Wanda Maximoff Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Wanda Maximoff

Wanda Djanga Maximoff (a.k.a. Scarlett Witch)

Wanda Maximoff is former an Avenger and activist. She is the twin brother of Pietro Maximoff.

In 2017, she married fellow Avenger Vision. They had two children Tommy and Billy, who were born via the power of the Reality Stone during the Korvac War.

Since becoming an Avenger, Maximoff has spoken publically about her struggles with mental illness and her experience as a Romani woman growing up in Europe, and is a UN Commission for Refugees Goodwill Ambassador.

She was a member of the Infinity Watch and a Stonekeeper, guarding the Mind Stone.

Since the death of her husband, she has withdrawn from the Avengers to focus on raising her children, and is no longer considered an active member of the team.

Physical Description

Special abilities

She is an extremely powerful Magic User, possessing an inherent aptitude for chaos magic.

She is believed by the Caretaker to be the Scarlet Witch, a figure featured in numerous magical prophesies, most notably in the Darkhold. The prophesies disagree about the role the Scarlet Witch will have: the Darkhold states that the Witch will be the one to usher in the age of Cthon, while the Lemurian Witch Scrolls and the Book of the Eighteenth Cataclysm describe the Witch as an catalyst whose actions will lead to a fundamental reshaping of magic.

Stephen Strange has theorised that the latter two sources are referring to the fact that Wanda's son Billy Maximoff is destined to become the Demiurge in adulthood

Mental characteristics

Personal history

See timeline (below)




Completed compulsory education (i.e. to age 16) only.

After the War of the Worthy, she joined the Masters of the Mystic Arts, studing with first Daniel Drumm, and after his murder, Sara Wolfe.

After gaining a solid basis of magical knowledge, she began studying with The Caretaker, an expert in Chaos Magic.


Between leaving school and being recruited by HYDRA she worked in grocery store.

When not needed by the Avengers, she studies with the Masters of the Mystic Arts and does a variety of charity work, including mental health advocacy, Romani civil rights advocacy, and advocating for better treatment of refugees.

She is currently working on her autobiography.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was made a goodwill ambassador by the U.N. Commision for Refugees. She was featured on the BBC Series '100 Women', and has appeared on multiple lists of inspirational or influential women. In 2018, she was a guest speaker at the Association for Jewish Studies conference.

Mental Trauma

Wanda has experienced a huge amount of trauma in her life, and suffers from complex mental health problems as a result. She has been diagnosed with depression, PTSD, and BPD. She has also struggled with disordered eating in the past, though she has not been diagnosed with any specific eating disorder.

She has withdrawn from public life and the Avengers since the death of her husband, Vision, during the Battle of Alkama Fields, though she did join the Infinity Watch, volunteering to become the keeper of the Mind Stone (which had formerly been part of Vision's physical body, and which he was killed by Thanos to take).

Intellectual Characteristics

Wanda has proved capable of learning complex magical spells and the theory behind them quickly and easily, despite her limited education and the lessons taking place in her second language.

Morality & Philosophy

She has described herself in interviews as "kind, rather than nice". Her natural temperament and her mental illness can make her extremely intollerant of those she believes are acting cruelly or out of deliberate ignorance, as she is a deeply principled person, and committed to to justice.

Since 2016, she has been a vegetarian.


Contacts & Relations

She is close friends with Clint Barton, who was instrumental in recruiting her and her brother to the Avengers.

During the Empirikul Invasion, she met and developed a friendship with Alice Wu.

Family Ties

Due to their difficult childhood, she and her brother Pietro Maximoff are extremely close. As teenagers and young adults they were completely co-dependant, incapable of functioning without the other. Since moving to America and developing outside friendships for the first time since childhood, and both beginning serious romantic relationships, they have a healthier relationship, though they still consider one another their closest friend.

She is a devoted mother, and since being widowed has left the Avengers active rosta in order to focus on grieving and raising her sons.

Religious Views

She is Jewish. He family were religious growing up, but she and Pietro Maximoff ceased practising after the deaths of their parents. However, after they moved to New York City, she reconnected with her spirituality. She now attends a reform synagogue, and is raising her sons within the faith.




Towards Wanda Maximoff


Wanda Maximoff


Towards Vision



Wanda and Vision began dating shortly after she joined the Avengers: Vision's initial attraction was due to Wanda being one of the few people who treated him like a real person, despite his being a Synthezoids, while Wanda was drawn to Visions sincerity and sense of humour.

The couple married in 2017, shortly before the birth of their sons. They remained together until Vision's death at the hands of Thanos during the Battle of Alkama Fields.

Wanda Maximoff

twin (Vital)

Towards Pietro Maximoff


Pietro Maximoff

twin (Vital)

Towards Wanda Maximoff



Due to their childhood and the trauma they suffered, they are extremely close. Their relationship growing up was unhealthily co-dependant, although this has gradually become healthier as they both developed lives outside of one another after joing the Avengers.

Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
3rd January 1989
Year of Birth
1989 CE 29 Years old
Vision (husband)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sokovian (native), Carpathian Romani (native), English (fluent), Russian (limited)

Author's Note:
While Sara, the Caretaker, technically exists in the comics, she's a very minor character, and is only one of Wanda's teachers in the Midnight Suns video game. But Midnight Suns slaps, and I couldn't use Wanda's usual magic teacher because that's Agatha Harkness, and in my head a version of the WandaVision TV show is definitely going to happen in this Wanda's near future. (Although probably somewhat less horrifying, given she has her kids and her brother still in this universe!)