Stephen Strange <WIP> Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Stephen Strange <WIP>

Dr Stephen Vincent Strange

Dr Stephen Strange is the current Sorceror Supreme of Earth, and leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts.

He began studying magic as an adult, after a car accident damaged his hands, leaving him unable to perform surgery. Desperate for any cure, he travelled to Kamar-Taj, which he had heard might be able to offer him cures unavailable to Western Medicine. Impressed by his persistance, the Ancient One agreed to take him on as a student.

Strange fought with the Avengers and their allies during Hela's attempt to bring about Ragnarok, and is considered an auxilary member of the team.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, Strange was one of the heroes transported to Titan. Using the Eye of Agamotto, he viewed all the possible timelines, looking for a way to defeat Thanos. Seeing that there were none beginning from that point, he used the Eye to send Tony Stark's consciousness back in time, in the hope that he would be able to better prepare the Avengers for what was coming.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Strange is a skilled Magic User, although he has limited experience due to having only been studying for a few years. He has a particular aptitude for Astral projection.

Specialized Equipment

Strange carries the Eye of Agamatto, and wears the Cloak of Levitation. 

Like most Masters, he wears a sling-ring to make teleporation easier.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Stephen Strange was born in Philadelphia, but his family moved to New York City when he was a child. He had one sister, Donna, who drowned in a swimming accident. Being unable to save her led Strange to decide to become a doctor, so that he would never feel helpless to save someone again.

He did well in school, and was accepted into Columbia for pre-med. After graduation, be obtained his Doctorate from NYU, before completing his training at New York Presbyterian and Metro General.

After recieving his Board Certification, he took a post at Metro General Hopsital, and quickly gained a reputation as one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. While working there, he met and began a relationship with fellow surgeon Christine Palmer, although this did not last, in part due to his trying to take complete credit for a new lapindectomy proceedure they invented together while working in the ER.

The Accident

While on his way to an American Neurological Society dinner, where he had been invited to speak, Strange crashed his sports car into another vehical at high speed.

During the crash, his hands were crushed. Although reconstructive surgery was able to repair his other injuries, and return partial function to his hands, the nerve damage was too extensive to be completely healed. He was left with a perpetual tremor and severely weakened grip, meaning he would never be able to perform surgery again.

Desperate for any cure, he quickly exhausted the options covered by his insurance and began paying for treatments with his own money. However, as he could no longer work, even this proved finite. After seven rounds of surgery and multiple non-surgical treatments, his hands had barely improved.

While undergoing physical therapy, he heard the story of Jonathan Pangborn, a man who had apparently been paraplegic before recieving some kind of miracle cure. Strange sought out Pangborn, who told him to go to Nepal and seek out Kamar-Taj. 

Magical Training

Strange spent the last of his savings on a ticket to Nepal, however on arrival, he was unable to locate Kamar-Taj.

Lacking any funds, he was forced to sleep rough. He first encountered the Masters of the Mystic Arts when Karl Mordo rescued him from a group of muggers. Knowing Strange had been asking about Kamar-Taj, Mordo took him back there to meet the Ancient One. 

Strange refused to believe that the Ancient One had cured Pangborn by magic, rather than medecine. As proof, the Ancient One pushed his spirit out of his body and into the Astral Plane and then, when he insisted the vision was the result of her drugging him, on into other dimensions, before returning him to his body. Although this finally convinced him that she was telling the truth, she refused to train him, due to his earlier disrespect.

Strange spent several hours alternately begging and trying to force his way back in, until Mordo eventually persuaded the Ancient One to take pity on him and take him as a student.

Strange studied for many months, studying many books of magical theory from the House of Wisdom, but his progress in practical magic was slow. While working in the library, he met the then-librarian Wong, and was told the story of how the Zealots killed the previous librarian in their desperation to steal the Book of Cagliostro. 

In order to force Strange to apply the will necessary to make magic work, the Ancient One transported Strange to the summit of Everest and left him there. Fearing for his own survival, he was finally able to create a portal and return to Kamar-Taj.

Having mastered this spell, his confidence improved and began to progress quickly. He even managed to steady his hands enough to shave for the first time since the accident.

When Wong denied him access to more advanced books of magical spells and theory, he used his new found mastery of portal magic to steal the books. He also made contact with Christine Palmer for the first time since leaving New York, emailing her to let her know he was okay.

Seeing his quick progress and disregard for the rules, the Ancient One showed him how to access the Mirror Dimension, where he could practise without affecting the real world.

When Strange one day found the library unattended, he used the opportunity to steal the Eye of Agamatto. Using it, he restored the missing page from the Book of Cagliostro, learning about the existence of Dormammu. 

He was caught by Wong and Mordo, who warned him of the dangers of misusing an object as powerful as the Eye. Mordo explained to him the role the Masters play in protecting the world from magical and extra-dimensional threats such as Dormamu.

Death of the Ancient One

When the Zealots destroyed the London Sanctum, the resulting explosion in Kamar-Taj threw Strange through a portal into the New York Sanctum, trapping him there.

He discovered Kaecilius and the Zealots battling, and ultimately killing, the Sanctum Master, Daniel Drumm. 

Strange was forced to fight the Zealots, but found himself outmatched, barely managing to protect himself. He did eventually manage to use the Rotunda of Gateways to trap two of the Zealots in distant locations, leaving him to face only Kaecillius. With the help of the Cloak of Levitation, he eventually managed to trap Kaecillius in the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. Kaecillius attempted to persuade Strange to take his side, and when it seemed this was not working, to sway Strange's confidence in the Ancient One by telling him that she drew her power from Dormammu.

At that moment, one of the Zealots portalled in, stabbing Strange in the chest. While the Cloak of Levitation distracted the Zealots, Strange portalled himself to Metro General to ask Christine Palmer to opperate on him to save his life. While she opperated on him, Strange entered the Astral Plane to battle the Zealot who had stabbed him, Lucian Aster.

Strange eventually succeeded in destroying Aster's spirit and returning to his body, waking up and filling Palmer in on his life since he last saw her.

Returning to the New York Sanctum, Strange found Aster's body, realising that he had broken his hippocratic oath by killing a man. Ancient One named Strange the new Master of the New York Santum but he refused the title, as he did not want to be forced to take another life. Strange then confronted the Ancient One about her connection to Dormammu. Mordo refused to believe this.

While arguing with Mordo, they were interrupted by Kaecillius. In order to protect the Sanctum, Strange pulled all three of them into the Mirror Dimension. This was a mistake, as Kaecillius's power was stronger there, and the two barely escaped with their lives.

Kaecillius managed to catch up to Strange, and prepared to kill him, when the Ancient One intervened but was fatally wounded. Strange rushed her to Metro General where he was forced to allow a colleague to opperate the repair the brain damage she had suffered, due to his hands still being damaged. As she died, the Ancient One projected herself into the Astral Plane to tell Strange that she was ready to die. She admitted to drawing power from Dormammu, and told Strange that he could stop Kaecillius if he and Mordo worked together.

Faced with a choice between returning to his old life or joining the Masters full time, Strange chose to return to the Masters. Before returning to the Sactum, he said goodbye to Christine Palmer.

Battling Dormammu

At the Sactum he found Mordo, who's faith in the Masters had been shaken by learning the truth of the Ancient One's powers. Strange convinced him to continue the fight.

They travelled to Hong Kong, but found that that Sanctum had also been destroyed, and the Dark Dimension had begun consuming the earth. Strange used the power of the Eye of Agamotto to restore the Sanctum, however Kaecillius and the Zealots were able to break out of the spell and attack Strange and Mordo.

Finding the corpse of Wong, who had died defending the Sanctum, Strange used the Eye to restore him to life, and he joined the fight.

Realising they could not stop Dormammu from this dimension, Strange chose to travel to the Dark Dimension, where he threatened to use the Eye to trap Dormammu in a timeloop if he didn't agree to never return to Earth. He also made him agree to trap Kaecillius and the Zealots in the Dark Dimension with him.

Dormammu returned Strange to earth and turned the Zealots into Mindless Ones, pulling them into the Dark Dimension.

Although they had saved the world, Mordo was horrified by the misuse of magic shown by both Strange and the Ancient One, and left the Masters, convinced that magic was too dangerous for any human to use.

Hela's Worthy

When the New York Sanctum was damaged by Wanda, who was possessed by the Hammer of Angrir at the time, Strange joined the Avengers and their allies in the battle against the Worthy. 
He participated in both the battle in Broxton and the battle in the Yellowstone Caldera. 

Becoming the Sorceror Supreme

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Battling Mordo

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Secret Wars

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Infinity War

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He attended Columbia University, where he completed a pre-med degree. He the completed a three-year programme at New York University's Medical School, achieving his Doctor of Medecine.

He then completed a seven year neurosurgical residency at New York Presbyterian, before completing his fellowship and taking a job at New York Metro General.


Previously a senior neurosurgeon at Metro General Hospital.

Intellectual Characteristics

Although he head learned some humility, arrogance remains one of his worst faults.
He struggles to relate to people, and can come accross as more callous or arrogant that he really is.


Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1976 CE 42 Years old
Philadephia, Pennsylvania
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
English (native), Latin (proficient), Sanscrit (proficient), Otherworld Runes (limited)

Author's Note
Hands up who thought Strange became Sorceror Supreme during the Doc Strange movie? Yeah, me to. Turns out, he doesn't and that was supposed to be the plot of Doctor Strange 2, but then they moved where the movie fitted in in the timeline, so I guess we'll never know. They're just expecting us to take his word on it. At this point I'm starting to suspect he was never actually Sorceror Supreme, he just tells people he is because he thinks it sounds good.