Arnell Blackstone Character in Kalin | World Anvil

Arnell Blackstone

Arnell Blackstone (a.k.a. The Black Stone)

Born in Atresa Arnell has led a storied and honorable life. Born into the well known Blackstone family, Arnell had high expectations thrust on him early.   At 16 he joined the Atresan army, where he served as a squire to an Atresan Knight for two years until joining the army officially as a swordsman at 18.   After serving for four years he joined Guild Hyperios as a lower ranking member. Here he met Niah and sparked a life long friendship. They were together during the Guild mission to kill the Necromancer Yankir.   After killing Yankir the Guild was called to official active duty and its members put into the military to serve in the Second Virnosian War. Arnell served on the front lines as a swordsman and grew a reputation as an excellent swordsman and tactician.   After the war he continued to serve in the Guild as it slowly declined in quality over the years. Eventually the previous Guildmaster gave Arnell the rights to the guild. Around the same time Arnell's wife bore him a daughter, Emriel, who tragically died in childbirth.   Over the years Arnell regrew the guild, taking good jobs and growing the guilds reputation once again, though it was a shadow of what it once was still.   Fortunes began to shift for the guild over time as more members started to join, including Lindra Thalsor, Tomil Gevrenko, and Ian Kadu. Even Arnell's daughter joined when she came of age, much to Arnell's displeasure and to Niah's pride.   Fortunes quickly backpedaled after a few years as the guild suffered a surprise attack on Castle Hyperios by bandits, which Niah, Lindra, Ian, Tomil, and Arnell barely held off. Worse however was the ambush of the rest of the guild while they were on a job, killing all of the people on the job, including Arnell's daughter.   In a fit of rage Niah hunted down the bandits to the bandit camp with the rest of the guild, and lead a brutal attack on their hide out that left all of the bandits in ashes.   The next year was a quiet one, with Tomil, Niah, Lindra, and Ian doing what jobs they could with the numbers they had to keep money flowing as Arnell mourned.   After a year though opportunity struck with Arnell, due to some interesting circumstances, recruited new members of the guild via conscription to avoid them going to prison after causing a large brawl in the Atresan tavern "Wisp's Sips."   These members are the more well known members of Guild Hyperios who inadvertently played a role in the Third Virnosian War. Including the discovery that Lindra Thalsor was the one who had betrayed the guild and led to the deaths of many of the guild and Arnell's daughter. Lindra would die in The Battle of Castle Hyperios, and the chaos around her plot would lead to Tutiro Cam becoming Primor of Atresa.   After the battle Niah and Arnell gave up their control of the guild to Ian Kadu, and while Niah went to join Sorra on her quest Arnell stayed behind in Atresa to advise the young Primor Tutiro Cam.   Arnell participated in The Year of the Dragon, including being present for the Battle of Avolen due to his role as diplomat from Atresa.   Arnell served as a diplomat and advisor to Primor Cam for nearly a decade before finally retiring in 770 2A. Since then he has mostly spent his time attending to his house in Atresa and visiting with his friends from Guild Hyperios.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
695 2A 82 Years old
Current Residence
Light grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations