Rangers of Virnos Organization in Kalin | World Anvil

Rangers of Virnos

Virnosian Rangers were the Ranger Corps of the Fallen City of Virnos. Unlike the Rangers of other nations and powers however Virnos Rangers are dreaded throughout the land.   Wearing simple robes over Technomancy enhanced metal armor the Virnosian Rangers are able to be unnaturally stealthy considering their equipment. Their helmets are enchanted and engineered to allow for much better sight and hearing, and they can breathe through enchanted mechanics that make them immune to many spells and poisons.   On top of this they use specially made Virnosian Elemental Flintlocks. Powerful weapons with deadly accuracy and range.   The organization, while once being dedicated to Virnos, is now a military arm of theOrder of Technomancy since the Order fled Virnos. The Technomancers supply and train new Rangers, who in turn help protect the order.    They are now often hunted by Wanderers, ex-Virnosian Rangers.   The number and organization of the Virnosian Rangers are closely held secrets of Order of Technomancy, but everyone knows the tales and legends of the Rangers, and a smart person fears them and respects them in equal measure.
Military, Special Operations Force
Alternative Names
Virnosian Rangers, Red-Cloaks
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization