Nidavellir Geographic Location in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil


Nidavellir is one of the Nine Realms. It's located in the middle region of Yggdrasill on the same level as Terra. It is inhabited by the Dwarves.

It was once the home planet of the Dwarves, however the original planet became uninhabitable due to overproduction and pollution. The Dwarves subsuently destroyed the planet, along with the other uninhabited planets in the System, and used the raw materials to construct the current Ringworld

It is ruled by the King of the Dwarves, a non-hereditary monarch. The King is also traditionally the head of the largest of the world's foundaries, the Star-Forge.

It is part of the Asgardian Empire. Nidavellir is represented on the Congress of Realms by two dwarven congressmen, Hreidmar and Slag.

Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

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