4.4. Inhumans Plot in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

4.4. Inhumans

Since the release of Terrigen in the Earth's oceans, the King of the Inhumans has been monitoring the situation. He sends his cousin Triton to Hawai'i to protect a young Inhuman and bring her back to Attilan. However they are attacked by a squad of mercenaries. The young Inhuman is killed and Triton is badly wounded, escaping into the ocean.

The mercenaries were sent by Maximus Boltagon, who is planning a coup to overthrow his brother Black Bolt. He has managed to buy the loyalty of the Royal Guard, but he knows their leader Gorgon will not side with him. He therefore arranges for Gorgon to learn of Triton's apparent death, prompting him to go to Earth to search of his cousin, leaving Black Bolt undefended. With nothing standing in his way, he orders the Guard to capture the rest of the royal family, however Karnak realises what is happening and warns Crystal Amequelin. Crystal sends Karnak down to Hawai'i with Lockjaw to protect him. Black Bolt and Medusa are captured, and before Lockjaw can return and rescue them, Medusa's head is shaved, robbing her of her power.

Lockjaw is able to take first Black Bolt, and later Medusa, to Earth, but when he returns to Attilan to collect Crystal, they are both captured by Maximus's soldiers.

Although they are all in Hawai'i, the members of the Royal Family are sepperated. Black Bolt steals clothes and is stopped by the police. Unfamiliar with Earth culture, and unable to communicate, he doesn't comply with their instructions and is arrested. He is sent to jail where he meets another Inhuman, Sammy.

Maximus sends Auran of the guard after the fleeing royal family. She finds Medusa and although deprived of her powers, Medusa is able to stab Auran and escape.

Karnak was injured on his arrival, and ends up being captured by a group of marijuana farmers but persuades them to let him help with the farming. He forms an attraction to one of their number, Jen, and the two sleep together.

Meanwhile, Maximus tries to tighten his grip over Attilan by having most of Genetic Council executedon charges of conspiracy. He also attempts to get Crystal to publicly endorse him, but she refuses and eventually manages to escape. Lockjaw takes her to Hawai'i, but is hit by a human driving a quad bike, Dave. Dave is understandbly shocked, but does his best to help Lockjaw, taking him back to his farm to recover and calling his ex-girlfriend, a vet, to look at his injuries.

Gorgon uses his comm-unit to taunt Maximus, challenging him to fight him face to face. Having been informed of Auran's failure, Maximus responds to the taunt by sending more Inhumans to Earth to hunt down the royal family, including the formidable Mordis. Gorgon manages to hold off the guards sent after him but is forced to retreat. Maximus then orders Auran to switch targets and to track down Black Bolt instead.

With help of geneticist Evan Declan, Black Bolt and Sammy are able to escape from prison. Medusa arrives just too late to be reunited with her husband, and instead meets Louise Fisher. Fisher is an astrophysicist who has come to Hawai'i tracking strange energy signitures originally detected on the Moon. Medusa holds Fisher at gunpoint, ordering her to follow the helicopter boarded by Black Bolt.

Declan is working for Maximus, who seeks to use his work to undergo a second Terrigenesis. However, the Genetic Council, now led by Maximus's friend Tibor refuses to sanction it, as a second Terrigenesis could be dangerous for him. Maximus intends for Declan to kill Black Bolt, but Black Bolt manages to escape from Declan's lab with the help of Medusa and Fisher.

Karnak and Jen are eventually forced to flee when Reno, another farmer, becomes jealous of their realtionship and tries to kill them. Before he can do so, he is killed and they are captured by a gang of traffickers led by Tua, but eventually get rescued by Gorgon. The three eventually manage to reunite with Black Bolt and Medusa. The group decides to split up: Black Bolt, Medusa and Fisher will look for Crystal, while Gorgon and Karnak will go to Declan's lab to rescue Declan and Sammy, who are being held hostage by Auran.

In the ensuing battle, Sammy and Declan are rescued, but Gorgon is killed while saving Auran from Mordis, who commits suicide by collapsing the whole building. Black Bolt and Medusa, who have found Crystal, arrive in time to mourn their fallen cousin with Karnak.

Meanwhile on Attilan, Tibor, the new head of the Genetic Council, has joined a conspiracy to depose Maximus, who is beginning to lose the support of the people. Howeer, Maximus discovers the plot and has all the rebels arrested and Tibor executed.

With Maximus' forces on Earth defeated, the royal family prepare to return to Attilan and confront him. Before leaving, however, Black Bolt reveals that Triton is still alive. They then all teleport back on the Moon with Lockjaw and ask for a parley with Maximus, during which they offer to trade Declan and his work, which will allow Maximus to go through a second Terrigenesis, for the throne of Attilan. Maximus feigns agreement, but then seizes Declan.

Karnak is tasked with causing malfunctions in systems across Attilan to undermine Maximus' regime. However, he cannot accept Gorgon's death and manages to convince Auran to help him revive him by putting his body through a second Terrigenesis, combining it with Auran's DNA since she has regenerative abilities. Although the process initially seems to fail, Gorgon is resurrected, but heavily disoriented. In his disorientation and rage, he kills Declan. Meanwhile, Maximus is captured by Triton and brought into the Royal Bunker.

Maximus reveals that he has enacted a failsafe intended to destroy Attilan. Black Bolt instructs Medusa and Crystal to evacuate the city to Earth. Maximus eventually manages to escape, but the Royal Family has retaken control of the city and the population is now following them as Medusa, who had begun the question the caste system during her time on earth, announces that they will change things for the better. All the Inhumans are transported to Earth thanks to Eldrac. As the refugees arrive, Fisher desperately tries to contact Avengers Idea Mechanics for assistance, as she is worred what the Advanced Threat Containment Unit will do if confront by a sudden influx of extra-terrestrial refugees.

Black Bolt confronts his brother one last time, and is shocked when Maximus reveals that he had masterminded their parents' death, forging a document with made Black Bolt so angry he lost control and accidentally killed them. Nevertheless, Black Bolt refuses to execute his brother for his crime, and instead locks him up in the bunker before escaping to Earth, abandoning Maximus on the Moon as the dome that protects the city crumbles.

As Black Bolt steps out onto the soil of Hawai'i, an AIM quinjet arrives, pilotted by Adam Brashear and Selah Burke, who welcome him to Earth.