Sýnrogara Geographic Location in The Kaleidoscope System | World Anvil


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A country in western Gysuphun, west of the Cheladon river.


Defining Features

The north of Sýnrogara is covered in dense forests which gradually turn into swamplands near the Cheladon River. This is in sharp contrast to the southern part, which is closer to the equator and marked by a desert-like climate. The eastern border is formed by the Evóhém River, and to the south lies the Circular Sea.

Fauna & Flora

The swamplands to the east are home to the Cheladoné which gave that name to the river and lake. The forest lands contain of a multitude of different tree species and other plants, which in turn are home to countless small and large animals.

Natural Resources

The desert sand north of the circular sea holds copious amounts of copper, and extracting it is the main industry in the desert lands. The forest lands, on the other hand, are a rich source of wood and other plant products. They are also inhabited by huntable game, while the Cheladon Lake and River provide fish.
Location under

Cover image: by Kathrin Janowski


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