Character Creation in Novence Eternal | World Anvil

Character Creation


The first step to creating a character in Novence Eternal is to choose your race. There are a variety of races in Novence Eternal, including many base D&D 5E races as well as custom races. Race determines your character's appearance, heritage, normal naming conventions, and racial bonuses. Some races also have subraces, which can also change the aforementioned aspects of your character. Races that exist in base D&D 5E inherit the proficiencies and abilities from the base game, and thus will not be listed here for redundancy reasons.


The most migratory race, humans make a name for themselves through conquest and trade. With kingdoms and cities found on nearly every continent across Lysi, they can be found living with nearly any other race, anywhere across the world. There exist a variety of subraces, named after the major city near which they originate from. Each race has an aesthetic equivalent to a real-life ethnic category: Rubinian (Northern European), Citrinian (Central European), Ambrian (Western European), Jadou (East Asian), Stanian (South Asian), Kulian (Arabic), Mithidran (Sub-Saharan African), Isthmian (Hispanic), Safirin (Eastern European), and Lonstonian (Pacific Islander).
Adulthood: 18, Life Expectancy: 80, Height: 5’-6’; Weight: 125-250lb, Skin: nearly black to very pale; Hair: black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick.
Name Generator
(For most “western” english names, otherwise use a name generator for the specific racial group your character belongs to.)


Hailing from the mountains of Kur, Dwarves are known as skilled warriors, miners, and workers of stone and metal. Their kingdom, the Dominion of Kur, is the most technologically advanced nation on the planet. Within the Dominion are powerful companies such as Novaurum Technologies or Sevenflame Forge, responsible for the nation's monopoly on devices such as firearms or robotics. Mountain dwarves hail from the rocky crags of the continent's heartland, whilst Hill dwarves originate from the low-lying foothills.
Adulthood: 50, Life Expectancy: 350, Height: 4-5’, Weight: 150-275lb, Skin: deep brown to pale, Hair: black, grey, brown, red
Name Generator


Elves appear hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many other races. They originate from the Jungle of Ilyun, in the eastern portion of the continent of Yomi. High elves originate from the ancient ancestral home of the elves, the great Skytree, reaching above the clouds in the center of the jungle. Wood elves are former High Elves that have stepped away from the hierarchical system of the Skytree, dwelling in the various outlying settlements dotted throughout the jungle. They retain the same last names as High Elves, but their first names often have influence from Kitsune and Human cultures. Drow elves dwell in the Rootways, a massive system of caves and tunnel networks beneath the forest. Genetically engineered by the High Elves long ago, Drow elves' first names are that of plants and herbs, representative of their cloned nature-- alike how the cutting of a plant produces a genetic clone of itself.
Adulthood: 100, Life Expectancy: 750, Height: 5-6’, Weight: 100-145lb, Skin: human + copper, bronze, bluish-white; Hair: human + green, blue; Eyes: human + gold, silver; no facial hair.
Name Generator


The Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. Originating from the floating islands of Draconia in South Kur, they are descended from the legendary Prime Dragons that once ruled the continent, back in the Age of Blood. Though they lack much of the power of their ancestors, they still possess the ability to use their breath as a weapon, depending on their scale color.
Adulthood: 15, Life Expectancy: 80, Height: 6-7’, Weight: 200-350lb, Scales: brass, bronze, scarlet, rust, gold, copper-green.
Name Generator

Draconic Ancestry Chart:
Black: Necrotic, 15ft. Cone (CON Save)
Blue: Electric, 5 by 30 ft. Line (DEX Save)
Brass: Sonic, 15ft. Cone (CON Save)
Bronze: Kinetic, 5 by 30 ft. Line (DEX Save)
Copper: Acid, 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX Save)
Gold: Radiant, 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX Save)
Green: Poison, 15 ft. cone (DEX Save)
Red: Fire, 15 ft. cone (DEX Save)
Silver: Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing, 5 by 30 ft. line (DEX Save)
White: Cold, 15 ft. cone (CON Save)


Half-Dragonborn appear as humans with dragon-like horns and tails, as well as patches of dragon scales on their body. While they lack the breath weapon abilities of the dragonborn, they retain the resistance to the element of their draconic ancestor, and can change the damage type of any attack made with their body to that of their draconic ancestor's. Most half-dragonborn are shunned by Dragonborn for being "impure", and by humans for being too brutish-- and thus live in isolated settlements or as nomads. Most can be found in South and Western Kur, on the Arwarum Steppe, though a sizable population dwell in the city of Kutha.
Adulthood: 18, Life Expectancy: 80, Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 150-275lb, Size: Medium, Skin and Hair: Human shades as well as shades of dragonborn colors.
Name Generator
Uses the above generator, but the first name is a modification of dragonborn first names, with a human name as a nickname derived from it. The last name can be human or dragonborn in nature.
  • Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
  • Proficiencies: Choose two of any.
  • Half-Draconic Ancestry: Instead of breath weapons, half-dragonborn have the ability to change the damage type of any of their attacks into the damage type of their Draconic Ancestry.
    Black: Necrotic
    Blue: Electric
    Brass: Sonic
    Bronze: Kinetic
    Copper: Acid
    Gold: Radiant
    Green: Poison
    Red: Fire
    Silver: Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing
    White: Cold
  • Draconic Affinity: Attacks whose unaltered damage type matches your Draconic Ancestry deal critical damage if they land.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.


Originating from the continent of Kur, Gnomes were once among the most weak and helpless of species on the continent during the Age of Blood. However, after allying with the dwarves and forging the Dominion of Kur, they have long since put that past behind them. Due to their small physical stature, Gnomes are often users of magic or dextrous weapons-- though more often than not they tend towards the trades of craftsmen and businessmen rather than combat. Many of the most powerful companies in the Dominion, including that of the Platinum Concordat, are run by Gnomes. Forest Gnomes originate in the lush valleys and forests of eastern Kur, whilst Rock and Deep gnomes originate from the mountains of the northwest.
Adulthood: 40, Life Expectancy: 450, Height: 3-4’, Weight: 30-50lb, Skin: Tan or brown, Hair: fair.
Name Generator
The first names in the above generator should be used for last names; first names are generally rather short and share the same two letters of the last name.


To humans, half-elves look like elves; and to elves, they look human. Walking in two worlds but truly belonging to neither, half-elves combine what some say are the best qualities of their elf and human parents. They are commonly found in central Yomi, especially in the cities of Ambstalt and Jadouren.
Adulthood: 20, Life Expectancy: 180, Height: 5-6’, Weight: 100-180lb, Skin: human + elf, Hair: human + elf.
Name Generator
Half-Elves can use either human or elf first/last names from the above generator, or from separate generators.


The diminutive halflings survive in a world full of larger creatures by avoiding notice, or barring that, avoiding offense. Halflings originated in Yomi, but their nomadic nature led them to settle all across the planet-- usually hitching rides with the equally nomadic Humans with which they share close bonds. The largest halfling settlement is Aril Aesrum, found in the Dewdrop Basin of East Kur.
Adulthood: 20, Life Expectancy: 150, Height: 3’, Weight: 40-45lb, Skin: tan to pale, Hair: brown, sandy brown; Eyes: brown, hazel.
Name Generator
Due to their nomadic lifestyle, halflings often have first or last names of other races.


Hailing from the continent of Nifl, Orcs are a once-proud people that carry the scars of their past within them like a festering wound. Ever since the fall of the Golm Empire thousands of years ago, the Orcs have been in a state of perpetual war; against nature, against self, and against the other civilizations of this world. Adulthood: 12, Life Expectancy: 50, Height: 6'-7', Weight: 230-280lb, Skin: grayish or dull green, Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown, maroon, gold.
Name Generator
The above name generator is used for first names. Orcs do not bear last names, and instead identify themselves based on the clan they are a part of. Clan names are usually more elegant and complex, and sound somewhat like Magescript (latin), warped and twisted over time towards a more orcish-sounding variant.
  • Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Aggressive: You gain an additional movement action that may be used for moving towards an enemy of your choice that you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.
  • Primal Intuition: You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
  • Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Orc.

Half Orc

Half-orcs' grayish pigmentation, sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and towering builds make their orcish heritage plain for all to see. Found mostly in south Aaru and Myrkvior, Half-Orcs are shunned by humans and orcs alike as traitors to their kind-- and often must seek employment in jobs that other races find unpleasant, just to get by.
Adulthood: 14, Life Expectancy: 75, Height: 5’-7’, Weight: 180-250lb, Skin: Grayish, Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown, maroon.
Name Generator
The first or last name can of the above generator can be that of a human or an orc.


To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. Originating from South Nifl, the Tieflings are a demon-like race, said to have been created by Lucifer himself in the depths of Infernum. Shunned by other races as embodiments of evil, most Tieflings find they can only earn respect and kinship among their own kind-- and among Orcs, who eschew the beliefs of the other races and value naught else but strength.
Adulthood: 18, Life Expectancy: 90, Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 125-250lb, Skin: Human + red shades, Hair: black, brown, dark red, dark blue, dark purple; Eyes: Solid black, red, white, silver, or gold.
Name Generator


Kobolds are often dismissed as cowardly, foolish, and weak, but these little reptilian creatures actually have a strong social structure that stresses devotion to the tribe, are clever with their hands, and viciously work together in order to overcome their physical limitations. Hailing from southwestern Kur, the Kobolds were once allies with the Prime Dragons, serving as their artisans, blacksmiths, and builders. Their largest settlement is Zakri-Sula, located near Mt. Brimstone.
Adulthood: 16, Life Expectancy: 70, Height: 3’-5’, Weight: 70-130lb, Skin: Shades of gray, red, purple, blue.
Traits and Other Information
Name Generator
Kobold names are generally short, and do not have last names-- rather they go by the name of the Kobold clan they were born into. Clan names tend to be a combination of the given names of the heads of the founding household of the clan, usually with a hyphen between. Kobolds who are raised outside of the traditional tribal structure can often adopt last names, if they’re raised in a culture that has them.


Goblins occupy an uneasy place in a dangerous world, and they react by lashing out at any creatures they believe they can bully. Cunning in battle and cruel in victory, goblins are fawning and servile in defeat. Originally hailing from Nifl, goblins have since spread across the many continents of Lysi-- mostly as cheap mercenaries or manual laborers. Despite this, many cultures shun them, due to their historic affiliation with the Orcs; causing many goblins outside of Nifl to turn to a life of pillaging and raiding.
Adulthood: 16, Life Expectancy: 70, Height: 3’-5’, Weight: 80-140lb, Skin: Shades of gray, green, brown.
Traits and Other Information
Name Generator
Goblins are split into two social groups: high-caste and low-caste. High-caste goblins are goblins who have made a name for themselves, usually through pillaging, raiding, or combat. They are usually treated as equals among the Orcs and Tieflings they associate with. Low-caste goblins are effectively slaves, who must redeem their honor through serving their masters well. Use the top 5 names in the generator for high-caste; bottom 5 names for low-caste.


The Kitsune are fox-like shapeshifters belonging to the far reaches of Southeast Yomi. They are clever and playful, often utilizing their shapeshifting abilities to entertain themselves and get what they want. Kitsune have a set of fox ears instead of human ears, as well as a number of fox tails. The number of tails is indicative of a kitsune’s age: they gain one every 50 years. Kitsune are said to have divine blood in them, and have access to Ancestral Kitsune Arts, which can be awakened through proficient use of magic or through direct study and meditation.
Adulthood: 50, Life Expectancy: 500, Height: 4’-6’, Weight: 120-190lb, Skin: tan to pale, Hair and Fur: Gray, brown, red, gold, white.
Name Generator
If you are designing a kitsune with a specific clan affiliation, choose a surname whose meaning aligns with the symbols of each clan.
Seiryu: Names that relate to water, rain, blue, spring, new things, or the east.
Suzaku: Names that relate to fire, the sun, red, summer, wealth/beauty, or the south.
Byakko: Names that relate to air, wind, white, autumn, bravery/warrior, or the west.
Genbu: Names that relate to earth, snow, black, winter, age/knowledge, or the north.
  • Traits: CHA+2, INT+1
  • Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Shapeshifter: Once per short or long rest, you may transform your appearance into that of another medium-sized humanoid, so long as you are in possession of reeds, a leaf, or a skull for the spell.

Zenko Kitsune

Born of the mystical forests of southeast Yomi, Zenko Kitsune are typically more neutral or lawful than other kitsune, and are naturally attuned with the spirits and magic. They believe themselves to be caretakers and protectors of the forest and its inhabitants, and treat outsiders with caution and skepticism.
  • Ability Score Increase: Your INT increases by 1.
  • Cantrip: You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. INT is your spellcasting ability for it.
  • Mystical Shapeshift: Your Shapeshifter trait now lets you transform into any animal larger than a rat and smaller than a tiger. You retain all of the stats and abilities of your normal form, but are constrained physically in the types of actions you may perform based on your transformation.
  • Kitsune Luck: When your HP reaches 0, if you are capable of shapeshifting, you may shapeshift into an animal and immediately disengage.

Yako Kitsune

Often found hidden amongst other races in cities and villages, Yako are typically more chaotic or evil than other kitsune. Yako Kitsune are known to be very involved in the politics of other races they live amongst-- especially humans. These Yako live in a semi-feudal system of clans and secret societies that exist near Jadouren and in the Jungle of Ilyun itself.
  • Ability Score Increase: Your CHA increases by 1.
  • Deceptive Shapeshift: Your Shapeshifter trait now lets you transform into any humanoid.
  • Tongue of the Fox: Gain advantage on Deception and Persuasion rolls.


The Sephaun are humanoids with goat-like characteristics, namely digitigrade legs and thick patches of wool on their bodies. Males also have goat horns extending from the forehead, which can come in a variety of shapes. They are a primarily nomadic people who roam the frozen mountains of northern Kur, and their wool is highly valued for its magical properties. While most Sephaun are nomadic, a sizable population dwells on Kur's northeasternmost peninsula, in the settlement of Tarul.
Adulthood: 20, Life Expectancy: 180, Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 90-170lb, Skin: Human shades + grey shades, Hair & Wool: Human shades + grey shades.
Name Generator
Surnames are the names of the father or mother depending on tribal precedent.
  • Traits: DEX +2, WIS +1
  • Proficiencies: Acrobatics +1 of your choice
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Sephauni Wool: Gain resistance to bludgeoning damage, weakness to fire damage, and negate all debuffs granted by cold weather.
  • Men of the Mountain: Take 1/4th normal fall damage, and gain advantage on rolls for climbing.


Tanuki are raccoon-dog-like humanoids hailing from the southeastern forests of Yomi. They bear a dark patch near the eyes and raccoon-like ears, as well as a tail. Like Kitsune, Tanuki have the ability to shapeshift, particularly for the purposes of deception-- in fact, traditional folklore claims that the Tanuki are the ones who originally taught Yako Kitsune the arts of deception. While few Tanuki nowadays practice shapeshifting in the way Yako Kitsune do, Tanuki still retain the ability to shapeshift in their own right-- namely into inanimate objects. Tanuki who have particularly honed their arts are even capable of transmutation magicks. They are also well-known for being excellent brewers of sake.
Adulthood: 50, Life Expectancy: 250, Height: 4’-6’, Weight: 120-190lb, Skin: tan to pale, Hair and Fur: Gray, brown, orange, maroon.
Name Generator
  • Traits: CHA+3, WIS+1
  • Proficiencies: Deception, Persuasion
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Tanuki Shapeshift: So long as you are in possession of a leaf, you may transform yourself into any inanimate object from the size of a teacup to a grandfather clock, consuming the leaf in the process. You retain all of the stats and abilities as your normal form, but cannot move, attack, or cast spells without exiting the transformation.
  • Steel Liver: You do not suffer the negative effects of the Drunk status effect.


The Vilagus are humanoids with rabbit-like characteristics; namely a pair of rabbit ears jutting out of the tops of their heads, an improved jumping ability, and a small rounded fluffy tail. They are a reclusive and territorial people, and have two distinct factions: Desert Vilagus (known as the Audubon), who reside in the deserts of Aaru; and Grassland Vilagus (known as the Bachmani), who reside in the forests and grasslands of Aaru’s west coast.
Adulthood: 16, Life Expectancy: 100, Height: 4’-7’ (not including ears), Weight: 90-160lb, Skin: Human shades, Hair & Wool: Human shades + grey shades.
Audubon names generally are similar to Kulian names, due to their geographic proximity to the desert settlements of the sultanate of Lapsha-Kuli. Their last names contain the letter sequence “ysk”, which denotes their affiliation with the Audubon. Males have first names that end with “yo” or “yl”, and females have first names that end with “ya” or “yi”.
Bachmani names generally are similar to Mithidran names, due to their geographic proximity to the settlements of the kingdom of Diamithidra. Their last names contain the sequence “rik”, which denotes their affiliation with the Bachmani. Males have first names that end with “ro” or “rl”, and females have first names that end with “ra” or “ri”.
  • Traits: DEX +2, CHA +1
  • Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Perception
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Vilagus Leap: You can jump up a number of feet equivalent to 4x your DEX modifier, and gain advantage on Acrobatics rolls.
  • Vilagus Hearing: Your hearing is as potent as a rabbit’s, and can make out even the slightest sounds. Gain advantage on hearing-based perception rolls.


The Bastelids are humanoids with feline characteristics, namely a pair of cat ears jutting out of the tops of their heads, a cat’s tail, and several other nonhuman abilities. They are known to be rather solitary, though there are a number of Bastelid villages in secluded parts of the world. Bastelids tend to be found in west and north Aaru, or south Yomi.
Adulthood: 16, Life Expectancy: 150, Height: 4’-6’, Weight: 80-150lb, Skin: Human shades, Hair & Wool: Human shades + grey shades.
Bastelids, due to their solitary nature, typically don’t take up last names. Given names are usually a descriptor of something related to themselves in some form (e.g. Moondancer, Spearmint, Half-ear). Bastelids who live among other races will often take a first name belonging to another race, with their traditional Bastelid name as their surname. Bastelids that live in communities with others of their kind will use the masculine or feminine form (if applicable) of a family name chosen by the family leader at its time of establishment, followed by their traditional Bastelid given name.
  • Traits: DEX +2, WIS +1
  • Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Perception
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Bastelid Acrobatics: When falling, you may make a DC 5 DEX save. If successful, you land on your feet and take 1/3rd normal fall damage.
  • Catnap: While asleep, you may continue to make audio perception checks within a 20 foot radius of you.


The Lupinians are humanoids with lupine characteristics, namely a pair of wolf ears jutting out of the tops of their heads, a wolf's tail, and several other nonhuman abilities. They tend to exhibit pack behavior somewhat reminiscent of wolves, and live in communal villages-- most commonly found in Myrkvior and southern Aaru.
Adulthood: 16, Life Expectancy: 150, Height: 5'-6', Weight: 100-170lb, Skin: Human shades, Hair & Wool: Human shades + grey shades.
To Lupinians, the pride of the pack is very important. Lupinian names consist of three parts: a given name, a pack name, and a clan name. The clan name is the family name, and the pack name varies depending on the social group the Lupinian most strongly identifies with. Given names can vary wildly, but typically are some form of Common, or a version of a Mithirin given name-- given the proximity of the Lupinians to the Mithirin.
Clan Name Generator
  • Traits: DEX+2, CHA+1
  • Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
  • Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Keen Nose: Your nose can pick out the presence of any creature within 60 feet of you, provided they have not deliberately covered up their scent. You can tell their race and the direction they are relative to you, extended further by 30 feet if they are upwind of you.
  • Pack Tactics: When you take the Help action, the target gains an additional 1d4 to their roll on top of the normal advantage granted.


The Naga are humanoids with a snake tail in place of their lower torso. They are native to the Shifting Expanse in Aaru, and live in large underground tunnel networks beneath the sand.
Adulthood: 18, Life Expectancy: 150, Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 120-190lb, Skin: Human + green, blue; Hair and Scales: Human + green, blue, Eyes: Human + red, orange.
Surname Generator
Naga culture doesn’t emphasize first names much, instead going by birth order: An-, Gn-, Sr-, Fl-, Vas-, Tras-, Shas-, Kem-, Mel-, Ner-; with orders past 10 adding the e-ending form for each digit (e.g. 11 being Ane-an-). For females, the first name ends with a vowel combination of A, I, or E (e.g. Ani, Flai, Vasei). For males, the first name ends with a vowel-consonant combination of E, O, U, and a “hard” consonant such as D, K, or P (e.g. Anek, Srog, Melut). Both genders may use a number of neutral letters in combination with their allowed vowels, such as M, N, Y, R, L, and S.
  • Traits: +2 DEX, +2 STR
  • Proficiencies: Survival +1 of your choice
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Burrow: Gain the ability to dig through dirt and sand at half walk speed. You spend 1 movement action to enter or exit the ground. You can sense the location of nearby creatures through vibrations at half normal range.
  • Bind: Bind a target with your tail. The target must make a STR save of DC 10 + your STR + Prof to escape. While a target is bound, you may as a free action deal (STR)d8+4 bludgeoning damage. Roll an additional d8 for each successive turn the target is bound, as well as incrementing the stack count by 1.


Sylmniites are creatures originating from the Duat Archipelago. They have the ability to change the state of matter of their body at will, as well as properties like conductivity and viscosity. They’re also known as Slimefolk, and get their nutrients through absorption or sunlight.
Adulthood: 30, Life Expectancy: 200, Height: 4’-6’, Weight: 90-150lb, Slime Color: Any, most commonly blue green and pink.
Name Generator
  • Traits: +2 DEX, +2 CON
  • Proficiencies: 2 of your choice
  • Sylmniite Shapeshift: Gain uses of Sylmniite Shapeshift equivalent to your CON modifierl, resetting to maximum every long rest. Use Sylmniite Shapeshift to change the state of matter of your body. In liquid form, take half physical damage but double chemical/energy/etheric damage. In gas form, take 1/3rd physical damage but 3x chemical/energy/etheric damage.


Alraune, also known as dryads, are plantlike creatures originating from the Jungle of Ilyun. Descendants of a group of human survivors of an ancient disease, their physiology has over time become highly warped by the virus's RNA. Bearing vine-like hair adorned with flowers and leaves, as well as green-tinted skin, each individual Alraune family varies wildly in how they appear; often mirroring the appearance of their respective plants. They breathe CO2 and require frequent sunlight, though they absorb nutrients through normal consumption of food as well. Adulthood: 20, Life Expectancy: 50-200, Height: 4'-6', Weight: 80-160lb, Skin: Shades of green and white, Hair: Shades of green, Eyes: Varies, typically bright colors
Names: Alraune last names are plant family names, based on the type of plant the alraune's family's physiology inherits. First names can be human or elven names. If the Alraune is a clone of another Alraune, their name is the original Alraune's + a number denoting the Nth clone they are.
  • Traits: +2 CON, +2 WIS
  • Proficiencies: Nature + 1 of your choice
  • Photosynthesis: While in direct sunlight, you regenerate 1HD per round. If you are KO while in direct sunlight, you gain Ascension (I)(1).
  • Natural Physiology: Gain immunity to Poison, +50% Radiant RES, and +80% Lightning RES. Gain -30% Heat and -30% Cold RES.


Formics are a category of races that take both insect and humanoid traits. They have full exoskeletons, with some parts of their bodies covered with skin and fat on the exterior. They retain humanlike features, but also have additional insect features-- notably an insect’s abdomen extending from the tailbone. Their antennae, which protrude from the upper forehead, are highly sensitive, and are used to boost their senses of smell, touch, and hearing. Most formics have at least two additional arms-- however these are often far weaker than a formic’s primary set. Formics retain characteristics of sexual dimorphism from both humans and insects. Their life cycles are also more akin to insects, with their young being born from eggs rather than live birth.

Formics first emerge in a larval stage, akin to their corresponding insect. At around 5 years old, they will cocoon for around 8 years. Most formics tend to die during this process-- the few that remain emerge from the cocoons in forms akin to adult formics. As they grow, they will molt about once every year, up until age 100. Their lifespans cap out at around 200 years, though they don’t show signs of aging until age 150.

Each of the Formic races has one Empress, who serves as both the political ruler of the primary faction of her race, as well as the spiritual and religious nexus. Individual colonies of Formics will each have a Queen, who shares a psychic connection with the Empress. Excluded from this network are the Primal Formics, formics that are more reminiscent of the animal characteristics that the race has. Functionally, they are no different from the humanoid versions, though they are often shunned and outcast from society due to their more animalistic features.


Mynesthai (or mantisfolk) are formics resembling mantises, originating from the Jungle of Ilyun. They possess a mantis abdomen extending from the tailbone, a set of weaker, secondary arms under the first pair, a pair of wings sprouting from the back, and a spined forearm-sized clamp that extends from near the wrist. Females tend to be larger and more powerful than the males. Males however are capable of full flight for a limited duration, whereas females can only use their wings to extend a leap.
Larval Stage: 0-5, Pupal Stage: 5-13, Nymph Stage: 13-50, Adulthood: 50-150, Old Age: 50-200 Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 100-170lb, Skin: Tan to pale, Hair and Exoskeleton: Brown, green, occasionally with floral-colored accents like pink; Eyes: Black, brown, green.
Mynesthai names consist of a family name, followed by a title name, followed by a given name. Title names are indicators of honor or dishonor, and are meant to be badges of a Mynesthai’s deeds. Last names are typically sharp and akin to clicking sounds, with common consonants being S, T, K, L, and D; and vowels commonly being A, I and E (e.g. Stlikdinet, Dekitakat). Title names contain smoother consonants such as R, M, and H, as well as vowels like U and O (e.g. Shuumoloh, Temor, Lokrona). Given names are typically shorter, with female names containing more A I and E vowels than males (e.g. Tomok, Akini, Shunuk)
  • Traits: +1 STR, +1 DEX
  • Proficiencies: 2 of your choice
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Formic Awareness: Your antennae grant you advantage on sound and smell-based perception checks as well as increased range-- however, gain disadvantage and reduced range if your antennae are damaged.
  • Secondary Arms: You have another set of arms, which allows you to carry additional items. Attacks with non-light weapons made using these arms are at a to-hit disadvantage and deal half damage due to their frailty. However, they can be used for reloading and for holding two-handed weapons (with one strong arm and one weak arm per two-handed weapon). You may bypass the dual wielding restrictions of two-handed weapons (provided they are not heavy), rolling damage at disadvantage. When reloading a one-handed ranged weapon, the ROF cost of the reload is halved.
  • Mantis Clamp: You may grapple an enemy within range (DEX + Prof + 2). While grappled, the enemy takes d4+STR damage each turn, and must make a STR saving throw exceeding a DC of 10 + your STR to escape.

Warrior Mynesthai

Warrior Mynesthai are the proud fighters of the Mynesthai, and specialize in dealing lethal blows with their clamps in combat-- often incorporating them into their fighting styles alongside other
  • Traits: +2 STR
  • Hardened Carapace: Gain +3 PC.
  • Crushing Grip: Your Mantis Clamp deals an additional d4 of damage equivalent to your STR modifier (2d4 at +2, 3d4 at +3 etc.)

Stalker Mynesthai

Stalker Mynesthai utilize stealth and ambush tactics to take down opponents, and care less about honor than they do a quick and efficient kill.
  • Traits: +2 DEX
  • Camouflage: Change the color of your body to blend into the environment (5 charges per long rest), granting advantage against sight-based perception checks on your stealth.
  • Boosted Leap: Your jump distance is doubled for 10 seconds (5 charges per short rest).


The Aracsnae (or spiderfolk) are formics resembling spiders, native to the caves and forests in central and southern Kur. They possess a large spider abdomen extending from the tailbone, accompanied with the usual spinneret and silk glands. They also possess two additional limbs beneath their arms, but these resemble traditional spider legs rather than human arms. These “climbing legs” secrete a small amount of adhesive substance that lets the Aracsna climb walls, but are otherwise kept hidden and out of the way. Aracsnae also possess extendable fangs in their mouths that let them inject deadly venom into their foes, but this typically requires the foe to be grappled or otherwise unable to escape. Aracsnae also possess six additional smaller eyes arrayed around their primary two.
Larval Stage: 0-5, Pupal Stage: 5-13, Nymph Stage: 13-50, Adulthood: 50-150, Old Age: 50-200 Height: 4’-6’, Weight: 100-170lb, Skin: Tan to pale, Hair and Exoskeleton: Black, brown, pale, white; Eyes: black, brown, red.
First Name Generator
Since Aracsnae are typically born in large broods of 10-20 per mother, Aracsnae society and naming conventions are drastically different. Firstly, female Aracsnae hold high societal power and will typically posess a Szel: a harem-like group of mostly male servants and close confidants. The role of a Szel is to assist in the rearing of the mother’s brood, and can also sometimes include younger female Aracsnae, who are trained in childrearing. Male Aracsnae outnumber female Aracsnae 10 to 1, and their last names are merely the first name of their mother. Female Aracsnae will adopt the same last name as their mother.
  • Proficiencies: 2 of your choice
  • Aracsna Agility: The tips of your climbing legs secrete an adhesive that lets you scale walls.
  • Secondary Arms: You have another set of arms, which allows you to carry additional items. Attacks with non-light weapons made using these arms are at a to-hit disadvantage and deal half damage due to their frailty. However, they can be used for reloading and for holding two-handed weapons (with one strong arm and one weak arm per two-handed weapon). You may bypass the dual wielding restrictions of two-handed weapons (provided they are not heavy), rolling damage at disadvantage. When reloading a one-handed ranged weapon, the ROF cost of the reload is halved.

Weaver Aracsnae

Weaver Aracsnae specialize in the use and production of their silk, which they use to lay traps, bind opponents, or just for general use as a building material. They tend to be smaller and frailer, and have poor eyesight. However, they compensate for this by having a very strong ability to sense vibrations.
  • Traits: DEX +3, CON +1
  • Weaver’s Blindness: Your vision is reduced to 50% of normal and is highly blurry, conferring disadvantage on sight perception rolls.
  • Vibralocation: Gain the ability to detect vibrations up to 150 feet away. This includes projectiles, sounds etc.
  • Weaver Silk: You may produce up to your level * 10 meters of silk per short rest, which can be recycled. Anything that touches the silk will get stuck at a STR DC dependent on the manner in which they’re stuck.
  • Web Shot: Shoot out a line of sticky web up to DEX*50m away. Once attached, you may reel yourself towards the target or vice versa at a rate of 30m/turn. If the shot hits a living target, they must make a STR DC 10 + your CON modifier to escape.
  • Paralyzing Venom: Once per long rest, if a target is bound by your silk and successfully grappled, you may use your fangs to inject paralyzing venom. The target takes 2d4 poison damage, and must make a CON DC 15+ your CON modifier save to avoid being paralyzed for the next 12 hours. You may reapply the venom to extend this duration.

Hunter Aracsnae

Hunter Aracsnae specialize in ambush tactics and powerful venom to dispatch their targets. They tend to be larger, and take much longer to produce silk.
  • Traits: CON +3, STR +1
  • Hardened Carapace: Gain +3 PC
  • Hunter’s Sight: You can see in dim light within 200 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Hunter Silk: You may produce up to your level * 5 meters of non-adhesive silk per long rest, which can be recycled.
  • Hunter’s Adrenaline: Once per short rest, your movement rolls are doubled, and you gain an additional ability action on your turn for three turns.
  • Necrotic Venom: Once per short rest, if a target is successfully grappled, you may use your fangs to inject necrotic venom. The target takes 1d10+10 necrotic damage, halved at a CON DC 10+ your CON modifier save. Damage increases by 1d10 per successive turn your fangs remain embedded in the target.


The Skorpta are formics resembling scorpions, commonly found in the deserts of Southern Aaru. They possess a segmented scorpion tail, an extra set of arms below their normal set, as well as another set of arms ending in large pincers that extend from the back of their shoulders. Skropta also possess six secondary eyes arrayed around their primary two.
Larval Stage: 0-5, Pupal Stage: 5-13, Nymph Stage: 13-50, Adulthood: 50-150, Old Age: 150-200 Height: 5’-6’, Weight: 120-170lb, Skin: Black to pale, Hair and Exoskeleton: Black, brown, pale, red, white; Eyes: black, brown, red.
Name Generator
Use the neutral names as last names in the generator above.
  • Proficiencies: 2 of your choice
  • Skorpta Blindness: Your vision is reduced to 50% of normal and is highly blurry, conferring disadvantage on sight perception rolls.
  • Vibralocation: Gain the ability to detect vibrations up to 150 feet away. This includes projectiles, sounds etc.
  • Secondary Arms: You have another set of arms, which allows you to carry additional items. Attacks with non-light weapons made using these arms are at a to-hit disadvantage and deal half damage due to their frailty. However, they can be used for reloading and for holding two-handed weapons (with one strong arm and one weak arm per two-handed weapon). You may bypass the dual wielding restrictions of two-handed weapons (provided they are not heavy), rolling damage at disadvantage. When reloading a one-handed ranged weapon, the ROF cost of the reload is halved.

Gladiator Skorpta

Gladiator Skorpta forgo powerful venom in exchange for a harder carapace and stronger pincers.
  • Traits: STR +2, CON +2
  • Hardened Carapace: Gain +2 PC
  • Gladiator Strike: As a free action, you may attack an enemy in melee range with your pincers. STR + Prof to-hit, (STR)d8+2 slashing.
  • Tail Strike: Attack an enemy in melee range with your tail. DEX + Prof to-hit, (STR)d4+2 piercing.
  • Pincer Parry: Use as an unarmed strike parry on the movement action of your turn. If successful, you and your opponent roll STR-- if you roll higher, you disarm your opponent's weapon.

Deathstalker Skorpta

Deathstalker Skorpta specialize in the lethality and versatility of their venom.
  • Traits: DEX +1, CON +3
  • Pincer Strike: Attack an enemy in melee range with your pincers. STR + Prof to-hit, d8+2+STR slashing.
  • Tail Strike: Attack an enemy in melee range with your tail. DEX + Prof to-hit, d4+2+STR piercing. You may also choose between paralyzing, hallucinogenic, or necrotic venom. Targets must make a CON save of DC 15+ your CON against the venom. Paralyzing venom applies Stun (I) (2) on a failed save, Stun (I) (1) on a successful save. Hallucinogenic venom applies Confused (I) (2) on a failed save, Confused (I)) (1) on a successful save. Necrotic venom applies Decay (III) (CON)d10 (2) on a failed save, and Decay (I) (CON)d10 (1) on a successful save.


The Mithirin are formics resembling moths, found in the southern parts of Myrkvior. They possess an additional set of arms, a set of large moth wings, a moth abdomen protruding from their tailbone, as well as a furred collar and antennae.
Larval Stage: 0-5, Pupal Stage: 5-13, Nymph Stage: 13-50, Adulthood: 50-150, Old Age: 50-200 Height: 4’-5’, Weight: 90-150lb, Skin: dark to pale, Hair and Exoskeleton: shades of grey, brown, white, Eyes: black, grey, brown.
Name Generator
For the name generator, use neutral names as last names; use male and female as given names.
  • Traits: DEX +2, WIS +2
  • Proficiencies: 2 of your choice
  • Darkvision: Accustomed to twilit forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  • Mithirin Flight: Gain omnidirectional flight at a rate equivalent to your walk speed.
  • Fluffy Collar: Negate debuffs granted by cold weather.
  • Secondary Arms: You have another set of arms, which allows you to carry additional items. Attacks with non-light weapons made using these arms are at a to-hit disadvantage and deal half damage due to their frailty. However, they can be used for reloading and for holding two-handed weapons (with one strong arm and one weak arm per two-handed weapon). You may bypass the dual wielding restrictions of two-handed weapons (provided they are not heavy), rolling damage at disadvantage. When reloading a one-handed ranged weapon, the ROF cost of the reload is halved.


Unlike base D&D 5E, classes as well as all abilities are far more freeform in Novence Eternal, for the purposes of buildcrafting. Different classes have different level requirements: Tier 1 classes are leveled from 1-1 to 1-20, Tier 2 from 2-1 to 2-20, and Tier 3 from 3-1 to 3-20.
Each class comes with a special item known as a Class Catalyst; usually in the form of a magic sigil tattooed onto the body. You may only have one Class Catalyst equipped at a time. Class Catalysts determine what the default aspects of your class will be; HP, Hit Dice, etc. Class Catalysts also come with a number of Technique Points (TP), which are spent in order to add abilities to a loadout. As you level up a class, you will automatically unlock abilities that you may slot into your loadouts. Some may require another ability to be slotted (e.g. REQ:[Extra Attack]), and some may require you to have a certain Class Catalyst active (e.g. CC:[Swordmaster]). You may not slot two abilities of the same name into the same loadout.
Catalysts of higher Tiers also may have a number of Class Bonds; this means that skills which normally require the catalyst of the bonded class can be added to the class's loadout. For instance, Swordmaster has a Class Bond with Fighter, allowing it to use all of Fighter's catalyst-locked skills.

If you wish to change your current Class Catalyst, you must visit a Sigilist to get the requisite inking. You may also wish to reallocate your Ability Stat points-- doing so requires a visit to a Mindwalker, as well as a month's worth of recuperating and adjusting.
By default, you have 84 Ability Stat points to distribute among your 6 stats, with no individual stat exceeding 20. When you first reach level 1-20, 2-20, and 3-20, you will gain 12 additional stat points, and the limit increases by 2 from 20 to 22, 24, and 26. Make sure to keep track of the distribution of your raw Ability Stat points, prior to other modifiers.
Finally, whenever you hit 3-20 on a class, your UP gain when you use Meditate increases by +1, and the UP gain at the start of your turn increases by 1d2.
Note that as a result, the typical Ability Score Improvements from base D&D classes will not be included; instead, you must choose a feat at each level you would've gained an Ability Score Improvement. Feats, unlike other abilities, require special Feat Slots in order to be added to your loadout-- these are provided by the CC or by obtaining them in the wild. You may also forgo taking a feat in exchange for a Mastery Token-- an item formed of pure mana that containing crystallized experiences. This can be exchanged with certain NPCs for skills or equipment.

Note that your base HP value is always Ld4, where L = your highest level ever attained on any class, up to level 20. Class Catalysts will add on additional HP depending on the class-- for instance, Paladin's Class Catalyst adds Ld8+L*(CON).

Any stat boosts granted by race, skills, feats, and equipment are not constrained by the maximum stat value, and are added on top after you have allocated your ability points.
Regarding Spellcasting Classes: Spellcasting mechanics and spell mechanics remain largely unchanged in Novence Eternal from base D&D. To avoid redundancy, spell lists and slot counts for classes from base D&D will not be provided below. Most spells in Novence Eternal tend to be far more powerful than their D&D equivalents, so it is encouraged for spellcasting classes to scavenge for or forge new spells in the wild.

Tier 1 Classes

Tier 1 Classes can be selected and learned immediately with no prerequisite classes. Some Tier 1 classes will require specialized knowledge, but this is usually easily obtained.
  • Barbarian: A fierce warrior of primitive background who can enter a battle rage. HP Bonus: Ld8+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d12; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 52. Default Subclass TP Cost: 13.
  • Bard: An inspiring magician whose power echoes the music of creation. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 34. Default Subclass TP Cost: 6.
  • Cleric: A priestly champion who wields divine magic in service of a higher power. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 28. Default Subclass TP Cost: 18.
  • Crusader: A devout warrior specializing in party-wide buffs, tanking, and healing. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 100; Total TP Cost: 53.
  • Druid: A priest of the Old Faith, wielding the powers of nature and adopting animal forms. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 29. Default Subclass TP Cost: 16.
  • Fighter: A master of martial combat, skilled with a variety of weapons and armor. HP Bonus: Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 38. Default Subclass TP Cost: 21.
  • Gadabout: A professional useless person, gadabouts possess little to no combat abilities, and may even hurt the party. Learns social-oriented skills, which might be useful in more advanced classes, as well as having a doubled xp gain rate. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 100; Total TP Cost: 47.
  • Gunner [REQ: Firearms Knowledge]: A marksman trained in dwarven firearms who specializes at dealing accurate damage from range. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Total TP Cost: 63.
  • Monk: A master of martial arts, harnessing the power of the body in pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 56. Default Subclass TP Cost: 17.
  • Nurse: A healer who utilizes intricate knowledge of the body to administer drugs and treatments for damage and status mitigation. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 53.
  • Ranger: A warrior who combats threats on the edges of civilization. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 36. Default Subclass TP Cost: 18.
  • Rogue: A scoundrel who uses stealth and trickery to overcome obstacles and enemies. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 44. Default Subclass TP Cost: 16.
  • Shaman:
  • Sorcerer: A spellcaster who draws on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 33. Default Subclass TP Cost: 18.
  • Paladin: A holy warrior bound to a sacred oath. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP 100; Base TP Cost: 50. Default Subclass TP Cost: 15.
  • Psion: A wielder of mind-altering magic, capable of supporting the team in unique ways. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP 100; Total TP Cost: .
  • Tinker: A crafty inventor who creates helpful augments for allies, and uses combat to forge even more powerful augments. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Total TP Cost: 75.
  • Warlock: A wielder of magic that is derived from a bargain with an extraplanar entity. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 100; Total TP Cost: 60
  • Wizard: A scholarly magic user capable of manipulating the structures of reality. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 100; Base TP Cost: 39. Default Subclass TP Cost: 11.

Tier 2 Classes

Tier 2 Classes require the completion of other classes to use. They are generally more powerful and versatile than Tier 1 classes, but are harder to use.
  • Apothecary:
  • Arbiter: A tank-mage that pairs well with a spellcaster partner, capable of using spell-powered defensive abilities known as Injunctions. (2L)d6+L*(CON+INT Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 74. [REQ: Crusader]
  • Arhat: A member of a religious order who uses Ki and Chakra to heal allies and provide powerful buffs. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 71. [REQ: Monk]
  • Avenger: A paladin with a broken oath, who seeks to protect the weak by seeking out and destroying evil. Tanks attacks with increased damage, but is equipped with lifesteal abilities to counteract the damage taken. Ld8+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d12; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 42. [REQ: Paladin]
  • Battlemage: A powerful and versatile spellcaster who can weave together countless spells into spell combos, amplifying their effects. Has the ability to cast high level spells using lower-level spell slots. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 89. [REQ: Wizard; Sorcerer/Warlock]
  • Battle Priest: A member of a religious order who spreads the gospel through combat. Uses combo-based moves to increase healing output. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 59. [REQ:Cleric/Fighter]
  • Bishop: A high-ranking member of a religious order who channels the blessing of their deity to heal and buff teammates. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 69+. [REQ: Cleric]
  • Blackblood: A sorcerer whose blood is infused with that of a cryptid from beyond this realm. Can use extremely powerful attacks, but must struggle to keep the inner beast from breaking free and going berserk. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Base TP Cost: 65. Default Subclass TP Cost: 42. [REQ: Sorcerer, Cryptid Ancestry]
  • Blackbone: A seeker of power who has offered their body as a vessel for an eldritch parasite. Gains powerful buffs and devastating attacks, but risks being afflicted with powerful debuffs and instant death. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Base TP Cost: 62. Default Subclass TP Cost: 36. [REQ: Warlock, Eldritch Parasite]
  • Brawler: A master of hand-to-hand combat who forgoes the Ki specializations of the Monk to focus more into pure damage at any cost. Ld4+L*CON+L*STR; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 74. [REQ: Monk]
  • Bruiser: A pugilist well trained in the art of street fighting, capable of channeling Delta-type mana into powerful improvisational attacks to dish out painful punishment. Ld4+L*CON+L*STR; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 74. [REQ: Monk, Rogue]
  • Brushblade: A sword user who utilizes a unique style of combat to draw blood from their opponents, and use it to paint weather and environments into reality. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 72. [REQ: Fighter, Regal Artist Archetype]
  • Chef: A connoisseur of cuisine who uses ingredients to create useful foods for the party, healing and providing buffs. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 54. [REQ: Gadabout]
  • Defender: A fearless knight who wields shields and heavy armor to thwart enemy attacks. Specializes in guarding attacks for teammates, as well as disrupting the enemy through Shield Bashes. (2L)d6+L*(CON+CHA) ; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 67. [REQ: Paladin]
  • Demon Defeater: A strange magic user who wields the power of Isotope Flames of Fate to adaptively defeat foes. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 89.[REQ: Sorcerer, Isotope Core]
  • Dragoon: A spear-wielding fighter who utilizes aerial attacks to gain the upper hand on enemies. Specializes in aerial combat as well as staggering, and has specialized moves against large enemies. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 50. [REQ: Fighter, Dragonborn Blessing]
  • Elementalist: A sorcerer who utilizes the power of combining elemental energy to exert control over the battlefield in an offensive and supportive role. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 49. [REQ: Sorcerer]
  • Entrepreneur: A savvy merchant aspiring to be the head of a business empire. Relies on the power of their business to call in useful favors for the party, as well as massively increasing the party's influence outside of combat. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 47. [REQ: Gadabout, Business License]
  • Evoker: A wielder of mental magic who projects their mind into the physical realm as energy, for offensive and support purposes. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost 62. [REQ: Psion]
  • Gunslinger: A stylish gunman who carries on the ancient gunfighting traditions of Kur. Uses firearm combo moves to build up their Style and execute even flashier and deadlier moves. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 89. [REQ: Gunner]
  • Ki Master: A master of Ki, the soul-force that resides within all living beings. Comes with unparalleled survivability skills and the ability to inflict powerful debuffs on foes. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 68. [REQ: Monk]
  • Lifeworker: A powerful mage in-tune with the natural world who cultivates plants for consistent sustain healing and augmenting regenerative abilities. Ld8+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 75. [REQ: Druid]
  • Machinist: A crafty inventor specializing in the creation and deployment of constructs, investing time and resources to produce extremely powerful effects. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 81
  • Marksman: A rifleman trained in the use of a variety of firearms, who specializes in quick repositioning and rapid shooting. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 55. [REQ: Gunner]
  • Ninja: A cunning assassin who uses stealth and agile movement to infiltrate strongholds. Capable of dealing decent damage, but primarily a stealth-oriented class. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 72. [REQ: Rogue, Jade Seal]
  • Paramedic: An advanced medical professional specializing in anesthesia and quick healing. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 57. [REQ: Nurse]
  • Performer: A musician who uses captivating song and dance to buff the party and debuff the enemy, as well as provide party-wide healing. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 85. [REQ: Bard ]
  • Primal Berserker: A warrior who channels their inner rage to relentlessly attack enemies both physically and mentally. Also capable of tanking for the party by angering the enemy. 2Ld8+2L*CON; Hit Dice 1d12; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 56. [REQ: Barbarian]
  • Puppeteer:
  • Ronin: An honorable swordsman skilled in dishing out tons of damage through combo fighting, at the expense of defense. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 86. [REQ: Fighter, Jade Seal]
  • Spellsword: A heroic fighter who uses their charisma to woo the love of special elemental spirits known as Pnymphs. Provides strong and versatile buffs and debuffs, as well as a variety of damage types. Ld8+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: . [REQ: Fighter, Sorcerer, Feat: Ladykiller]
  • Spy: A keen warrior who specializes in extracting information and covert espionage. Weak in direct combat, but good stealth capabilities as well as charisma skills. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 74. [REQ: Rogue]
  • Stalker: A primal hunter specializing in tracking targets and binding them. Has a close bond with a (usually avian) companion to assist in scouting and tracking. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 57. [REQ: Ranger]
  • Summoner: A wielder of magic who calls forth lesser beings from other realms to do their bidding. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 70+. [REQ: Warlock]
  • Swordmaster: A practitioner of eastern swordsmanship who utilizes a defensive counter-based style and a massive collection of swords to deal significant damage. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 92. [REQ: Fighter]
  • Thaumaturge: A scholar of the inner workings of magic, capable of designing elaborate rituals and spells limited only by the imagination. On the battlefield, they have access to the Etherhacking school of magic, allowing them to control the battlefield through manipulating enemy rituals and magitech. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Total TP Cost: 52. [REQ: Wizard]
  • Trickster:
  • Whiteblood: A sorcerer whose blood comes from an ancestral lineage descended from an ethereal. Can use extremely powerful attacks, but needs a constant strong source of healing to be sustained. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 200; Base TP Cost: 63. Default Subclass TP Cost: 30. [REQ: Sorcerer, Divine Ancestry]
  • Whitebone: A warlock whose body has been fused with the holy artifact of a deity. Drawing upon its power infuses one's body with divine madness, granting extreme offensive capabilities at the cost of incredibly low defense. L*CON; Hit Dice 1d4; TP: 200; Base TP Cost: 52. Default Subclass TP Cost: 34. [REQ: Warlock, Divine Ayternia]
  • Witch Doctor:

Tier 3 Classes

Tier 3 Classes are the highest tier classes available, and have multiple prerequisite classes alongside other requirements such as items and quests. Instead of Feat Slots, you gain custom traits that affect your class as part of your unique questline associated with the class.
  • Ascendant: A master of Ki who has ascended beyond the material plane. Attacks enemies at their very soul, dealing physical and mental damage, and is capable of possession and other spiritual attacks. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 61. [REQ: Ki Master, Shard of Nirvana]
  • Behemoth of Fury: A warrior who channels their inner rage to radically transform their body for combat and tanking. Capable of insane feats of strength, as well as intimidation and inducing panic. 2Ld8+2L*CON; Hit Dice 1d12; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 70. [REQ: Primal Berserker, Heart of Unyielding Rage]
  • Bodhisattva:
  • Boss Fighting Savant: A master of the strange magic known as Flames of Fate, now adopting the latent power within four sacred weapons– the sword, the bow, the warhammer, and the ball. Capable of entering an advanced powered-up form known as “Crisis Mode”. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 69. [REQ: Demon Defeater, Aether Mask Artifact]
  • Blade of the Elements: A warrior of legend who infuses swordplay with elemental effects granted by his harem of female elemental spirits known as Pnymphs. Can wield multiple at once for devastating effects. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 55. [REQ: Spellsword, Gift of Silfin, Gift of Gnoxia, Gift of Undneira, Gift of Sulmondrii]
  • Bloodmage:
  • Champion:
  • Choleric:
  • Chronomancer:
  • Commander:
  • Divine Fist:
  • Dreamcrafter:
  • Duelist:
  • Entrancer:
  • Forcebender: A powerful sorcerer capable of manipulating the four fundamental forces of nature-- that of gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 47. [REQ: Elementalist, Exotic Matter Synthesizer]
  • Gacha Fighter:
  • Grand Magus:
  • Gunkata Fighter:
  • Housewife:
  • Journalist:
  • Living Blade: A deadly mercenary of inhuman strength who has mastered countless melee weapons. Capable of performing coordinated combos with Resonant partners to deal even more damage. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 59. [REQ: Ronin, Bloodstained Spade]
  • Magikineticist:
  • Makina Wielder:
  • Master Assassin: A master of stealth and knives, the master assassin expands upon the Ninja’s stealth and infiltration abilities, but also gains a plethora of more direct-combat-oriented skills. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 58. [REQ: Ninja, Headhunter's Sigil]
  • Master Surgeon:
  • Melancholic: An individual who has found control over the power of their deity/cryptid through meditative repression. The power of the deity/cryptid has been reined in, serving to strengthen and augment the user’s ability to take damage and act defensively. Ld4+L*(CON+CHA Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 52. [REQ: Blackblood/Blackbone/Whiteblood/Whitebone]
  • Mindwalker:
  • Necromancer:
  • Phlegmatic: An individual who has found control over the power of their deity/cryptid through emotional attunement and attachment with it. The power of the deity/cryptid has been refined into a supportive and healing role, capable of rejuvenating both user and allies. Ld2+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d6; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 56. [REQ: Blackblood/Blackbone/Whiteblood/Whitebone]
  • Politician:
  • Pope: A religious leader blessed and chosen by the gods to lead the masses and cleanse the impure from this world. Capable of using extremely powerful healing and buffing abilities, as well as withstanding even the fiercest attacks. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 65. [REQ: Bishop, Divine Mandate]
  • Renegade:
  • Riftbreaker: A lance-wielding hunter who seeks out the most fearsome targets in all the realms– Riftlords. Capable of opening portals and charging at impossible speeds, Riftbreakers utilize momentum, geometry, and spatial manipulation magic to slay cryptids of all kinds. Ld6+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d10; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 74. [REQ: Dragoon, Riftwalking Catalyst]
  • Sanguine:
  • Sketchshot:
  • Sniper:
  • Spirit Master:
  • Spiritwalker:
  • Spymaster: A cunning agent capable of extreme stealth and deception, including invisibility at will and faking their own death. Can deal high damage and incapacitate targets, but relies on sneak attacks. Utilizes specialized disguised weaponry such as briefcases and umbrellas. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 69. [REQ: Spy, Covert Operations Missive]
  • Strigiator:
  • Superstar:
  • Sword Saint: A fighter who has honed the way of the sword to its pinnacle. Can telekinetically control nine swords at once, projecting their melee power across the battlefield. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 52. [REQ: Swordmaster, Swordsage's Seal]
  • Templar: A member of a chivalric order of religious warrior-healers who rally the armies of god to burn out all that is evil. Utilizes team-based combo moves that require the participation of teammates in exchange for massive healing output and support capabilities. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 62. [REQ: Battle Priest, Certificate of Initiation]
  • Theomancer: A scholar of summoning magic who has forged a close relationship with multiple Ethereals, allowing one to call upon them in combat. Ld4+L*CON; Hit Dice 1d8; TP: 300; Total TP Cost: 54. [REQ: Summoner, Kaleomancy Degree with Minor in Theology]
  • Tormentor:
  • Trueshot Archer:
  • Warlord:
  • War Numen:

Class Level-Up XP Chart

Experience Level [Tier-Level]
0 1-1
300 1-2
900 1-3
2,700 1-4
6,500 1-5
14,000 1-6
23,000 1-7
34,000 1-8
48,000 1-9
64,000 1-10
85,000 1-11
100,000 1-12
120,000 1-13
140,000 1-14
165,000 1-15
195,000 1-16
225,000 1-17
265,000 1-18
305,000 1-19
355,000 1-20
405,000 2-1
455,000 2-2
505,000 2-3
560,000 2-4
620,000 2-5
680,000 2-6
740,000 2-7
810,000 2-8
880,000 2-9
950,000 2-10
1,020,000 2-11
1,090,000 2-12
1,170,000 2-13
1,250,000 2-14
1,330,000 2-15
1,410,000 2-16
1,490,000 2-17
1,570,000 2-18
1,660,000 2-19
1,750,000 2-20
1,840,000 3-1
1,930,000 3-2
2,020,000 3-3
2,110,000 3-4
2,200,000 3-5
2,300,000 3-6
2,400,000 3-7
2,500,000 3-8
2,600,000 3-9
2,700,000 3-10
2,800,000 3-11
2,900,000 3-12
3,000,000 3-13
3,110,000 3-14
3,220,000 3-15
3,330,000 3-16
3,440,000 3-17
3,550,000 3-18
3,660,000 3-19
3,770,000 3-20


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