the destructive potential of his voice, and a mere grunt of pain was able to send a police cruiser tumbling down the street. His voice can be fatal to those who hear it. A single word from him can level a building.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Blackagar Boltagon was the firstborn son of King Agon and Queen Rynda of Attilan. In an attempt to produce the strongest child, they deliberately exposed the fetus to terrigen while in the womb. As a result he was born with powers, the first Inhuman on record to be so. However, due to the destructive nature of his powers and the difficulty in controlling a baby, he was placed in a soundproof chamber for his childhood. For much of his childhood, his only companion was Lockjaw.

Medusalith Amaquelin and her sister Crystal Amaquelin had been brought to live in the palace by their aunt, Queen Rynda, after King Agon had their parents executed for sedition. Medusalith began visiting Boltagon in his isolation chamber, and helped him develope the system of sign language which is his primary method of communication.

Although he had been born with powers, in order to enter Inhuman society as an adult, Boltagon underwent the Terrigenesis ritual on his 19th birthday, and for the first time in his life he left the soundproof environment. Even after a lifetime of silence, he struggled to adapt to freedom and the control needed to avoid speaking.

His younger brother Maximus had not been subjected to the same experimentation. Jealous of his powerful brother and seeking to push Black Bolt away from the throne, he faked their parents' seal on a note from the Genetic Council which suggested brain surgery on Black Bolt. His intention was that Boltagon would leave Attilan, however he and his brother knew one another only slightly, and he had not accurately predicted Boltagon's temperament. Boltagon instead confronted their parents about the letter. Overcome with emotion, he accidentally shouted and disintegrated both his mother and father instantly.

Although it was ruled an accident and he did not face punishment, Boltagon withdrew from society, hoping to protect his people. Other Inhumans began to avoid him, fearing his power, all except Medusalith. She continued to visit him regularly, preventing him from isolating himself again, and the two fell in love. When he was crowned King on his twenty-first birthday, he took her as his Queen. This union, although between powerful members of the ruling house, was widely frowned upon by conservative elements of Attilanian society, was it had not been arranged by their family.

The couple had one child, Prince Ahura. He sadly died on his 18th birthday, from complications while undergoing terrigenesis. Although deaths during terrigenesis were relatively common, it was wildly regarded by the population at large as being a result of their unarranged marriage.

Boltagon's relationship with his brother, never good (although he was not aware until much later of Maximus's role in the deaths of their parents), deteriorated even further when Maximus underwent terrigenesis early in his brother's reign. He emerged from the terrigenesis chamber apparently powerless (he had in fact developed mild psychic abilities, but this would not be discovered for many years). Boltagon immediately agreed to retain Maximus within his household, preventing him from becoming a ward of the state, under Attilanian law, without powers he would never be considered a full adult. He was also excluded from the line of succession, having to watch in silence as first Ahura and later his paternal cousin Gorgon Petragon were named heirs to the throne he considered his.

Exile to Earth

Fraternal love, and a deeply ingrained prejudice against those without powers, blinded Boltagon to his brother's hatred of him. When, in 2016, Prince Maximus made his move, Boltagon was taken completely unawares.

Although Maximus was not aware of his metahuman abilities, he knew he had a talent for talking people into things, getting them to act against their own self-interest, and he had the patience to work in the shadows for years in order to achieve his goals. He had not talked all of the Palace guards over to his way of thinking, but enough of them to be sure of his victory. When he finally made his move, Boltagon and the rest of the House of Agon barely escaped with their lives.

With the help of Lockjaw, Boltagon made it to earth. He found himself on O'ahu, sepperated from the rest of his family. Disorientated and unable to communicate, he found himself in conflict with the Hono'lulu police, who eventually succeeded in arresting him, placing him in jail awaiting trial.

His cellmate was a fellow Inhuman - a NuHuman by the name of Sammy. The genetecist Evan Declan, who had been working with Maximus, contacted Sammy in jail and persuaded him to befriend Boltagon, in exchange for assistance escaping. He does so, and the two are able to break out during a riot in the jail, finding a Declan Research helicopter waiting for them.

Declan brought them to his lab, intending to use Boltagon's DNA in experiments intended to give Maximus metahuman abilities. However, Boltagon realised his intentions were malicious and managed to escape the lab, only to encounter Auran, a member of the royal guard who had been sent by Maximus to hunt down his family. Medusa and Louise Fisher arrived in time to assist them, and they managed to capture Locus, an Inhuman with the ability to locate other Inhumans.

With Locus's help, the succeeded in finding Karnak and Gorgon, but recieved a distress call from Declan's lab, where Auran was holding Sammy hostage. Karnak and Gorgon staged a rescue while the rest of the located Crystal and Lockjaw.

The Fall of Attilan

The family returned to Attilan to attempt to parley with Maximus. When the negotiations failed, Triton and Boltagon captured Maximus, bringing him to the Royal Bunker so Boltagon could attempt to reason with his brother. However, rather than negotiating, Maximus revealled that if he died, Attilan would be destroyed, as he has had placed explosives around the protective dome.

Although Boltagon attempted to stop his brother, Maximus triggered the downfall of Attilan. Left with no other choice, Boltagon locked his brother in the Bunker, and exacuated to Earth with the rest of the citizens of Attilan.

They were assisted initially by Callisto Aerospace however a research firm was no equipped to maintain several thousand refugees, all unfamiliar with Earth customs and many with extremely dangerous powers.

Hearing of their plight, Tony Stark offered the assistance of Avengers Idea Mechanics. No country could be found which would accept the group, and so a radical proposal was made - to use Crystal's powers and A.I.M's scientific expertise to expand a group of ininhabited rocks in the Pacific Ocean into an artificial island, capable of sustaining both the refugees from Attilan, and the growing numbers of NuHumans seeking a place to live free of government persecution.

The island was named Providence, and volunteers, AIM, Crystal and the Avenger Pietro Maximoff constructed housing and started work on the infrastructure of what would become the city of New Attilan, including a royal palace for Boltagon and his family.

The Return of Maximus

Although his people were safe, Boltagon was haunted by the memory of his brother. He neglected his duties as King, leaving his family, especially Queen Medusa, to perform the office. However, when Providence came under attack from the Ennilux Corporation, who were hunting a NuHuman who had taken refuge there.

In the aftermarth, after an argument with Medusa, Boltagon used Eldrac's power to return to the bunker, intending to retrieve the supply of Terrigen Crystals stored there, as the citizens of New Attilan were complaining that the lack of cystals left them vulnerable to further attacks. However, Maximus had been experimenting with the supply, and had succeeded in using them to boost his powers of suggestion to the point that he was able to control Boltagon's mind, bringing him under Maximus's control, although this only worked as long as he remained in physical contact with the cystals.

Maximus sought the Inhuman Codex, which he believed would contain the secrets of how to permanently enhance his powers. He had deduced that it was likely in the Kree City. Using Lockjaw, he travelled to Puerto Rico, taking his mind-controlled brother with him as his bodyguard.

Frank McGee and Auran, now a member of the New Attilan Security Force, succeeded in tracking Boltagon to San Juan. Maximus used his powers to force Boltagon to attack the pair, killing McGee. However Boltagon was injured in the attack, breaking Maximus's control over him. Maximus escaped, but Boltagon was able to return to New Attilan with Auran.

While Boltagon recovered, Medusa lead an attack against Maximus. They succeeded in capturing both Maximus and the Codex, but the terrigen cystals, the world's last remaining supply, was destroyed. Unknown to his family, Maximus had breathed in the dust particals from the shattered crystals, granting him the permanently enhanced powers he sought.

When Boltagon awoke after the attack, Medusa asked him to abdicate his throne. Recognising that his reign had brought nothing but destruction to his people, he agreed, naming Medusa as his heir.

A trial was held for Maximus, and he was sentenced to the Forgotten Prison. Wanting to speak to his brother one last time, Boltagon entered Maxmius's cell, not realising his brother had access to his full powers. Maximus used his powers to trick the guards into believing he was Black Bolt, freeing himself and leaving Black Bolt locked in the cell.

Due to the strength of Maximus's power, Boltagon was unable to allert anyone to the situation. The next day, as his brother watched, he was sent to the Forgotten Prison.

The Forgotten Prison

<Updates Pending>

Gender Identity





Boltagon was educated in the style of Attilan, learning military strategy, history, science, law, and philosophy. As well as his native Inhuman, he was taught Kree, and English and Russian (then considered the dominant languages of earth).

Although he did later recieve combat training, this training was begun only after he left the noise-isolating chamber he was raised in, after he turned 18.

Failures & Embarrassments

As the result of his role in the fall of Attilan, and the abolition of the Monarchy on Providence Island, Boltagon is widely regarded by historians as the worst King in Attilanian history.

Mental Trauma

As a result of the extreme isolation in his childhood, his difficulties in communicating, and the guilt over the deaths of his parents and son, Boltagon is withdrawn and anti-social, and harbours deep psychological scars that he lacks the emotional tools to address.

Morality & Philosophy

As a member of the House of Agon, Boltagon's morality is very different from those of any Earth society. He can in some cases appear to be amoral or even evil, but he adheres strictly to the rules of his own culture, and wishes to do right by his people.


Boltagon took the throne in 1992, however he ruled in name only until he turned 21, leaving the government in the hands of the Genetic Council.

The early part of his reign was uneventful. He mainted the status quo, making few major changes to the law. It is likely this conservative approach to rule was motivated by the twin scandals of his marriage, and his brother's lack of powers.

An uprising by the Wards of the State working in the mines in 2001 was put down by the royal guard, lead by Boltagon's cousin Gorgon Petragon. The speed with which this was achieved was admired by many, but the brutality was critised by others.

All the actions of his early reign, however, were overshadowed the catastrophic events of the end of it; the fall of Attilan, and the destruction of Inhumanity's last remaining terrigen crystals.

He abdicated the throne in 2016, and was succeeded by his wife, Medusalith Amaquelin.


Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1973 CE 45 Years old
Current Residence
New Attilan
Attilanian Secular Religion
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Known Languages
While he can speak Inhuman,Kree, English, Russian, and Hawaiian, he communicates primarily via a personal form of sign language, and is reliant on other members of his family to translate for him. If no one is available, he communicates in writing, or often chooses not to communicate at all.

Author's Note

Black Bolt is probably the character I've changed the most from his canon appearances. To me, the fact that he was born with his powers are absolutely intergral to his personality, and without that explanation for why he is quite so terrible at communicating with those around him, he is either unrecognisable, or comes across as an entirely unlikeable jerk. As well as retconning in that bit of his 616 backstory, I've also given him his son back, because that loss is huge a huge part of his and Medusa's relationship, and forms vital backstory for his characterisation during his time in the Prison.