Knights of Virnos Technology / Science in Kalin | World Anvil

Knights of Virnos

Knights of Virnos are large machines, an unholy combination of technomancy and science. Standing several dozen feet tall Knights are terrifying on the battlefield, their shining red armor resplendent and their magically forged weapons terrifying.   However this power comes at a terrible cost. Knights are an unholy creation indeed. While the actual creation of the physical knights is mostly down to forging and machinery, what makes them work is insidious.   In order to give the machine movement Technomancers perform a ritual. The actual "Knight," usually a combat veteran drawn from the Virnosian military, is chosen as the primary driver of the machine. Then a weak-willed, usually prisoner and mentally deficient, is chosen. They are both sacrificed and their souls are put inside the machines to give them life and move them. The "Knight" mind is usually horribly mangled in this process, only leaving their battlefield abilities and their loyalty to the Technomancers and the Grand Magus.   During The Virnosian Rebellion, the construction hall used to create the Knights was destroyed by The Green Guard and Octavia Ghiacciato, and their further creation outlawed.   Despite this, the remaining Order of Technomancy still has many of the Knights, and reportedly still creates them aboard their air-dreadnought. Though this may just be anti-order propaganda.


Knights of Virnos are fearsome battlefield foes, easily ripping apart entire groups of enemies by themselves. Only the most heroic of warriors of numerous army can take them down.
Order of Technomancy
Access & Availability
Knights are an incredibly valuable strategic asset, and were only in usage in Virnos before the Rebellion. Only the Grand Magus and his inner circle knew the full truth about the Knights, and only those involved in their creation could confirm or deny the full extent of their abilities and creation process.
The creation of the Knight Chassis is a complicated forging process, but it pales in comparison to the ritual needed to bind the two spirits into the Knight itself.
The Knights of Virnos were created by the Order of Technomancy before the Second Virnosian War to give them a strategic edge over the Atresans.