The Warriors Three Organization in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

The Warriors Three

The Warriors Three, Fandral the Dashing Hogun the Grim and Volstagg the Valiant, are great warriors of Asgard, and the closest companions of Thor.

Although not one of the three, Lady Siff is frequently counted among their number, due to being their friend and sheild-sister.

The three first met during a battle against Ulik the Troll. During the battle they and Thor were cornered by Ulik himself. Odin All-Father came to their rescue, but in the fight that followed, the Odinsword was damaged.

The four youths swore a vow to restore the sword, and embarked on a quest that lasted more than a year and took them to Alfheim, Nidavellir, and Muspelheim. This journey forged a bond of friendship between them which has lasted almost a millenium, and Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg swore vows of brotherhood upon their return to Asgard.

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