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Pledge Ember 2023

Back to the Writing World with a Big Chunk of Words

Unlike ordinary homework, this time comes with the Challenge page.
— Adcheryl, 6/11/2023
For December 2023, I pledged to write at least 10,000 words of worldbuilding on Side-stories & religions, with the certain goal of clearing many stub articles as much as possible!
— Adcheryl, 13/11/2023


Before the end of November, I want to improve the visual first. Many of my arts/illustrations are no longer match the current vision of Terraloga, which some of them dated back to the early years. Despite all of that, the only thing I'd not change is the CSS theme, ever and ever. Instead, I'd add more interactive elements to make this ordinary stuff become extrordinary.

Week One: Area of Focus

I wanted to focus on the stories this year. To be honest, I've added tons of stuffs yet still feel empty. I believe if I focus on this it should leap me forward to the more dynamic world. There are several stories I've planned that coherent or coexist within the current world story that I want to finish. I have completed two of them from the last year's WorldEmber:

Another thing I need to fulfil is religion. I always fascinate on how it work, yet never accomplish it deep. I like to consider it as my least expreienced worldbuilding tools. So I'm going to expend religions, especially the Luumism.

If nothing wrong happen, I should complete the main story on the South Estisia, the main story I'm doing since 2019, to move onto the next continent which I already hinted - the East!

Story Stubs

  • With Love and Violet Gun
  • To Rid the Iron Trade
  • Defender of the Smiths
  • Daily Life of Valonian: The Noble
  • New Daily Life of Valonian prose articles
  • New plot articles
  • Week Two: Mini-meta


    Most of the stories happen inside the city of Valone, so I'm going to focus more on surrouding aspect, making the city even more alive. However, a few of them happened outside - some even related to Luumism which I coincidentally want to expand as well on its fundemental - the origin, the deities, the traditions, and the belief of phenomenans.


    I want to try experiment. Many side-story usually have different mood and tone, from a noble large story full of wonder, to the personal one that gloomy and dark. Still, doesn't always have to affect the main story.

    Categories Organizing

    To be honost, I don't have any idea to reorganize at the moment. I've been satisfied by the current design so far - most of them. The only thing I bother the most is the story section. How do I show off the main story? How do I expend them to the new readers? Maybe make it the main goal to figure it out before December.

    Otherworld Inspirations

    These worlds inspired me one way or another, and I always appriciated how much dedicate they put into.

    Week Three: Homepage

    Prior to the homework I've regained my Grandmaster subscription (yay!), meaning many of my original homepage comes back once again (my good old fancy categories buttons). I've been revamping for a bit as well such as editing excerpts to my three introductory articles, and reducing the map section to only the world map. However, the vignette still the same.

    After I reviewed it myself, I felt that the infomation I wanted to convey wasn't clear enough. It didn't tell much about the main generational story. In fact, I didn't put any mention of my main story on vignette, just the excerpt of its ongoing event and the promise, which is too few it felt like a lazy writing.

    I want to emphesize my last point from my previous homework about organizing. So, what I'm going to do is editing vignette to not only simple to read but also adding more of the mention the main story. I've been looking to other worlds I've found so many idea to use. I might use more of CSS to make it spicier while maintaining the beauty of the default theme.

    Under construction

    Week Finale: Final Preparation

    Word Sprints

    After hiatus from writing for very long, I'm going to spend my time retrain my digital typewriting with word sprints! Until the end of the November you might see a lot of rough articles from me.

    I have several stubs I'm planing to do but never succeed. Thanks to the stub-out challenge by Catoblepon, it make me clear what to do.

    Space & Schedule

    My mind alway clear during the night, especially in my bedroom and a all-in-one desktop. It's no games to play, meaning that in theory, I can work at maximum performance. Also, tidy my room and bring some milks and snacks.

    My writing session is going to be a period between 7 PM to 12 AM (GMT+7) for a minimum of one hour every day.

    To-do List

    I need to find and categorize my stubs that mentions about religion and mini-stories, as well as finding stubs I promise to do but never finish. And brainstroming!


    To close this pledge, I'd like to thank all people for the support! Although I lose some friends and jobs this year, they always mean so much to me.

    • WorldAnvil Community!
    • Catoblepon & her Cookie Cottage chapter :3
    • My family, who help me passing though obsecles and grow as a person.
    • My friends, who keep listening to my problems during my darkest time.
    • My boss & coworker, who gave me advices and motivated me to pursuit my career.
    • Art communities, where I spent myself during writing hiatus - and got some commissions!

    Also, all the progress and plan will be updated in my main article. You can follow me thoughtout December there, and only there. I'm looking forward to everyone who join WorldEmber, whather first time or seasoned competitors, to succeed all goals as you wished. I'll see you and myself in the other side.

    So grab your hammer, and go worldbuild wipe out these moth-holders!

    Crossing the Threshold of WorldEmber 2023
    Generic article | Jan 1, 2024

    There should've been a pledge picture here, isn't it?
    — Adcheryl, 14/11/2023
    Say no more.
    — Adcheryl, 14/11/2023

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    Nov 14, 2023 12:10 by Mochi

    Thank you so much for the world feature! <3 Good luck with WorldEmber, I find religion a tricky thing to write about but I know you'll do amazing! :D

    I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
    Nov 29, 2023 15:00

    You're welcome! And wish you a good luck as well!

    Nov 14, 2023 12:26

    Really like the illustrations - and hope your plans work out, certainly looks like an exciting worldember project!

    Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
    Nov 29, 2023 15:02

    Thank you! Good luck with your first WorldEmber and have a good time! Wish you the best. :D

    Nov 14, 2023 13:58 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Ooo, concentrating on stories for WE this year! That's really exciting. :) Also like the idea of exploring some other things outside of that to deepen your world for the stories.   And thank you so much for mentioning Etrea, that means so much to me. <3

    Nov 29, 2023 15:07

    Of course it does! I don't know if it's worldbuilding or not since I'm mainly do plots lol. But yeah let's dig a puddle deeper!   And so, good luck with WorldEmber Emy! Etrea is still as good as ever :)

    Nov 19, 2023 08:49 by Elspeth

    I find religion and stories often go hand in hand. You've got this! Have a great WorldEmber! :)

    Nov 29, 2023 15:16

    Sound nice. Maybe I should write some religion-focused stories too :3   Thank you! I'll try my best. And wish you a great WorldEmber too!

    Nov 29, 2023 15:37 by TJ Trewin

    What a wonderful prep article :D Good luck on your path to 10k during WorldEmber! You've got this :D   Which article(s) are you going to start with?

    Journals of Yesteryear

    Nov 29, 2023 17:50

    Thank you the merciful TJ! I think I'm going to start with the plot "With Love and Violet Gun" and its background articles. I also want to finish "To Rid the Iron Trade" as well.

    Nov 29, 2023 15:38 by Chris L

    Thanks for including me in your inspiration list! Good luck and I'm looking forward to what you build!

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Nov 29, 2023 17:54

    You're welcome! It look so beautiful I'd like to do some fanart based on your world! And also very inspirational :D   Thank you and wishing you the best!

    Nov 29, 2023 21:13 by Chris L

    I would love to see it. By the way, I just noticed that your header has the WorldEmber fire logo on a book and that's really cool!

    Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

    Nov 30, 2023 04:44

    Thank you! :D