Aikku Jokinen Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Aikku Jokinen

Dr Aikku Jokinen (a.k.a. Enigma)

Aikku Jokinen is a senior Environmental Scientist at Avengers Idea Mechanics. She is dating fellow AIM scientist Toni Ho.

During the High Evolutionary's attempted invasion, Jokinen accompanied James "Rhodey" Rhodes to the Savage Land. There she was exposed to the High Evolutionary's genetic advancement technology, leading to her developing metahuman powers.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Following her exposure to the High Evolutionary's technology, Jokinen has the ability to alter her own density, allowing her to become intangible, or to harden her skin to a density similar to diamond.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Aikku Jokinen was born in Inari, Finland. Her family emigrated to Tromsø, Norway when she was two.

She excelled in school, and attended Tromsø University, attaining an Masters degree in Biodiversity.

After completing her masters, she applied for an Avengers Idea Mechanics' training programme. Winning out against more than a hundred competitors from 63 countries, A.I.M. sponsored her Doctoral studies at UC Berkley. After attaining her doctorate, she joined AIM's Biodiversity and Sustainability department as a researcher.

The Savage Land

When the High Evolutionary landed on Earth, he used his advanced technology to create what would become known as the Savage Land, a tropical jungle contained within an energy field, located in Antarctica.

AIM sent Jokinen, along with James Rhodes, to investigate the phenomena.

They were able to pass through the energy field, however once inside their communicators ceased working. They agreed to proceed, since the War Machine Armour was still capable of broadcasting, but the Armour was hit by one of the High Evolutionary's evolution beams, mutating it into a sentient android, Arsenal-Alpha, who immediately left them.

Without any means of communicating with their support team outside the Savage Land, they agreed to turn back. However shortly afterwards, Jokinen was hit by another of the evolution beams, causing her to develop the superhuman ability to become intangible. Not knowing how to control the power, she fell through the earth into a cave network below.

When he was able to make it out of the caves, she saw Carol Danvers flying overhead, on her way to confront the High Evolutionary about breaking intergalactic law by interfering with a pre-FTL civlisation. Thinking that the figure must be Rhodes or Tony Stark in a Suit, she followed it, eventually finding herself at the High Evolutionary's Fortress.

She used her newfound powers to enter the fortress, and witnessed the High Evolutionary using an alien device to shut off Danvers's powers. Once Danvers had been taken to the cells and the High Evolutionary had left the room, she turned off the device, restoring Danvers's abilities. She was about to leave, when she discovered one of the computers had information about the High Evolutionary's plans. Distracted by the information, she didn't hear a group of Beast-Men guards approaching, and found herself captured.

Jokinen having returned Danvers's powers allowed her and Rhodes to escape. On their way out of the fortress, they saw Jokinen being imprisoned, but decided to get out and call for her before going back to her.

The next day, they returned to rescue her, accompanied by Ka-Zar's Tribe, who had agreed to assist them. They managed to free Jokinen, and she was finally able to warn them about what she'd learned - that the High Evolutionary intended to keep expanding the Savage Land until it covered the earth, destroying eco-systems and disrupting or destroying human civilisation, allowing him to take the Reality Stone without opposition.

Using his knowledge of electrical engineering, Rhodes was able to disconnect the power source controlling the energy field, keeping it from expanding any further. Disconnecting the power also reduced the fortress back down to the small space-ship it had originally been, trapping the High Evolutionary inside.




Masters in Biodiversity from the University of Tromsø, Doctorate in Environmental Science from University of California.


Jokinen is a senior researcher for Avengers Idea Mechanics. She is also the company's official liason with the native tribes of the Savage Land, due to her existing friendship with Ka-Zar. 

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jokinen is considered the world expert on the ecology and unique native species of the Savage Land. She has consulted with the UN Climate Agency on the long-term impacts of the Savage Land on Arctic ice loss. She has worked closely with Savage Land native tribes to gather broader data than a single research team could gather alone, and published a number of papers of her results. She has also been interviewed by a number of well known organisations, including TIME magazine, National Geographic, and Scientific American, about her experiences in the Savage Land.


Contacts & Relations

Was mentoredby the Vision and they became good friends


Aikku Jokinen


Towards Toni Ho


Toni Ho


Towards Aikku Jokinen


Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1991 CE 27 Years old
Toni Ho (girlfriend)
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Sámi (native), Norwegian (native), Finnish (fluent), English (fluent)