Third Virnosian War Military Conflict in Kalin | World Anvil

Third Virnosian War

After the Sunless Day Atresa faced a successful assassination attempt against their Primor. The assassins used Elemental Flintlocks, a Virnosian weapon. This led to an increase in hostility between the two nations. This eventually bubbled over as Lord Thannor, the loser of the Primoral election, was used as an excuse to invade Atresa. He gathered almost a full third of the Virnosian army and invaded two locations: Brox Crossing and Castle Hyperios, leading to The Battle of Castle Hyperios and The Battle of Brox Crossing. Both battles went the way of the Atresa in a serious way with the introduction of a new Atresan weapon: Tanks. Lord Thannor was killed by Guild Hyperios at the Battle of Castle Hyperios and the battle was over. Brox Crossing was won by the timely intervention of, of all factions the Torva'Ne. In the aftermath of the battle the new Primor, Tutiro Cam, took the high road and began sending aid to Virnos, who suffered an unexplained magical explosion at the same time as the invasion, as well as an ongoing rebellion in the Virnosian poor quarter. This has led to a cooling of relations with the two factions, but many people call these two battles The Third Virnosian War, and this one was an unmitigated success for Atresa. Though most Virnosians viciously decline this assertion.

The Conflict


Following the assassination of the last Primor, Tutiro Cam was elected as the new Primor over Alsen Lastimora and Lord Thannor. Lord Thannor was then manipulated by Lindra Thalsor, formerly of Guild Hyperios, to defect to Virnos. After defecting Thannor came to some sort of agreement with the Grand Magus and managed to take a third of the Virnosian military with him and invaded Atresa. Ostensibly this was a ploy between him and the Grand Magus, with victory meaning the destruction of Virnos' primary rival, and defeat being on Thannor's head. In reality the entire was was a ploy by Lindra to destroy Hyperios.

The Engagement

The invasion force struck quick and deep, quickly overwhelming the Atresan border defenses. The Virnosian army then split into two parts. The much larger part marched towards Atresa itself to occupy its military while Lord Thannor and Lindra headed towards Castle Hyperios to kill Guild Hyperios.   This move was caught by the Atresans with the new help of the Wood Elves of the Torva'Ne. The new Primor, Tutiro Cam, had a force led by Alsen Lastimora and Baralas Oakenhollow go relieve Hyperios, becoming The Battle of Castle Hyperios. Meanwhile, Tutiro led the rest of his quickly assembled army in The Battle of Brox Crossing.   Both battles turned into complete Atresan victories, with the two Virnosian forces destroyed or captured. Simultaneously a large magical explosion rocked Virnos itself, caused by what is thought to be Technomancy experimentation. The result was Virnos now being in an extremely weak position as it had to contend with a rising Atresa and a disaster in its own capital.   Tutiro Cam offered terms almost immediately, and the Grand Magus accepted, ending the war in less than a fortnight.


Tutiro Cam was quick to capitalize on the victory and took a surprisingly magnanimous attitude towards Virnos, releasing their prisoners (though the Virnosian war equipment was kept by the Atresans) and even sending aid.   Between the crushing victories and magnanimity Atresa's star has been quick to rise, as the power dynamics of Southeast Kalin, once firmly in Virnos' favor, are now favoring the merchant Fallen City of Atresa.   On the Virnosian side of the equation, the city was wracked by a magical explosion, two major military defeats, and was soon contending with an outright uprising and rebellion from inside the poor quarter.


There have been grumblings among the Prime Lords and nobility of Atresa that Tutiro was too lenient with Virnos and that it was the perfect opportunity to destroy Virnos utterly. The people supported Tutiro however, and being victorious and prosperous was more than enough for them.
Conflict Type
Start Date
752 2A
Ending Date
752 2A
Conflict Result
Overwhelming Atresan Victory



Tens of thousands of infantry   Thousands of cavalry   Hundreds of Rangers of Virnos   Nearly a hundred airships   Dozens of Knights of Virnos.
Nearly 20,000 infantry   Thousands of Cavalry   Hundreds of Ne'Ira.   Dozens of Druids   Dozens of Airships   Thirty Tanks   Dozens of Airships


Complete. All forces involved were killed, wounded, or captured.
Less than ten thousand wounded, and less than four thousand dead.


Conquer Atresa
Conquer Atresa, Destroy Guild Hyperios.

Articles under Third Virnosian War