Mind Stone <WIP> Item in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Mind Stone <WIP>

One of six Infinity Stones that grant their users control over some aspect of the Universe.

The Mind Stone grants its users Read/Write access to the minds of others (see Telepathy), both sapient and non-sapient. The Stone can also be used on artificial minds, meaning it can be used to access, edit, and overwrite Artifial Intelligences, though this does not work on less advanced computers, as they are not considered to have minds.

Following the death of Thanos, its location is known only to the Vision. 


Deben IV

The earliest references to the Mind Stone are from the archives of the Kree Empire, when it was recorded as being on Deneb IV. The third Supreme Intelligence besieged the planet, eventually succeeding in claiming the Stone. However exposure to the Stone cased the Supreme Intelligence's programming to break down, eventually leading to its replacement by the fourth Supreme Intelligence.

Skrull Ownership

Fearing the damage the Stone could do the Empire, Supreme Intellivent IV chose to give the Stone to Tath Ki, the Contemplator, one of the Elders of the Universe, for safekeeping. However, unknown to the Kree, the being they handed the Stone over to was actually a Skrull impersonator. Records suggest the Skrull were not aware what was to be given to the Contemplator when the infiltration was planned, only that it was an object considered powerful by the Kree. Kree Intelligence opperatives planned the operation hoping the Stone would be a weapon which could be used in the Kree-Skrull War.

The Stone was taken back to Tarnax IV, then the Skrullian throneworld. However, the Skrull priesthood advised against using the Stone, due to the destruction which had been caused to the First Skrull Empire by the Tesseract. The Stone was therefore placed in the Temple of Sl'gur't and Kly'bn on Skrullos, where it remained for millenia.

The Contemplator

When Princess Veranke and the Dard'van cult began to gain significant political power on Skrullos, Empress R'kill decread Skrullos no longer safe for an object of such power. After considerable debate about its fate, it was eventually decided that it should finally be given into the care of the Contemplator, as Supreme Intelligence IV had originally intended.

Its location was eventually discovered by Thanos, who killed the Contemplator in single combat (the first Elder to die in over 10,000 years) and took the Stone. He commission The Other to create a containment device for the Stone. With the help of Agullo craftman and the processing power of a Chitauri mothership, the Other created the Sceptre. 

For the history of the stone between the creation of the Sceptre and the birth of Vision, see: Loki's Sceptre 


The Stone was removed from the Sceptre by JARVIS with the assistance of and Riri Williams. The Stone was then used to create the Vision, in a deliberate mirroring of the Original Timeline. 

Infinity War

<Section under construction>

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Subtype / Model
Each Stone is totally unique
Containment Device
Loki's Sceptre 
Known Stonekeepers (in order of possession)
Supreme Intelligence III
Supeme Intelligence IV
Unknown Skrull intelligence Agent
Nick Fury (as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D) 
Wolfgang von Strucker 
Tony Stark 

Articles under Mind Stone <WIP>