Horace the Songbird Character in Kalin | World Anvil

Horace the Songbird

The Songbird Horace

Horace was an oddity. He is in fact from the First Age, and was born in the same era that Queen Sullia ruled the land, just as the Arcane Rifts that proceeded the Great War began to plague the land. Little is known of his origins and he talked little of them.   What is known is that he arrived in the Second Age within 5 years of 755 2A. After his arrival he joined Guild Hyperios under mysterious circumstances and rose to prominence quickly while it battled Lindra Thalsor.   After surviving the Battle of Castle Hyperios Horace founded The Songbirds, and had spent a few years leading and training his new organization while helping also perform some management of Guild Hyperios.   In 753 2A Horace died under mysterious circumstances when he went on an expedition to a Torvish ruin with most of the Songbirds and a group of Guild Arexos hirelings. After his death the Songbirds were wrapped into Guild Hyperios.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Changes day to day
1262 1A 753 2A 2015 years old
Jirnia (Long Destroyed)
Current Residence
Castle Hyperios
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations