Novi Grad Settlement in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Novi Grad

Novi Grad is the capital and largest city in Sokovia. It is located on the Voyóřeta river, at the base of Mount Wundagore, part of the Transian mountain range. It is home around 900,000 people.

Stepanszeg, as it was originally called, was an independant city state, and thriving cultural and religious centre, until the 15th century, when the city and surrounding countryside was conquered by Hungary. Under Hungarian, Austro-Hungarian, and later Czechoslavakian rule, Stepenszeg (renamed as Novi Grad while under communist rule) was a regional government centre. Following Sokovian independence, Novi Grad was made capital of the new country, and the city's coat of arms was incorporated into the national flag.

It is the second poorest capital city in Europe. It is home to a number of culturally important sites, including the Cathedral of St Stepan and one of the oldest Jewish cemetaries in Europe.

In 2015, large portions of central Novi Grad, including the Ducal Hotel which was classified as a building of historic or cultural importance by the Sokovian government, were badly damaged during the Ultron Offensive, when the Avengers battled Ultron.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, Novi Grad was destroyed by Ultron, ultimately leading to the collapse of the Sokovan state.


Early History
The city is believed to have been founded in the 6th century by Slavic tribes, however written records of the city begin in the 9th century, when St Stepan of Csepel led a mission to the city and converted many of the local people including Duke Olek Sokovja. In gratitude, Olek granted Stepan land in the Voyóřeta basin to build a cathedral and religous community. The nearby town came to be known as Stepanszeg, literally 'Stepan's corner', for the bend in the river which encirlced the community.

Hungarian Rule (1486-1918)
It was recognised as an independant City-State throughout Europe until its conquest by the armies of Matthias Corvinus, king of Hungary, in 1486. It remained part of the Kingdom of Hungary, and after the Austro-Hungarian compromise, Austria-Hungary, until the dissolution of Austria-Hungary in 1918, whereupon it became part of Czechoslovakia.

Czechoslovakian Rule (1918-1993)
The city was occupied by Germany during the Second World War, during which time the city's Jewish population was decimated. The city was also subject to bombing raids by the U.S. Airforce, which destroyed many historic sites, including the city's largest synagogue.

Following the 1948 Czechoslavian coup, the newly formed communist government began a programme of rebuilding. Although this was badly needed, the programme included tearing down a number of historic buildings. When rumours (unsubstantiated, though widely believed) began to spread that they intended to buldoze the monastery of St Stepan, the already unhappy population rose up, demanding independence. The government placed the city under military rule, sending General Kamil Novoty to put down the uprising. His brutal and oppressive regime lead to his being nicknamed 'the Butcher of Voyóřeta'.

Part of Slovakia (1993-1997)
When new was announced of the planning dissolution of Czechoslovakia, the people of Novi Grad began a campaign for independence. Despite a number of protests, marches and strike actions, the city became part of the newly formed Slovakia in 1993. Over the following four years, the Sokovian nationalist movement grew increasingly violent, conducting bombing campaigns and guerilla warfare.

Sokovian War of Independance (1997-2001)
Sokovia officially declared independence in 1997 in the Declaration of Stepanszeg, but this was not recognised by Slovakia. The nationalist violence devolved into a war, known as the Slovakian civil war or Sokovian war of Independence, which lasted until 2001. In 1998, the U.S.A. officially classified the Sokovian Nationalist Party as a terrorist organisation, and in 1999 conducted a three month bombing campaign against targets within Novi Grad.

Sokovian Independance
Slovakia officially recognised Sokovian independence in March 2001. The provisional government named Novi Grad the capital city, and the city coat of arms, which had been used as a symbol of the nationalist movement, was incorporated into the national flag.

Despite widespread reforms by the new government, poverty, crime, and racial and religious violence remain widespread problems in the city. In 2014 it was judged to be the most dangerous place to live in Europe.
Founding Date
7th Century
Alternative Name(s)
Sokovian Cyrillic: Нови Град | Historic: Stepanszeg
Included Locations
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